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Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
One of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) top economic advisers acknowledged Wednesday that the senator doesn’t have a sufficient tax plan to pay for her proposed single-payer health care system.

“Her taxes as they currently exist are not enough yet to cover fully replacing health insurance,” University of California, Berkeley economics professor Emmanuel Saez, who helped develop Warren’s “wealth tax” proposal, told Bloomberg News.

Warren’s campaign claims to have proposed about $7.3 trillion in tax increases, enough to pay for an agenda it projects will cost about $6 trillion. However, with Medicare for All costing more than $3 trillion a year, experts across the spectrum told Bloomberg the math means she would have to raise middle-class tax rates as well.

“She is offering a Medicare for All plan and not offering even close to enough to pay for it,” the Tax Foundation’s Kyle Pomerleau told Bloomberg. “One place she hasn’t gone yet is raising the existing individual income tax for top earners.”

Warren Economics Adviser Admits Her Tax Plan Won't Cover Medicare For All

She’s not even bright enough to spout the ‘We’ll just tax the rich!’ BS.
I have read some inside reports. I don't think she is serious about the "Medicare for All."

She was put in there simply to destroy Bernie. Once that is done, she will moderate. She is only there to make sure that the DNC Billionaires have a candidate.

This is about the system having complete control over the working plebes. Folks will never really have a voice for reform.
Of course Warren has a plan to pay for it...

She'll just raise taxes to the point that you only get to keep 1/1024th of your paycheck!!!

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