Gabby Giffords

Thanks to lots of government spending, trauma medicine has made incredible strides.

What strides have been made as the result of government spending?

Try listing just one.

The WARS they say they hate have seen many medical breakthroughs. But they aren't gonna openly tout that side of it.

Yes, nothing like unfettered blodshed and permanant injuries to our soldiers to advance medicall care.
Thanks to lots of government spending, trauma medicine has made incredible strides.

What strides have been made as the result of government spending?

Try listing just one.

I just did you fucking idiot. Trauma medicine. I've got dozens more, but lets see you piss on our fighting forces. Tell them that government investment in this critical research hasn't created strides.

You said "strides in trauma medicine," imbecile. That implies a series of discreet improvements. So far as I know, government hasn't invested a dime in researching treatment for trauma. All the improvements are the result of experience in the field.
Why is she admirable?

Why don't you read her bio, and tell us why she's not to be admired for her service and her personal strength?

Because its so much easier to demand to be spoon fed and then whine when no one rushes to do your bidding.

Avatar - if you care, look it up. If not, that's fine too but don't tell me that I should do your friggin homework for you. Grow up and take responsibility for what you say and do.

How DARE anyone bring useless $arah Palin into a thread about Gabby Giffords.

How DARE you rw's blame anyone else for what $arah did to herself.

She is where she belongs - that dung heap we all know as fux. And, she's making a bundle off of the stupidity of the rw. $he has nothing to bitch about and neither do those of you who worship idiots.

It's not my job to support your positions. I ask you to support your claims and you can't. You don't even bother trying. And yet somehow you think it's my responsibility.

I didnt bring up Sarah Palin. Jake did. And Sarah didnt do anything to herself or anyone else. She isnt bitching about anything.

Do you guys even think about what you're trying to say? Or do you just ramble incoherently?

I dont think it's so difficult to have you support your position. If I think someone is amirable, I can tell you exactly why I admire them. I dont have to tell you guys to go look up why I think the way I do. The same is true if I say someone has done so much for us. I cant cite specific things they have done.

Why are you going to such lengths to avoid answering the questions?
[ame=]Gabby Giffords DNC Pledge of Allegiance: Delegates Moved at Democratic National Convention - YouTube[/ame]
What Senator?

ok my mistake....the Representative...these people are all alike.....after a while they all start sounding and looking alike....

What a sad attitude that is. That's the way Rs are but your sad and empty opinion about your elected officials is all the more reason why you should have gotten to know Gabby before --

So why should he have gotten to know Gabby before? Because you say so? What significant things has she accomplished?
Oh fuck off.

I'm sick of you mentally and physically LAZY rw's.

When I lived in Tucson, I followed her every move. I had planned to be at her event that day but had a conflict and didn't go.

You don't know even one tiny detail about her but you've already decided to hate her because she is a Democrat.

Believe whatever the fuck you want.

If you have access to the interWebs, you can go to a very mysterious place called GOOGLEfuckingDOTcom and just like the grownups, you too can EDUCATE YOURownSELF.

or not.


Its time for you rw's to start taking responsibility for your own words and your own actions. You just love to blame the L for what YOU do but I'm not your enabler.

No one has said anything about hating her. Can you read at all? If you've followed her every move, it shouldnt be difficult to tell us what exactly she has done. You are the one making the claim that she has done so much for us. Yet you cant answer the question. If someone who has followed her every move can't answer what she is done, why would you expect us to?
[ame=]Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Steps Down from Congress - YouTube[/ame]
She just led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Very few dry eyes in the place and its been packed for hours.

What a heart breaker. That woman has done so much for people.

She got shot but a nutjob leftwinger....good for her.....sainthood next?
She is certainly due sympathy as a victim. The idea of our public representatives being targeted for violence is especially significant and troubling. Mindless lefties here trying to use the woman's unfortunate experience to make some empty political statement is beyond distasteful and disrespectful. The fact that some of the biggest mouths couldn't even provide any reference for their emotive claims is quite telling.
She is certainly due sympathy as a victim. The idea of our public representatives being targeted for violence is especially significant and troubling. Mindless lefties here trying to use the woman's unfortunate experience to make some empty political statement is beyond distasteful and disrespectful. The fact that some of the biggest mouths couldn't even provide any reference for their emotive claims is quite telling.

i agree. the fact that they were offended that someone would question them is even more telling.
What strides have been made as the result of government spending?

Try listing just one.

I just did you fucking idiot. Trauma medicine. I've got dozens more, but lets see you piss on our fighting forces. Tell them that government investment in this critical research hasn't created strides.

You said "strides in trauma medicine," imbecile. That implies a series of discreet improvements. So far as I know, government hasn't invested a dime in researching treatment for trauma. All the improvements are the result of experience in the field.

You don't know because you're a moron. Damn straight the military is doing tremendous research in trauma medicine. You're one of the stupidest people alive.

Get yourself a clue, and see what work is being done at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences alone.
I just did you fucking idiot. Trauma medicine. I've got dozens more, but lets see you piss on our fighting forces. Tell them that government investment in this critical research hasn't created strides.

You said "strides in trauma medicine," imbecile. That implies a series of discreet improvements. So far as I know, government hasn't invested a dime in researching treatment for trauma. All the improvements are the result of experience in the field.

You don't know because you're a moron. Damn straight the military is doing tremendous research in trauma medicine. You're one of the stupidest people alive.

Get yourself a clue, and see what work is being done at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences alone.

You still haven't listed any of these "strides" or any research, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You said "strides in trauma medicine," imbecile. That implies a series of discreet improvements. So far as I know, government hasn't invested a dime in researching treatment for trauma. All the improvements are the result of experience in the field.

You don't know because you're a moron. Damn straight the military is doing tremendous research in trauma medicine. You're one of the stupidest people alive.

Get yourself a clue, and see what work is being done at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences alone.

You still haven't listed any of these "strides" or any research, moron.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I just did, you pathetic moron. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences does many trauma studies, as well as basic science. I also suggest you look at the work of the Army's Combat Casualty Care Research Program.

You're a total fucking idiot.
What I am most amazed about here is the unwillingness to address honest questions. I suppose I shouldn't be. But I've always been convinced that Thomas Jefferson is correct:

“Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear”

If we should honestly question anything, what is wrong with questioning the premises here? Is it because she was shot? I dont think being shot necessarily makes you any more inspiring or establishing how much you've supposedly done for us all. It seems like a cheap emotional reaction when people cant answer honest questions.

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