French President Macron Laughs Arrogantly as Trump Tells NATO to Pay Their Fair Share

What! The American thinks we should pay for our own defense! Riduculous. No wonder Trump is called an idiot. We will never pay for our own defense.

The International Globalist Banking House Puppet Macron won't be laughing for long.

The situation is NATO is obsolete as it was designed, the Cold War is over, NATO should primarily now be restructured purely as a mechanism to fight Radical Islamist Terrorism in the West and the root it springs from in the Middle East.

Also Turkey should be kicked out of NATO, Turkey is not a friend to the West, they are an enemy, they are an Islamist nation in the grip of a psychopath and Dictator Erdogan, they are by the back door supporting ISIS and also committing freeform murderous attacks on the Kurds both within Turkey and outside of Turkey.

President Trump has every right to tell these other nations they must contribute more finances, look at the below graph, of course America could up the ante and actually threaten to withdraw from NATO unless all the other nations contribute more money.

All the other nations seem so fanatical about keeping NATO afloat, so they should pay up.

Trump needed to lay down the law.. Obama the Yellow ( high yellow I believe it was in blackspeak) was not the only one not to insist on this. This has to be recognized.
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Trump on NATO: "23 out of 28 countries aren't paying their share" Eat it, world. This isn't Obama's Air Force One anymore.
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Oh, did Trump upset NATO with his 'pay up' comments? Too bad. Grow up. Not paying for the world's problems anymore. Get your shit together
Well France is at 1.8% and are actively involved in terror operations in countries very few dare go, this includes the FFL operating in Africa with some great successes. They have state interests there so they operate as they must and they quietly go it alone and deal with a number of outside threats.

As it were, I don't think France is shy to get involved in activities where their interests lie. The issue here is finding common ground; of which fighting terror is clearly an issue they share. France certainly should get over the 2% hump, as they and all other NATO nations agreed to.

The video itself isn't a smirk, but more of a shared reaction from others who probably speak French it would seem. Notice the one leader with the hand on his face, leaning over and chatting under his breath? Appears they were having a conversation about the lecture they were receiving.

Besides, when you are getting scolded like a student in the principles office; rightfully so in some respects, you are bound to have one of those looks. I recall George W Bush at Trumps inauguration with a big smile on his face as Trump let loose on the poor decisions of past politicians and how things were going to change. I think it's just so rare to find a politician be more of a football coach than an entitled, carefully crafted patsy, that people just smile or react differently.

I can't lie I had a big laugh listening to Trump also because I could see he wasn't going to let the under funding from NATO go. How can I not root him on when he is transparently calling out the abuses and exploitation of America? He's like a dog on a bone and these politicians clearly expected a more gentle, diplomatic response.

As Trump would say. "Wrong!"
The rest of NATO just looks at Trump and says "how's that $20 trillion dollar debt you have working out? You pay that off yet? Or do you expect the rest of the world to carry your debt forever?".

And then they lllaaaauughhh.
The rest of NATO just looks at Trump and says "how's that $20 trillion dollar debt you have working out? You pay that off yet? Or do you expect the rest of the world to carry your debt forever?".

And then they lllaaaauughhh.
Trump was in the comedy section of the Huffington Post if you recall. Oh how they lllaaauughhhed and lllaauughhhed!

In fact, I'm still laughing about it.
NATO is a money and time drag for the U.S.

Patriots want out of NATO and out of the UN!
The rest of NATO just looks at Trump and says "how's that $20 trillion dollar debt you have working out? You pay that off yet? Or do you expect the rest of the world to carry your debt forever?".

And then they lllaaaauughhh. about they pay us for defending them for the last 50 years.....that would clear up our debt pretty fast....
Oh, did Trump upset NATO with his 'pay up' comments? Too bad. Grow up. Not paying for the world's problems anymore. Get your shit together

No he didn't upset them. He was full of shit. The NATO allies don't owe the US a dime and Trump claiming billions are owed is laughable.

No one forces the US to spend 1/3 of their budget on wars and weapons. YOU lot choose to do it. Mostly because Republicans are frightened of their own shadows. Hence the number of CC permits.

It wasn't just France. It was ALL of them.
Oh, did Trump upset NATO with his 'pay up' comments? Too bad. Grow up. Not paying for the world's problems anymore. Get your shit together

No he didn't upset them. He was full of shit. The NATO allies don't owe the US a dime and Trump claiming billions are owed is laughable.

No one forces the US to spend 1/3 of their budget on wars and weapons. YOU lot choose to do it. Mostly because Republicans are frightened of their own shadows. Hence the number of CC permits.

It wasn't just France. It was ALL of them. really are stupid.......if not for us, the Euorpeans would be speaking Russian and standing in lines for bread...and toilet paper......and not getting any.....

Dittos for Asia...but they would be speaking Chinese...
The rest of NATO just looks at Trump and says "how's that $20 trillion dollar debt you have working out? You pay that off yet? Or do you expect the rest of the world to carry your debt forever?".

And then they lllaaaauughhh.

You mean that national debt that Obama doubled from around $10 trillion to nearly $20 trillion?

That debt? really are stupid.......if not for us, the Euorpeans would be speaking Russian and standing in lines for bread...and toilet paper......and not getting any.....

Dittos for Asia...but they would be speaking Chinese...

Fuck Europe.

Open our borders to any refugees from Europe's stupidity and let them go to hell from here on out.

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