Furry Women..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?
:lol::lol::lol:Yes the pill does mess with your natural hormones and meat products, the majority, also have hormones in it so it cam throw of the estrogen, progesterone balance.
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?
:lol::lol::lol:Yes the pill does mess with your natural hormones and meat products, the majority, also have hormones in it so it cam throw of the estrogen, progesterone balance.

My wife has never taken the pill, (please..:eusa_pray:) don't tell her I said this but she does have some peach fuzz..:lol:

Sometimes.. I just can't believe what you Gals go through.. it looks like torture..
yet another weird, creepy, misogynist thread from the lumpster...

Jillian.. Frequently, you're just mean for no reason at all...

I recommend you put me on ignore, I'd appreciate it...
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

Women have less testosterone than men, thus less hair. But we still don't like it because men accuse us of being furry.

Hair is what protects the largest organ--the skin--from potential damage from foreign objects and critters, which is why cavemen were extremely furry. If they weren't, they would have been scratched by vegetation and attacked by bugs even more. Lesson over.
Hair is what protects the largest organ--the skin--from potential damage from foreign objects and critters, which is why cavemen were extremely furry. If they weren't, they would have been scratched by vegetation and attacked by bugs even more. Lesson over.

True on the history lesson. However, we are no longer the neanderthals who required that much hair to protect our bodies from the natural world around us. Therefore, the vast majority of the hair on the human body has become largely unnecessary due to clothing, changes in society, etc....

Now, the the OP's original topic....

Just as being "plump" and having the most fair-skinned complexion was the height of beauty during the middle ages, being as hairless as possible has now become the height of beauty "standards". Largely for the same reason.

Being "plump" and of fair complexion in the Middle Ages were signs that one had the means to eat often and in great quantity. Being fair-skinned meant you were of sufficient means that you weren't out constantly toiling under the oppressive sun all day working. Likewise, hair removal can be a costly and time consuming process. It is something that must be maintained regularly for most people. Therefore, having the time, interest, and money to be able to upkeep one's appearance in as hairless a fashion as possible shows a certain implied higher level of "class" and "distinction" in today's society.
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

So are you saying you like furry women?
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?
:lol::lol::lol:Yes the pill does mess with your natural hormones and meat products, the majority, also have hormones in it so it cam throw of the estrogen, progesterone balance.

My wife has never taken the pill, (please..:eusa_pray:) don't tell her I said this but she does have some peach fuzz..:lol:

Sometimes.. I just can't believe what you Gals go through.. it looks like torture..
Yeah it is, hot wax:eek:
yet another weird, creepy, misogynist thread from the lumpster...

Jillian.. Frequently, you're just mean for no reason at all...

I recommend you put me on ignore, I'd appreciate it...

*sniff* poor baby.

maybe you should just try not posting weird misogynist stuff if you have a problem with being called on it. I'd recommend it and I know WE'D appreciate it.
Hair is what protects the largest organ--the skin--from potential damage from foreign objects and critters, which is why cavemen were extremely furry. If they weren't, they would have been scratched by vegetation and attacked by bugs even more. Lesson over.

True on the history lesson. However, we are no longer the neanderthals who required that much hair to protect our bodies from the natural world around us. Therefore, the vast majority of the hair on the human body has become largely unnecessary due to clothing, changes in society, etc....

Now, the the OP's original topic....

Just as being "plump" and having the most fair-skinned complexion was the height of beauty during the middle ages, being as hairless as possible has now become the height of beauty "standards". Largely for the same reason.

Being "plump" and of fair complexion in the Middle Ages were signs that one had the means to eat often and in great quantity. Being fair-skinned meant you were of sufficient means that you weren't out constantly toiling under the oppressive sun all day working. Likewise, hair removal can be a costly and time consuming process. It is something that must be maintained regularly for most people. Therefore, having the time, interest, and money to be able to upkeep one's appearance in as hairless a fashion as possible shows a certain implied higher level of "class" and "distinction" in today's society.

A very inteluatiaul response. :)

How about the simple answer: It feels better.

I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?

So are you saying you like furry women?

Ah.. I like my wife just the way she is..

I do find dark mustaches on women distracting...
How about the simple answer: It feels better.

See, that depends on whose viewpoint you're looking at it from. Honestly most guys are NOT looking at it from the standpoint of whether or not it's more comfortable for the woman. They may be looking at it from the standpoint of their own comfort, but hers really doesn't play into the equation.
I see all these adds for hair removal for the ladies.. wax, laser, ripping them out with some electric spring thingy (looks like torture)..etc.

So.. what's the deal, are women furrier nowadays?

If so why.. the Pill maybe?
I don't think women are furrier than they've ever been. It's just that the beauty industry has hit opon another way to make women feel insecure about their looks so they can make money selling them their products.
The way I look at it is this. Women have steps that we can take - if we choose to - to improve on our physical appearance. Men, on the other hand.... well.... if they're ugly, they're ugly for life.
yet another weird, creepy, misogynist thread from the lumpster...

^^^^ I would like to know the answer to that too.

Lump, what is it with your obsessively misogynistic shit?

This misogynist bullshit charge bugs me... I love the Ladies...I have a wife and 3 beautiful daughters..sheez

I was watching an infomercial on laser hair removal (I don't know why.. ah.. the TV remote was across the room), it's obviously an issue, so I posted a message. I had no intention at misogyny, just opening up the issue for discussion..:eusa_eh:
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Men, on the other hand.... well.... if they're ugly, they're ugly for life.

CG, yep.... and trust me you women are none too quiet about letting us know about it either.

I have a full facial birthmark. For the untrained that means the skin on my face, from ear to ear and from the corners of my lips up over the crown of my head is a burgundy/maroon color. It always has been and always will be.

To say that it has been one of the foremost impediments to my relationship life would be something of an understatement. I'll leave you folks with but one example.....

Back about a decade and a half ago I was set up on a blind date by a co-worker of mine who informed me that she had been very open and honest about my appearance and that my date-to-be had no problem with it. When I arrived at the door of this date's condo, she looked me up and down (I was dressed quite nicely), the proceeded to tell me "I would rather date and mate with my DOG than someone who looks like YOU!!!" before slamming the door in my face.

So please don't tell me that it's only men who care about the appearance of the people around them.

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