Gals on the Pill prefer, Pretty Pusses

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Well okay then, perhaps I've changed it some but the meaning is pretty well the same....:eusa_shifty:

The actual title of the study/article is, Women on Birth Control Pill Less Attracted to "Masculine Men".

(A snippet of the article reads)
Scientists from the University of Sheffield in the U.K. said the Pill’s hormones have suppressed a female’s interest in ‘masculine’ men, making ‘boyish’ men more attractive.

Study: Women on Birth Control Pill Less Attracted to 'Masculine' Men - Sex | Erectile Dysfunction | Sexual Health -

Ah, the sweet memories of youth, the pill is introduced, mini skirts, bra's ripped off, women become liberated and we men mere pawns is their lustful fantasies...:party:

But then the change, the women's movement, the emasculation of men dawns it's rueful head, masculine men are bringing us down, we want trained men and

Now cougars and pretty boys, all because of the "pill"...:question:........:hmpf:............ :popcorn: ..Lump
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I read that article, and while it kinda makes sense, there are so many factors affecting love and lust, that the pill alone cannot be responsible for the "rise" (yes, pun intended) of the beta male.

Remember the term "metrosexual". It sounded sexy, but as an old gal, all it meant to me was self absorbed mommy's boy. I like real men!
I read that article, and while it kinda makes sense, there are so many factors affecting love and lust, that the pill alone cannot be responsible for the "rise" (yes, pun intended) of the beta male.

Remember the term "metrosexual". It sounded sexy, but as an old gal, all it meant to me was self absorbed mommy's boy. I like real men!

I think it's interesting that you say, I like real men, the question arises (Pun?), nowadays, how do women define, a real man? The inspiration for a new thread.

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