Freedom of Expression, R.I.P.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
I see that comedian Louis C.K. has dropped out of his appearance at the Congressional Correspondents dinner, after Greta Van Susteren complained about him. This, in the wake of the Rush Limbaugh "slut" firestorm.

It's sad to see what is becoming of this country, and I definitely feel like a lone voice. I was under the impression that, in America, you don't shut people up, you don't shut people down, simply for words they use. I thought the First Amendment was one of the most important parts of our amazing Constitution.

Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, isn't about words you like. It's about words you DON'T like, even those that scare you.

Evidently I'm wrong.

Not sure of the details. I suppose the person who complained about him was exercising her free speech as well, eh?

Freedom of speech protects of from laws that seek to silence us. It doesn't promise us that other people will listen. Or that they'll want to.
Not sure of the details. I suppose the person who complained about him was exercising her free speech as well, eh?

Freedom of speech protects of from laws that seek to silence us. It doesn't promise us that other people will listen. Or that they'll want to.
He had no photo ID.
Not sure of the details. I suppose the person who complained about him was exercising her free speech as well, eh?

Freedom of speech protects of from laws that seek to silence us. It doesn't promise us that other people will listen. Or that they'll want to.

If you don't want to listen, then don't listen. There are only two reasons people pull this crap: Either their tender little sensibilities will be damaged - tough shit, grow up - or they're afraid that people with agree with the words being said.

It's sad to see what is becoming of this country, and I definitely feel like a lone voice. I was under the impression that, in America, you don't shut people up, you don't shut people down, simply for words they use. I thought the First Amendment was one of the most important parts of our amazing Constitution.

Seems like the times they are a changin..

I liked Habeus Corpus, but the Patriot Act took care of that.
I liked that we didn't torture. But the Patriot Act took care of that.
I liked that the US Guvmint wouldn't kill a US citizen without due process. But Eric Holder just took care of that.
I liked that you couldn't be put under surveilence or wiretapped with out just cause and a warrant. But......well that is gone to.
I liked a lot of things that we used to do and have.

In a way, the terrorists have won. They got lucky one time and we changed for the worse for all time.

The Freedom of Speech is good. But it sure would be nice if the speech was worth listening to. Listening to hate and blame and more hate, while it is great that some can do this and make millions of dollars, I don't think that is exactly what the framers had in mind.
freedom of speech in the constitution is about the government not being able to keep you from speaking.

In our society people are allowed to say they think someone is an asshole for what they said.

why does the OP not know this?
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The first amendment is to protect us from THE GOVERNMENT trying to shut us up. The public/private sector can shut us up, anytime they wish to do so....

It has always been this way, there is "no change".....if anything, every day people have been fairly silent with this..... "F" and other vulgarities are said all over the place the public, just 30 years ago, this was NEVER the case.... The Public has become MORE tolerant of other people's speech in my opinion..... only when the speaker is way off the charts and beyond the edge have the public used their own free speech to shut another person up.
I guess you have some particular incident in mind?

If it is the Rush case, then the right of people to tell Rush to shut up is the same as Rush's right to spew garbage. Isn't it?

Or is the guvmint shutting Rush down?
freedom of speech in the constitution is about the government not being able to keep you from speaking.

In our society people are alllowed to say what they think someone is an asshole for what they said.

why does the OP not know this?

Okay. It must be me. I must have a flawed understanding of this. I want to know what people -especially wackos - are thinking, what they are saying, and most importantly, who agrees with them. I can't know that if they're shut down, if they are kept in the shadows. If I disagree with someone, if I'm sure they're wrong or dangerous, I want the light shining on them for all to see.

I'm not afraid of words, because they illuminate. Nor am I afraid of having my opinion changed by words, my ego does not require me to be "right" about "everything." Seems to me that those who want to shut others down are afraid of something, and I'd love to know what it is.

Okie dokie, it's just me. Never mind then!

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freedom of speech in the constitution is about the government not being able to keep you from speaking.

In our society people are alllowed to say what they think someone is an asshole for what they said.

why does the OP not know this?

Okay. It must be me. I must have a flawed understanding of this. I want to know what people -especially wackos - are thinking, what they are saying, and most importantly, who agrees with them. I can't know that if they're shut down, if they are kept in the shadows.

I'm not afraid of words, because they illuminate. Nor am I afraid of having my opinion changed by words, my ego does not require me to be "right" about "everything." Seems to me that those who want to shut others down are afraid of something, and I'd love to know what it is.

Okie dokie, it's just me. Never mind then!

We as people have as much free speech as the public will tolerate....this has always been the case. Businesses have always been allowed to shut their employee's free speech down in a nano second.... I'm sorry this shocks you....
freedom of speech in the constitution is about the government not being able to keep you from speaking.

In our society people are alllowed to say what they think someone is an asshole for what they said.

why does the OP not know this?

Wow... am I actually going to agree with TM???

Yeah, I mostly agree with the sentiment of the OP too. Whiny people who are easily offended are annoying. But I'm not seeing anything in this that has anything to do with the Constitution of freedom of speech.
freedom of speech in the constitution is about the government not being able to keep you from speaking.

In our society people are alllowed to say what they think someone is an asshole for what they said.

why does the OP not know this?

Okay. It must be me. I must have a flawed understanding of this. I want to know what people -especially wackos - are thinking, what they are saying, and most importantly, who agrees with them. I can't know that if they're shut down, if they are kept in the shadows. If I disagree with someone, if I'm sure they're wrong or dangerous, I want the light shining on them for all to see.

I'm not afraid of words, because they illuminate. Nor am I afraid of having my opinion changed by words, my ego does not require me to be "right" about "everything." Seems to me that those who want to shut others down are afraid of something, and I'd love to know what it is.

Okie dokie, it's just me. Never mind then!

Louis C.K. has dropped out of his appearance at the Congressional Correspondents dinner, after Greta Van Susteren complained about him. This, in the wake of the Rush Limbaugh "slut" firestorm.

Was he forced out or did he drop out on his own? I've READ he is a liberal who has insulted Palin. Van Susteren does work for FOX now, correct? The busybody wants no forbidden words. As he is not pretending to be a COMMENTATOR, why Susteren complained I do not know.
Look Mac, when the number of requirements TO VOTE is a BIG issue, who defends the Constitution anymore?
I guess you have some particular incident in mind?

If it is the Rush case, then the right of people to tell Rush to shut up is the same as Rush's right to spew garbage. Isn't it?

Or is the guvmint shutting Rush down?

Stalinist Gloria Allred is demanding Rush be arrested and prosecuted.

I know that isn't the same, but seems we are edging closer.

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