Trump and Obama TIED on Approval Rating at same time in their terms


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports™

On December 5th 2009 Rasmussen Polling had Obama at a net -14 "Approval Rating"; and

Today, December 5, 2017---at the same point in the First Term of their Presidencies, Trump has exactly the same "Approval Rating."

This is noteworthy because The New York Media, which controls virtually all of the National Information Flow--pretty much everything except FOX----from which Americans get the information by which they form their opinions---the New York Media:

1) Performed Virtual Fellatio on Obama every single day leading up to his "Approval Rating"; and

2) Hates Trump with such a passion that it has abandoned ALL journalistic standards in reporting on him. (For example, JUST TODAY----That Sub-Reptillian Intellect--Mica Bryziski....on MSNBC's Morning Joe is reported to have said that Trump and his whole Team would be spending the rest of their lives in prison!)

The point being that Trump actually matching Obama in "Approval Rating", in the face of a Media which has turned into nothing more than a Goebbels-like Propaganda Arm of the Democratic nothing short of miraculous.


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