Gaby pacheco, how dare you. I


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

I am watching Monday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration policy and Gaby Pacheco tearfully has the audacity and unmitigated gall to claim our immigration system is broken because 11.9 million people entered the country illegally or over stayed their visas and that they are entitled to amnesty.
Insinuating all the 11.9 million illegal aliens are all hard working law abiding people with poor little innocent children and should be put on a path to citizenship. Our prisons or full of illegal aliens. Our streets are filled with gangs dealing in drugs and committing other crimes and filled with murderers and rapist. Amnesty with family reunification would bankrupt this economy adding to unemployment and draining our welfare, education, healthcare and legal system. I am sorry that their country has failed to provide for them but that is not a reason for our broken government system to make that the problem of millions of hard working Americans who are working toward their American dream
I am listening to the crap being thrown around by Latino organizations like La Raza, illegal aliens, church leaders and our leaders in government and I am appalled.
If Gaby Pacheco was in the shadows, she would not be on national television. They would not be in the open working, sending their children to school, going to hospital emergency rooms, protesting in Washington DC in front of the White House? She calls herself an activist, I call her and other illegal aliens terrorists.
How to Comp. Immig. Reform plan to bring millions of criminals our of the shadows and voluntarily undergo background checks? This bill should not even be up for discussion. It should be trashed.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, our immigration laws are “moral” but those breaking them are “immoral” Sen. Leahy and the gang of 8 is the prefect example why old white men should not be running this country.

Waivers for “hardship” means blind amnesty.

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