From Cult To Religion


Sep 23, 2010
Obama also took an implicit swipe at Trump by saying, "You can't build a border wall when it comes to carbon emissions or global temperatures or the oceans."​

No country owns the oceans or the atmosphere. Forcing the world to give the United Nations authority over both is the entire environmental tax scheme in a nutshell. Presumably, the parasites will use tax dollars to desalinate the oceans, and install a giant thermostat to control the climate after carbon credit markets fail to halt carbon emissions.

Now I can see that our spiritual leader expects to be worshiped forever after United Nations taxation transforms his adopted cult into a major religion.

However, Sussman thinks there is something motivating the "climate change" movement that actually goes beyond money or a lust for power.

"This is like a cult!" he exclaimed.

Obama slams Trump, critics on global warming

Obama slams Trump, critics on global warming

No religion ever stopped a sin; so I doubt if Taqiyya the Liar’s religion will stop the climate from changing. That is why I shudder whenever I think about the faithful praying to a liar for centuries the same way the faithful in every religion worship their founders.

That brings me to lasting fame that so many lust after. Taqiyya the Liar might be onto something in the fame game. Who would know a thing about any historical figure if teachers and authors could not make a buck talking and writing about deceased notables? Founders of major religions are the only folks who last longer than politicians and fictitious characters like Hamlet and Sherlock Holmes.

Secular immortality endures as long as someone is making money from your name after you’re dead. There is no way to guarantee you will be remembered after you check out. Example: Marilyn Monroe and James Dean were not the brightest of Hollywood luminaries while they were alive, but their fame outshines the fame of Hollywood stars who were much more acclaimed while they were still breathing. The reason is obvious. Money can still be made from M.M. and Dean.

Aside from the founders liable for initiating the world’s major religious, Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous character, real or fictitious, that ever “lived” because his persona generates the most money. Others, like James Bond, may surpass Holmes’ annual income for a time, but Holmes possesses the eternal earning power that fads lack. Some might say that Pooh Bear or Mickey Mouse deserve the top spot, but I refuse to cross the line separating silly from serious irrespective of this old joke:

An anthropologist in search of lost tribes led an expedition up the Amazon. He was sure he hit the jackpot when he found a hitherto unknown tribe of pygmies. After a few weeks he could speak the simple language well enough to communicate. In an attempt to find out exactly how far removed from the outside world the pygmies were, he showed the chief some photographs he had brought with him for just such a test.

When the anthropologist showed the pygmy chief a photograph of President Eisenhower the chief shook his head no. He got the same reaction when he showed the chief photos of Winston Churchill, Dag Hammarskjöld, Stalin, and Mao. Then he showed the chief a picture of Mickey Mouse. The chief’s face lit up like a kid taking a test who finally got one right. Smiling from ear to ear he said “I know him. That’s Disney’s rat.”

So much for mundane immortality no matter your preference.

One final observation. Should our spiritual leader’s cult grow up and become a religion his priesthood will live on tax dollars long after he departs —— unlike hereafter priesthoods who have to hustle for the wherewithal century after century. Taqiyya the Liar’s environmental religion is founded on taxation. They cannot be separated. Nobody in their right mind will donate to such a religion any more than they will voluntarily donate to the Socialist religion.
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Name the title of your threads accurately, for Pete's sake!! Don't title them something completely misleading just trolling for readership. Not cool, not cool at all!!
Obama also took an implicit swipe at Trump by saying, "You can't build a border wall when it comes to carbon emissions or global temperatures or the oceans."​

No country owns the oceans or the atmosphere. Forcing the world to give the United Nations authority over both is the entire environmental tax scheme in a nutshell. Presumably, the parasites will use tax dollars to desalinate the oceans, and install a giant thermostat to control the climate after carbon credit markets fail to halt carbon emissions.

Now I can see that our spiritual leader expects to be worshiped forever after United Nations taxation transforms his adopted cult into a major religion.

However, Sussman thinks there is something motivating the "climate change" movement that actually goes beyond money or a lust for power.

"This is like a cult!" he exclaimed.

Obama slams Trump, critics on global warming

Obama slams Trump, critics on global warming

No religion ever stopped a sin; so I doubt if Taqiyya the Liar’s religion will stop the climate from changing. That is why I shudder whenever I think about the faithful praying to a liar for centuries the same way the faithful in every religion worship their founders.

That brings me to lasting fame that so many lust after. Taqiyya the Liar might be onto something in the fame game. Who would know a thing about any historical figure if teachers and authors could not make a buck talking and writing about deceased notables? Founders of major religions are the only folks who last longer than politicians and fictitious characters like Hamlet and Sherlock Holmes.

Secular immortality endures as long as someone is making money from your name after you’re dead. There is no way to guarantee you will be remembered after you check out. Example: Marilyn Monroe and James Dean were not the brightest of Hollywood luminaries while they were alive, but their fame outshines the fame of Hollywood stars who were much more acclaimed while they were still breathing. The reason is obvious. Money can still be made from M.M. and Dean.

Aside from the founders liable for initiating the world’s major religious, Sherlock Holmes is probably the most famous character, real or fictitious, that ever “lived” because his persona generates the most money. Others, like James Bond, may surpass Holmes’ annual income for a time, but Holmes possesses the eternal earning power that fads lack. Some might say that Pooh Bear or Mickey Mouse deserve the top spot, but I refuse to cross the line separating silly from serious irrespective of this old joke:

An anthropologist in search of lost tribes led an expedition up the Amazon. He was sure he hit the jackpot when he found an hitherto unknown tribe of pygmies. After a few weeks he could speak the simple language well enough to communicate. In an attempt to find out exactly how far removed from the outside world the pygmies were, he showed the chief some photographs he had brought with him for just such a test.

When the anthropologist showed the pygmy chief a photograph of President Eisenhower the chief shook his head no. He got the same reaction when he showed the chief photos of Winston Churchill, Dag Hammarskjöld, Stalin, and Mao. Then he showed the chief a picture of Mickey Mouse. The chief’s face lit up like a kid taking a test who finally got one right. Smiling from ear to ear he said “I know him. That’s Disney’s rat.”

So much for mundane immortality no matter your preference.

One final observation. Should our spiritual leader’s cult grow up and become a religion his priesthood will live on tax dollars long after he departs —— unlike hereafter priesthoods who have to hustle for the wherewithal century after century. Taqiyya the Liar’s environmental religion is founded on taxation. They cannot be separated. Nobody in their right mind will donate to such a religion any more than they will voluntarily donate to the Socialist religion.
CAP AND TAX failed in Congress. In a Republic that means we don't agree with Obama..............and don't care if he doesn't like it................


He goes through the back door.............EPA..............and does it by FIAT.................

Which is against the principles of this Nation and the Constitution......................and Liberals CHEER as they violate the Will of the people and the Senate...............

And as always...........they will respond with their LIES................That they are doing it for our own good whether we like it or not....................

Actually, countries do own the oceans and atmosphere. Area 51's exclusion zone extends into low-orbit in fact.
To Delta4Embassey: Research territorial waters in relation to international waters and airspace. The United Nations claims AUTHORITY over international water and the atmosphere for taxation purposes.

Incidentally, landlocked countries should have no say in defining international waters. The United Nations took it upon themselves to include them. It is all part the UN’s non-existent International law collectivist crapola.

Name the title of your threads accurately, for Pete's sake!! Don't title them something completely misleading just trolling for readership. Not cool, not cool at all!!
To Spinster: The author thinks it is perfectly accurate!

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