FSA, Turkish Forces, Tanks and US Airforce attack ISIS in Northern Aleppo


Nov 14, 2012
FSA militants supported by Turkish forces and the US airforce entered Syria to capture Jarabulus. Turkish special forces and tanks are in Syria. Turkey announced to fight the YPG in the region if they don´t retreat.
The move came after Turkey announced it wants to get rid of ISIS at the border. But they also want to weaken the Kurds and they heavily boost the FSA terrorist army, that has sold Syrian property for Turkish support since years. Time for the Syrian government to request Russian ground forces?

Turkish-backed rebels launch Jarablus offensive
Turkish Special Forces cross Euphrates River into Syria
[Breaking] Turkish tanks enter northern Aleppo
US to provide air cover for Turkish, Syrian forces in Jarabulus
Turkey threatens to attack Kurdish forces in Aleppo
:laugh2::laugh2: BREAKING :laugh2::laugh2:

This is really some news for our forum prophet, the terrorist drone!

ISIS abandoned Jarabulus several weeks ago!

Turkish backed Islamist forces entered the city without fighting as ISIS has left the city weeks ago. The coalition must have known it, yet they fooled their fellow terrorists and the entire world. Who is left to strike at in the region is the YPG. We must now watch Turkey´s next step very carefully. Was this a really fake battle, an "illuminati theater"?


The forum prophet in Jarabulus?

The Syrian government condemned the illegal entry of government and terrorist forces, be it ground or air forces.

"Notably, the city was captured by the Islamist rebels with no firefights reported. Earlier reports suggesting Islamic State militants abandoned the city several weeks ago are now of confirmed merit as intelligence increasingly suggests a massive IS withdrawal in northern Syria in favor of creating a new line of defense around Al-Bab, ISIS’s current administrative capital in Aleppo."

Syrian government condemns Turkish Army's illegal entry into Aleppo
Turkish-backed rebels capture Jarablus without fighting
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Not likely a no-fly zone gonna happen...

Russia faces Security Council showdown Saturday over Syria
Oct 7,`16 -- International diplomatic pressure increased on Moscow on Friday to end the joint Russian-Syrian siege of the city of Aleppo, but Moscow's U.N. ambassador says he will most likely veto a U.N. Security Council resolution that would ground Russian warplanes.
Russia's parliament meanwhile ratified a treaty with Syria that allows its troops to stay indefinitely in the country, a show of support for embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad. The siege by Syrian forces backed by Russian warplanes has inflicted immense suffering on civilians in the city's rebel-held eastern districts. A cease-fire brokered by the United States and Russia collapsed last month and Washington-Moscow ties have deteriorated sharply; Russian lawmakers said ratifying the treaty with Syria on Friday was a necessary step to stand up to the U.S. The United States and Russia support opposite sides in the more than 5-year-old war - Moscow has been a staunch Assad ally and Washington backs Syrian rebels trying to oust him.

As Aleppo's misery dragged on, Russia's United Nations ambassador Vitaly Churkin rejected a French-proposed U.N. Security Council resolution that would call for grounding all aircraft, including Russia's, over Aleppo. The resolution, also calling for an Aleppo cease-fire, is to be considered Saturday but Churkin said, "I cannot possibly see how we can let this resolution to pass." In a last-minute move Friday, Russia introduced its own draft resolution urging "immediate, safe and unhindered humanitarian access throughout Syria," similar language to the French text.

But Russia's draft adds two new elements: It stresses "the urgent need to achieve and verify separating moderate forces from 'Jabhat Al-Nusra' as a key priority," a reference to the al-Qaida linked militant group. It also welcomes U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura's proposal for an al-Qaida-linked militant faction to leave Aleppo in exchange for a halt to Russian and Syrian government bombardment and asks Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to present a plan to the council to implement it. The Security Council will vote Saturday first on the French draft and then on the Russia draft - and what is likely to happen is a Russian veto of the French draft and a veto of the Russian draft by France and its Western allies.

Russia's air campaign in Syria, launched a year ago, has reversed the tide of war and helped Assad's forces regain some key ground. Moscow says the goal of its military operation is to assist the Syrian army in the fight against terrorism. It rejects accusations of targeting civilians. Lawmakers in the Kremlin-controlled State Duma voted unanimously to approve the deal, which allows Russia to keep its forces at the Hemeimeem air base in Syria's coastal province of Latakia, Assad's Alawite heartland, for as long as it wants. The deal was signed in August 2015 in Damascus, a month before the Russian air campaign began. Russia also has a naval base in Syria's port of Tartus, the only such outpost outside the former Soviet Union. That base is not covered by the treaty, and some lawmakers say it could be the subject of a separate deal.


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UN envoy warns east Aleppo facing total destruction
Friday 7th October, 2016 - The UN's Syria envoy on Thursday made an impassioned appeal to save eastern Aleppo, warning the city faced total destruction and urging Islamist fighters to leave so civilians can get aid.
"In maximum two months, two and half months the city of eastern Aleppo may be totally destroyed," Staffan de Mistura told reporters in Geneva. The rebel-held eastern part of Aleppo has been hammered by a Russian-backed government offensive, including multiple attacks on hospitals. De Mistura noted that the presence of Al-Nusra fighters in the city has been used as a justification by Moscow and Damascus for the continued assault.


The former Al-Nusra Front has recently changed its name to Fateh al-Sham Front following a break with al-Qaeda, but many still see the two groups as tied. "Can you please look at my eyes," de Mistura said in a direct appeal to Nusra leaders, before pleading with them to quit Aleppo. "If you decide to leave with dignity, I am personally ready to physically accompany you," the UN envoy said.

The UN estimates that 275 000 civilians are under siege in east Aleppo, with aid deliveries all but impossible since government forces seized the last supply route in July.

UN envoy warns east Aleppo facing total destruction


US urges war crimes investigation over Russia and Syria's campaign in Aleppo
Saturday 8th October, 2016 - The US has called for a war crimes investigation of Russia and Syria over the two countries' joint offensive in Aleppo. The move by US secretary of state John Kerry ramps up the rhetoric against Moscow for its part in the conflict, while potentially making it harder to resume diplomatic efforts to end the fighting.
Mr Kerry said Syrian forces had hit a hospital outside Damascus overnight, killing 20 people and wounding 100. Human rights group also accused the two countries of killing thousands in their assault on Aleppo, Syria's largest city. Mr Kerry said: "Russia and the regime owe the world more than an explanation about why they keep hitting hospitals and medical facilities, and children and women. "These are acts that beg for an appropriate investigation of war crimes. "They're beyond the accidental now, way beyond, years beyond the accidental. This is a targeted strategy to terrorise civilians and to kill anybody and everybody who is in the way of their military objectives."

The Russian foreign ministry said Mr Kerry was trying to divert attention from America's failure to uphold a ceasefire in Syria. "Kerry used these words from the point of view of fanning tensions," spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said. "As long as war crimes are at question, the Americans should start with Iraq. And then look at Libya and Yemen to see what is going on there." The US has little chance of being able to initiate a war crimes probe of either Russia or Syria. Russia has veto power at the UN Security Council and has blocked repeated attempts over the last five and a half years to put pressure on Syrian president Bashar Assad's government or hold it accountable for the widespread allegations of indiscriminate killing, torture and chemical weapons attacks.

French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault spoke of a new French effort for a ceasefire in Syria that would include a UN Security Council vote on Saturday. But it is unclear what advantages his plan would have over the US-Russian led process that collapsed last month. Mr Kerry's September 9 agreement with Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov would have created a new counter-terrorism alliance in Syria, had fighting stopped for a week and aid deliveries been permitted to reach desperate civilians in rebel-held parts of Aleppo and other besieged areas. Neither condition was ever met. The truce then shattered completely when Syria and Russia renewed their military offensive in Aleppo. Mr Kerry ended bilateral discussions with Russia on the military partnership earlier this week.

Mr Ayrault called Syria a "human tragedy" that demands every effort to restart a peace negotiation. He said Saturday would be a "moment of truth" at the Security Council. He said the question that will be posed to everyone, but particularly to Russia, is: "Do you, yes or no, want a ceasefire in Aleppo?" Such a ceasefire would be "open to discussion", but Mr Ayrault said two demands were absolute. "The first one is the ceasefire and no-fly zone over Aleppo," he said. "And the second pillar is access for humanitarian aid. We're not giving up." At the current rate of fighting, Mr Ayrault claimed, "Aleppo will be totally destroyed by Christmas". Russia will almost surely veto the French measure. "I cannot possibly see how we can let this resolution pass," Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said.

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