Further actual proof... the MSM bias against Trump and FOR Biden...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I did a google search on the below: Results : 922,000
Screen Shot 2021-10-06 at 8.27.00 AM.png

But a similar search results 8,260,000 or nearly 9 times the results "Biden owes $500,000"
So why doesn't the MSM make a big deal out of Biden "OWING" not alleged $500,000 in back taxes?
Well another reason is the MSM donated 96% to Hillary in 2016, she lost, the MSM spent 4 years putting out more
negative Trump news..see facts:
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden.
Screen Shot 2021-10-06 at 8.23.40 AM.png
And this is "news" to you? Will you cry next or what?
How about you start your own media and support who you want like they do? What a novel idea.
I did a google search on the below: Results : 922,000
View attachment 548143

But a similar search results 8,260,000 or nearly 9 times the results "Biden owes $500,000"
So why doesn't the MSM make a big deal out of Biden "OWING" not alleged $500,000 in back taxes?
Well another reason is the MSM donated 96% to Hillary in 2016, she lost, the MSM spent 4 years putting out more
negative Trump news..see facts:
The study found that about 19% of the coverage of Biden's first 60 days days has been negative over the first 60 days of his administration, which ranked best among presidents of the last three decades.
Former Presidents Bill Clinton (28%),
George W. Bush (28%),
Barack Obama (20%), and
Donald Trump (62%) all saw more negative coverage than Biden.
View attachment 548145

Everything Trump tried to do was unConstitutional, chaotic, full of corruption, and an abject failure. Added to which Trump threw hissy fits when the press called him on his lies, of which there were 30,000. Any attempts for anyone to question or criticize Trump about anything, resulted in him stonewalling all questions on what he was doing, and when it all blew up in his face, he refused to accept any responsibility for his failures.

Trump is responsible for generating his own bad press, especially with the lies - most of which were unnecessary.
Hey man. Your premise is 100% correct but your methodology is flawed.

When you add additional key words, your search gets more hits.

Try it with adding a word to almost any search.


Everything Trump tried to do was unConstitutional, chaotic, full of corruption, and an abject failure. Added to which Trump threw hissy fits when the press called him on his lies, of which there were 30,000. Any attempts for anyone to question or criticize Trump about anything, resulted in him stonewalling all questions on what he was doing, and when it all blew up in his face, he refused to accept any responsibility for his failures.

Trump is responsible for generating his own bad press, especially with the lies - most of which were unnecessary.
Everything Trump tried to do was unConstitutional,

Prove it, lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit.
Everything Trump tried to do was unConstitutional, chaotic, full of corruption, and an abject failure. Added to which Trump threw hissy fits when the press called him on his lies, of which there were 30,000. Any attempts for anyone to question or criticize Trump about anything, resulted in him stonewalling all questions on what he was doing, and when it all blew up in his face, he refused to accept any responsibility for his failures.

Trump is responsible for generating his own bad press, especially with the lies - most of which were unnecessary.
1) Please give me the link which shows Trump lied 30,000 times. Simple math shows according to you dumb ass claim Trump would have made 20 unique claims per day to reach 30,000!
Were you around Trump for the 1,461 days in the 4 years of Trump's presidency? Were you with Trump every day for 1,461 days 18 hours a day? If not you are full of crap!
2) Now as far once again you make a dumb ass comment..."Everything Trump tried"...

Finally tell me how you can truly and honestly look at gas prices in your area having gone up 48% since last year
that is Trump's fault?
You evidently don't know that on 1/27/21 Biden signed a stop on exploration on land that provide 25% of the USA
gas consumption. And today Biden is begging OPEC to increase the USA importation of OPEC gas!
Aug 11 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden's administration on Wednesday urged OPEC and its allies to boost oil output to tackle rising gasoline prices that they see as a threat to the global economic recovery.
REALLY dumb!
President Trump was the first president in 62 years to see the USA energy independent.
And again UNLIKE your dumb ass comments with NO LINKS!!!
he United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957

See you as the dummy you are NEVER provide any links to substantiate your wild and totally wrong comments!
Oh and by the way here is another FACT about Trump's effective actions. REDUCED RULES and regulations
and increased Regulatory deregulations!

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