Funny Pro 2nd Amendment Memes

Well then, let's hear that logic in action! Please explain to us, using simple words so we can understand, how the concept of causal chain justifies gun free zones and more importantly, how they deter evil people from doing bad things.

For those who are not as learned nor as intelligent as you clearly are, here's what Webster has to say about the legal definition of chain of causation: the causal connection between an original cause and its subsequent effects especially as a basis for criminal or civil liability.

Enlighten us oh logical one!

The original cause of the murder is the gun. Without the gun there would be no murder, no need for gun free zones. The causal chain begins with the cause, and the cause is the gun. Take the gun away and the entire chain collapses.
/——/ Except for the home made explosives...

Show me one mass shooting that has occurred without a gun.

Not attacks or murders in general: mass shootings.
/——/ Show me one plane crash without a plane. Show me one vehicular homicide without a vehicle. Show me one stabbing without a knife. Show me one scrambled egg without an egg....

Show me one plane that crashed without a pilot. Show me one incident of vehicular homicide without a driver. Show me a stabbing without a stabber.

Show me a scrambled egg that was, you know, scrambled!

God you're dumb.
/----/ I'm responding to this idiotic post: "Show me one mass shooting that has occurred without a gun."
/----/ Those kids are dead because of your liberal policies. Part of being liberal is never admitting your policies are failures. You just double down on stupidity.
Those kids are dead because of the gun. Period. End of.
/——/ So if the crazy had used homemade pipe bombs the kids would still be alive?
You're deflecting. Mass shootings. Anytime, anywhere, ever over time, without a gun. Come on, show me one mass shooting without a gun.
/——/ I’m not deflecting. The crazy loon was determined to kill at his old school. He would have found a different method.
So you make it easiest for him to go ahead with his murderous plans by providing a semi-automatic military assault weapon at a cheap price and throw in lots of ammunition? How nice of you, to help a depraved murderer out that way.
/----/ If the Gubmnt had done its job he would have been denied access to the guns.

Um, Ft. Hood was an Army base, and the only guys shooting it up were people who were STATIONED THERE! That the Army taught how to use guns!
The difference is our memes are based on reality - yours are just distorted views.

Yeah, your reality is one where most of the rest of the world where they've already figured this out doesn't exist.

/——-/ you quote the Onion and expect us to take you seriously? Go live somewhere else that bans guns if you’re so skered
It is the gun nuts who are scared. They're scared of life. So scared they have to carry around guns to feel safe. Stupid. Silly. Childish.
/——/That’s the best you got? Childish insults? Keep up the good work
I'm not insulting you when I say you're scared of life. I'm making a statement of fact. It is the only logical explanation for why gun nuts cling to guns when they are absolutely unnecessary. Being scared of life is silly, immature, foolish. That's a fact. There is nothing logical in being afraid of life. You take what I said as an insult because you can't see your foolish behavior. But it's not an insult. It is a statement of FACT.

So, if I have a fire extinguisher, am I scared of a fire?

/——-/ you quote the Onion and expect us to take you seriously? Go live somewhere else that bans guns if you’re so skered
It is the gun nuts who are scared. They're scared of life. So scared they have to carry around guns to feel safe. Stupid. Silly. Childish.
/——/That’s the best you got? Childish insults? Keep up the good work
I'm not insulting you when I say you're scared of life. I'm making a statement of fact. It is the only logical explanation for why gun nuts cling to guns when they are absolutely unnecessary. Being scared of life is silly, immature, foolish. That's a fact. There is nothing logical in being afraid of life. You take what I said as an insult because you can't see your foolish behavior. But it's not an insult. It is a statement of FACT.
/——/ I’m not afraid of life. Stop locking your front door. What are you afraid of? Stop wearing a seat belt. What are you afraid of?
I'm not afraid of anything. I've lived on my own for years. I've traveled all over the world independently. I've lived in 6 different countries outside the US: and I've never felt the need to carry a weapon or have one in my home. Being so afraid of life you need a firearm in your home and to carry around with you is not rational, not reasonable, not based in reality.

I bet that dead football coach that tried to shield those kids in Florida would disagree with you right about now, if he could.

When did he become radicalised and why was nothing done about it?

I just explained that to you... oh, never mind.

No one is defending mad men. We defend our right to protect ourselves with firearms. Your sorry ass mentions fort Hood and your hero shooter but never mention that the victims were all unarmed. Coward liar.

Naw, man if everyone walked around an Army base packing, there'd probably be a lot of dead officers and NCO's who let their power get to their heads. It's why they only hand out the Ammo in controlled circumstances...

So, the military is scared that the soldiers will have access to guns?

Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Uh, guy... I just explained that the army only hands out the guns under VERY CONTROLLED CIRCUMSTANCES.

Do like NONE of you people actually know how to read beyond a fifth grade level?
If every American at every job in America had a gun I wonder how many more workplace shootings we would have every day. I imagine they wouldn’t fire people in person anymore. They will call you at home so you don’t shoot up the place.

But here's the major difference. Most workplaces have internal locking doors that can only be opened by key cards, and which someone could completely lock down with the press of the button. The workplace has evolved (not in a good way) to deal with the potential of mass shooters - Security guards, locking doors, etc.

And we just accept this as the "New Normal". Because heaven forbid people like the OP not be able to buy as many guns as she wants.
When did he become radicalised and why was nothing done about it?

I just explained that to you... oh, never mind.

No one is defending mad men. We defend our right to protect ourselves with firearms. Your sorry ass mentions fort Hood and your hero shooter but never mention that the victims were all unarmed. Coward liar.

Naw, man if everyone walked around an Army base packing, there'd probably be a lot of dead officers and NCO's who let their power get to their heads. It's why they only hand out the Ammo in controlled circumstances...

So, the military is scared that the soldiers will have access to guns?

Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Uh, guy... I just explained that the army only hands out the guns under VERY CONTROLLED CIRCUMSTANCES.

Do like NONE of you people actually know how to read beyond a fifth grade level?
Bull shit. Soldiers should be armed to be able to stop back shooters like you. You claim you are ex military, how close did you come to fragging your CO?
When did he become radicalised and why was nothing done about it?

I just explained that to you... oh, never mind.

No one is defending mad men. We defend our right to protect ourselves with firearms. Your sorry ass mentions fort Hood and your hero shooter but never mention that the victims were all unarmed. Coward liar.

Naw, man if everyone walked around an Army base packing, there'd probably be a lot of dead officers and NCO's who let their power get to their heads. It's why they only hand out the Ammo in controlled circumstances...

So, the military is scared that the soldiers will have access to guns?

Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Uh, guy... I just explained that the army only hands out the guns under VERY CONTROLLED CIRCUMSTANCES.

Do like NONE of you people actually know how to read beyond a fifth grade level?

Handing out guns to soldiers doesn't sound stupid to you? Never mind...

Handing out guns to soldiers doesn't sound stupid to you? Never mind...

Um, yeah...


They handed out the weapons on a range.

The ammo wasn't handed out until you got to the firing line.

You had to then be searched to make sure you weren't taking any ammo or even the brass cartridges off the range with you.

And hey, the thing is, that's why base shootings are relatively rare.
Handing out guns to soldiers doesn't sound stupid to you? Never mind...

Um, yeah...


They handed out the weapons on a range.

The ammo wasn't handed out until you got to the firing line.

You had to then be searched to make sure you weren't taking any ammo or even the brass cartridges off the range with you.

And hey, the thing is, that's why base shootings are relatively rare.
And the only reason why they are fatal. Which is fine with scum like you.

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