Further FBI Prosecutorial Bias / Hypocrisy Exposed ...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Proving 'Lying To the FBI' is not the same thing as 'Lying to the FBI', Flynn was indicted for 'LYING to the FBI' when he lied to FBI Agent Peter Strzok ... while Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were not indicted for 'Lying To The FBI' when they lied to FBI Agent Peter Strzok

Why weren't Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills charged when they lied to Peter Strzok and the FBI? - Hot Air

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, the FBI agent recently fired - in the midst of having an adulterous affair - by Special Prosecutor Mueller for exposed extreme political Pro-Hillary Anti-Trump bias.

Agent Strzok is also the agent who was part of the interviewing team that ended up having Flynn incited for 'Lying to the FBI'.

Agent Strzok is also the FBI Agent who criminally altered the Hillary Clinton Investigation's report, changing the language within the report stating Hillary had been GROSSLY NEGLIGENT' in handling classified - a Federal Crime - to read ''extreme negligence', which saved Hillary's ass from going to jail.

And - lo and behold - we now find out that extremely biased Pro-Hillary FBI Agent Strzok, who interviewed both Hillary aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills - and caught them perpetrating Felony Perjury by 'Lying to the FBI' ... refused to /indict / have THEM Charged with 'Lying to the FBI'.

Gee, I thought the LAW applied to all Americans equally....and here we come to find out that it only applies to Conservatives / Republicans...


Ya know, every time something roguishly shady - criminal - goes down within the FBI regarding the Trump accusations / witch Hunt and regarding Hillary's crimes, it appears that Strzok has been right there when it goes down.... What a coincidence...

Proof Emerges That Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills Lied to the FBI
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That right there is all the grounds Trump needs to fire Mueller, shut down the investigation and have Session bring charges against Strzok, Comey and Mueller
We have a corrupted FBI...it must be turned upside down and all of the deep state Obamabots sent packing...
'Lying Under Oath' = Perjury

...oddly enough, Democrats / the FBI is proving there are 2 types of 'Lying to the FBI' / 'Perjury', one that is completely ignored by Democrats who perpetrate the crime, and one that Liberals use to convict 'Scooter Libby's when their witch hunts fail to produce any evidence / conviction of their primary targets. :p


Hillary Clinton top aide Huma Abedin committed Perjury
Hillary Clinton aide Cheryly Mills committed Perjury
Obama NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury
US AG Eric Holder lied under oath committed perjury
Obama CIA Director John Brennan committed perjury
Obama Director of the IRS John Koskinin committed perjury

Proof Emerges That Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills Lied to the FBI


Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

The IRS Commissioner Belongs in Prison
The RNC and DNC should be forced to pay for every cent of this "investigation" and the leadership of both parties should be jailed for allowing this.
Mueller's Investigation Is LITERALLY BURNING DOWN Around Him.......

Email from special counsel’s No. 2 shows more anti-Trump bias on Russia probe team

'A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting attorney general Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.'

A top prosecutor who is now a deputy for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe praised then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she was fired in January by President Trump for refusing to defend his controversial travel ban.

The email, obtained by Judicial Watch through a federal lawsuit, shows that on the night of Jan. 30, Andrew Weissmann wrote to Yates under the subject line, “I am so proud.”
“Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” he said in a statement. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans?”

Mueller deputy praised DOJ official after she defied Trump travel ban order: 'I am so proud'

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