Fuel-less lighter


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2015
Smoking is not the best habit first of all. If you smoke, stop.

I post this to show new technology that will likely have other applications and what happens when someone thinks out of the box. A lighter that never needs fuel, you recharge it with USB.

Shadow X Lighter
I keep a Bic lighter, a knife, and a tube of Chapstick on me at all times. The needs of a sailor, even one a million miles from the sea.
$56 for one? No thanks. The price will have to come way down.

The only thing it really has going for it, over a butane lighter, is the windproof part. And if you're constantly using it, it might be cheaper in the long run. But if you're rarely using it, it's more likely a butane lighter will be operating when you need it to. No need to worry about the charge trickling away when it's in storage.
Looks like an expensive, high-tech way of doing what can be better done in a much less expensive, lower-tech way.

Nothing new about a “fuel-less lighter”. My first car is long gone, but this relic from it remains—a fuel-less lighter from 1969, similar to lighters with which automobiles were equipped long before then, and continued to be equipped long after.

Smoking is not the best habit first of all. If you smoke, stop.

I post this to show new technology that will likely have other applications and what happens when someone thinks out of the box. A lighter that never needs fuel, you recharge it with USB.

I am also using a fuelless plasma lighter and charging using USB. This is the coolest lighter I've ever bought. I smoke a pack of cigarettes every day. This kind of lighter can be charged once and can be used for about 2 weeks. You can know that its battery life is powerful. I can also use it to light a cigarette when the wind is so strong that it basically blows the trees to the side. Cool!

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