Freedom to Contract: Another proposed Amendment


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Neither Congress, nor any State shall in any way* discriminate in recognizing the right of every competent citizen or legal resident to enter into legally binding contract, stating that the aforementioned affirmation shall apply to power of attorney, the transfer of funds or property, co-ownership of funds or property, marriage, other partnerships, divorce, wills and trusts , entitlements, and all other legally binding agreements filed with or recognized by the State; stating that for the purpose of this act 'discrimination' shall constitute any partiality based on the race, color, national origin, gender, sexual identity or preference, religion, or creed of either or both part(y/ies) involved; finding and stating on behalf of the People of the State that these rights are inherent to all citizens and legal residents who are not found to be legally incapable to enter into contract due to legally recognized diminished capacity; finding and stating on behalf of the People of the State that any violation thereof would be a violation of civil rights and of the principles on which this Nation was founded; finding and stating on behalf of the People that for the purposes of this text, 'State' shall be defined as: The government of the United States of America, of all of its member States and territories, and all jurisdictions subject to the governing of the aforementioned; stating that the purpose of this text is to enhance, rather than to supplant, existing laws currently in place to protect the civil rights of the People.

*For state-level action, this will read simply 'The State shall in no way'

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