From Good to Bad to Worse

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...
I'd love to read the responses as well. But you know something? I would love to know just how many 'True Democrats' are left out there after the retiring of Zell Miller?

I think what we have here is a party that has been hijacked by a myriad of Statist/Marxist/Progressives with a large foot in the door doing as much damage as they can before the *People* give them the boot they deserve right up the poop-chute.

I'd love to read the responses as well. But you know something? I would love to know just how many 'True Democrats' are left out there after the retiring of Zell Miller?

I think what we have here is a party that has been hijacked by a myriad of Statist/Marxist/Progressives with a large foot in the door doing as much damage as they can before the *People* give them the boot they deserve right up the poop-chute.


I must say.. I appreciate your colorful and descriptive writing style...:clap2:
I'd love to read the responses as well. But you know something? I would love to know just how many 'True Democrats' are left out there after the retiring of Zell Miller?

I think what we have here is a party that has been hijacked by a myriad of Statist/Marxist/Progressives with a large foot in the door doing as much damage as they can before the *People* give them the boot they deserve right up the poop-chute.


I must say.. I appreciate your colorful and descriptive writing style...:clap2:

You're kind. It was the first thing that came to mind, and I hope it doesn't detract from your purpose of the thread. Nonetheless? I'd like to know their thoughts as to why things have gotten worse, and the slippery slope has really been greased by the present regime?

Will they continue to blame the Republicans that have been out of power since '06? Blame Bush [Since domestically? *He* was part of the problem with his 'Compassionate Conservatism]?

It's a really good discussion topic. I'll shut up now.

Just an observation

"Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute..."QUOTE]


I dispute it.

things did NOT go from GOOD to bad to worse since obama took over

by the time obama became president things were ALREADY BAD!

please put down the crack pipe and try to remember that obama inherited a big mess from bush and 8 years of republican rule

so things were NOT GOOD when obama took office

as for things getting worse..

I have to admit...
I just don't see it....

everyone I know works
and they all seem to have plenty of money cus they keep

a. spending money on crap they don't need and
2. eat an awful lot of take out.

we went for a drive yesterday to the big city and noticed that the restaurant parking lots were nearly full (about 1 in the afternoon) and the malls seemed to be very busy....

if you truly believe things went from BAD to worse
I'd appreciate a list of examples so I can mock and ridicule you and show you just how wrong you are

what I believe:
you are just another braindead con who TRULY BELIEVES things went from GOOD to BAD to WORSE cus you are SO FULL OF HATE for your enemies (obama and democrats) that you NEED TO BELIEVE absolute lies in order to justify your extreme (and unjustifiable) hate
Just an observation

"Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute..."QUOTE]


I dispute it.

things did NOT go from GOOD to bad to worse since obama took over

by the time obama became president things were ALREADY BAD!

please put down the crack pipe and try to remember that obama inherited a big mess from bush and 8 years of republican rule

so things were NOT GOOD when obama took office

as for things getting worse..

I have to admit...
I just don't see it....

everyone I know works
and they all seem to have plenty of money cus they keep

a. spending money on crap they don't need and
2. eat an awful lot of take out.

we went for a drive yesterday to the big city and noticed that the restaurant parking lots were nearly full (about 1 in the afternoon) and the malls seemed to be very busy....

if you truly believe things went from BAD to worse
I'd appreciate a list of examples so I can mock and ridicule you and show you just how wrong you are

what I believe:
you are just another braindead con who TRULY BELIEVES things went from GOOD to BAD to WORSE cus you are SO FULL OF HATE for your enemies (obama and democrats) that you NEED TO BELIEVE absolute lies in order to justify your extreme (and unjustifiable) hate

You'll the original post that I mentioned the time when the Democratic Party took over Congress (2007) ... lets start from there shall we.. you get a do over..

I do find your post colorful but lacking.. and my my such hostility..
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you saying that spending $300,000 to "save" a $50,000/year job using money we don't have is a bad idea?
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you saying that spending $300,000 to "save" a $50,000/year job using money we don't have is a bad idea?

I know, great example.. seems silly of me to oppose such brilliance doesn't it..?
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Are you saying that spending $300,000 to "save" a $50,000/year job using money we don't have is a bad idea?

If that money was taken from a filthy rich dirty white boy, then no. It's called leveling the playing field.:lol:
I'd love to read the responses as well. But you know something? I would love to know just how many 'True Democrats' are left out there after the retiring of Zell Miller?

I think what we have here is a party that has been hijacked by a myriad of Statist/Marxist/Progressives with a large foot in the door doing as much damage as they can before the *People* give them the boot they deserve right up the poop-chute.

Your are right. There are very few true democrats, Thank God. I know many democrats who have widely varying opinions of the healthcare bill, the bailout, global warming, government spending, taxes, entitlement programs, and abortion rights. The true Democrats which are in the minority carry the party line and are the most vocal which paints all Democrats as being much more liberal than they are.
I'd love to read the responses as well. But you know something? I would love to know just how many 'True Democrats' are left out there after the retiring of Zell Miller?

I think what we have here is a party that has been hijacked by a myriad of Statist/Marxist/Progressives with a large foot in the door doing as much damage as they can before the *People* give them the boot they deserve right up the poop-chute.

Your are right. There are very few true democrats, Thank God. I know many democrats who have widely varying opinions of the healthcare bill, the bailout, global warming, government spending, taxes, entitlement programs, and abortion rights. The true Democrats which are in the minority carry the party line and are the most vocal which paints all Democrats as being much more liberal than they are.

The true honorable Democrats are between a rock and a hard place. They either compromise their deepest convictions and beliefs in order to toe the party line, or their requests for earmarks are rejected, they are given no good committee assignments, their proposed legislation languishes in committee, and they otherwise are marginalized and stripped of all power and influence.

Right now until (unless) we turn it around the government is in the control of a relatively small handful of radical extremists and activists in Congress and in the West Wing, and we can expect it to continue to get worse.

That's my nonpartisan, unbiased, objective, and most reasonable opinion of course.
We have a Chicago Gangster Regime in charge right now. It's going to get much uglier before it gets better, sorry to say.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

Prove it.
The true test of good or bad or worse seems to be the liberals favorite summer of 2008 quote "Are you better off now than you were X years ago?"

Well, let me say, in spring of 2005 I was a hell of a lot better off than I am now. Same job. Same girlfriend. Same car. Same dog. Same house. Same health. Worse off.

But, for the record:

Iran is about to ignite WW3
The Mexican border has become a near war zone
Obama has spent more than our last 40 presidents combined
Our nation is more polarized than ever
Obama has submitted and bowed to nearly every king except the Burger King

But hey, at least the right wing movement has awakened and is picking up more momentum by the freakin' hour, thanks to libtards falling prey to the brilliant GOP strategy of a leaderless movement, thus forcing the left to make their target the masses of American citizens rather than a select politician. Stupid liberals, they're so gullable.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

Prove it.

I'd call TRIPLING the deficit in 2009 a downhill slide.
Just an observation

Since the Democratic Party took over the Congress and Obama became President things in this country have gone from good to an accelerating pace downhill.

Now .. granted, this is an obvious observation that no one can dispute...

But.. If some rose colored, glasses wearing loyal Democrat would like to convince me otherwise... I'm interested...

Prove it.

Prove it?

Summer 2006:
Economy was in better shape
Border w/ Mexico not as violent
Iran farther from a bomb than they are today
US president had not submitted and bowed to ever dictator and king within sight
US Gov't was not mandating that every citizen purchase a privately provided product
Supreme Court did not include an openly racist woman
GITMO was still open (wait, my bad)
It was not yet planned to bring terrorist to US soil for civilian trial
Unemployment was lower

Then, Democrats took control of House and Senate in 2006......presidency in 2008.....and look where we are now.

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