Full Blown Panic Mode


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.
Schiff has ties to a Ukrainian company that is actively targeting Trump. Schiff is a traitor-spy and needs to be removed by force.

Demcorats are the ones in panic mode.. all their lies have failed and this one will too as Schiff was exposed yesterday as a traitor and a spy for a foreign nation.
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.
Trump's list of spies and treasonists is getting long. He and his consigliari Barr must be considering a real time caper like the one in The Godfather christening scene. No wonder Trump defended the Kashoggi murder by his buddy who buys lots of stuff from him and rents his hotels by the floor for weeks.
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.

Yeah. "Any day now" :auiqs.jpg:
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.
Trump's list of spies and treasonists is getting long. He and his consigliari Barr must be considering a real time caper like the one in The Godfather christening scene. No wonder Trump defended the Kashoggi murder by his buddy who buys lots of stuff from him and rents his hotels by the floor for weeks.

What did the Kashoggi incident have to do with the United States?
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.

Yeah. "Any day now" :auiqs.jpg:

X 365

X 3
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting
about his possible impeachment
Possible impeachment? So there really was no actual crime? There won't be any impeachment, there is no grounds whatsoever, just more Leftist smoke and mirrors hoping to misdirect the attention of the nation, cloud the issues, and keep the Trump Administration from getting any closer to revealing the corruption of the DNC.
—along with calls for civil war
Is that what you call fighting back against an illegal coup?
and a demand to meet the whistleblower
What whistleblower? There is no whistleblower. Just a carefully staged leaker putting out a false story using the term whistleblower because it makes it sound like a patriot serving justice against a corrupt president instead of a spy trying to undermine his country. And it allows you to hide him. Won't work.
Getting the truth out which you cannot stop.
It won’t be long now dotard.
2016 - It won’t be long now dotard.
2017 - It won’t be long now dotard.
2018 - It won’t be long now dotard.
Mueller's Russia Investigation - It won’t be long now dotard.
2019 - It won’t be long now dotard.

The Whistleblower Ploy: Merely Russiagate 2.0. :bigbed:
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Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.

President Pence.

President Pence.

Sounds great.

And....after the elections are over and conservatives own both houses....

Ginsburg dies and a john bircher who makes robert bork look moderate is appointed to the scotus.
Trump wished Pelosi impeached Bush, and was angry she didn't.

Then he spent years trying to prove Obama was disqualified to be President by perpetuating the hoax Obama was born in Kenya.

Listening to Trump and his tard herd whine nowadays while karma kicks him in the nuts is pleasing to my ears.
Having spent the weekend rage-tweeting about his possible impeachment—along with calls for civil war and a demand to meet the whistleblower—Donald Trump kicked off the workweek by tweeting out yet another conspiracy theory, and, because why the hell not, a demand to have House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff arrested for treason:

Trump ratcheting up the crazy on Twitter: Wants Adam Schiff arrested for treason

It won’t be long now dotard.
Trump's list of spies and treasonists is getting long. He and his consigliari Barr must be considering a real time caper like the one in The Godfather christening scene. No wonder Trump defended the Kashoggi murder by his buddy who buys lots of stuff from him and rents his hotels by the floor for weeks.

What did the Kashoggi incident have to do with the United States?
Kashoggi was a green-card resident of this country and worked for an American Corporation. You know that, billy. I'm sure you see no contradiction in Trump's wimpy speeches at the UN about developing Democracy and civil rights all over the world, then comes home to bloviate with flying spit about critics being traitors and spies and arrests for members of Congress. Both his faces have forked tongues.

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