Fried Potato Balls


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I created this mix between Potato Latka and Potato Knish.

Simple to make, because I use Instant Potatos.
Make abatch of instant potatos with a little butter and less milk then usual, do not make it wet and creamy as it will need to be thick and on the drier side. Add a little paprika, onion powder, (fine chopped onion also if you want)
very little garlic powder, peper and salt or a dash of kansas city barbeque powder rub which has lots of salt and a little kick.
Now to make the batter use a shallow tray and mix flour with 1 egg and (soy) milk, mix the same dry ingredients as you did with the potatos. Use a second tray- put flour and again same dry ingredients more pepper and salt this time. Shake the flour tray a bit to even out the ingredients.
Now take a spoon a make a ball of potato and dip first in dry flour, to coat as nany potato balls as you wish to fry.
Start heating your fryer or pan with preferebly corn oil (it has a higher burn point temp and less taste). Now dip your floured pitato balls in the batter and then back into the dry flour again and place them carefully into the oil.
Turn after each minute or 2 checking to control over browning. Place on paper towel to pat off excess oil and let cool because they are scorching hot inside, right out of the fryer.
Might need more salt or you might enjoy a dolllop of sour cream with them. Enjoy!
We make potato pancakes by taking left over mashed potatoes. Instant or fresh add egg, seasoning and flour till a rather stiff batter consistency.

Cook in fry pan with very little oil.
We make potato pancakes by taking left over mashed potatoes. Instant or fresh add egg, seasoning and flour till a rather stiff batter consistency.

Cook in fry pan with very little oil.

If you have a juicer and juice apples and carrots the leftover pulp mixes great in the potato pancakes.

Also another alternative to this is adding flour and egg and (soy) milk and butter and salt &
Spanish "BLANCO CHEESE" crumbles to the thick seasoned mashed potato and make something like a gnocci, but fry them instead of boiling them.
Tastes great with sour cream or sprinkled blanco cheese.
Makes a great finger food snack at BYOD parties.

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