Free hotels for illegals!

1st post
$86 Million, eh? Then you must REALLY be upset at the $145 Million for Trump to play golf.


So just to be clear, you're on record as Obama should have paid for his own security while golfing, that's what you're saying? I'm good with that as long as it's consistently applied. You? No so consistent, but then you're a fascist.

I mean shit dude, your hypocrisy just reeks
No, I'm on record as saying that Trump had no business spending 1/4 of his presidency on vacation, using taxpayer money to enrich himself.

How is government paying for security for golf outings while he's President enriching himself?

And Nazi, seriously, Obama got rich by being President, Trump was already rich.

The fascism just oozes out of you
I'm not surprised that someone who can't even decide whether he's a Libertarian or not doesn't know the definition of Fascism.
$70,000 per bed.

I got this. Send the $87 million to me and I will house, clothe and feed all of these illegals for a year.
Meanwhile Americans sleep on the streets hungry.

5th post
$86 Million, eh? Then you must REALLY be upset at the $145 Million for Trump to play golf.


So just to be clear, you're on record as Obama should have paid for his own security while golfing, that's what you're saying? I'm good with that as long as it's consistently applied. You? No so consistent, but then you're a fascist.

I mean shit dude, your hypocrisy just reeks
No, I'm on record as saying that Trump had no business spending 1/4 of his presidency on vacation, using taxpayer money to enrich himself.

How is government paying for security for golf outings while he's President enriching himself?

And Nazi, seriously, Obama got rich by being President, Trump was already rich.

The fascism just oozes out of you
I'm not surprised that someone who can't even decide whether he's a Libertarian or not doesn't know the definition of Fascism.

I'm not surprised someone as stupid as you doesn't know the difference between a libertarian and a Libertarian. I am NOT a Liberation and never said I was. I'm a libertarian and you're an imbecile.

We just discussed this. I said I'm not a Libertarian, I'm a libertarian. And you went around digging up quotes which said exactly that, me saying I'm a "libertarian." You may be dumber than RW, and that's a high standard.

And fascists are socialists, which makes them leftists. I'm not surprised you didn't know that either.

Fascists are also racists, which makes them exactly like Democrats. The party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and cross burning. But blacks are OK with you now .... as long as they belong to the party you assign them to. If not, remember what you are ...
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10th post
4 to a room. $30/ night. That is 300 rooms.

$9000/ night to house them all.

That is roughly 26 years of housing for $87 million.

Fucking liberal math. If they ran a lemonade stand in Phoenix in July, it would fail.
The government has to pay for every bed occupied by illegal unaccompanied children in detention facilities. It was just reported that in 1 Arizona facility the government has 952 beds / 952 children, and they pay $800 per bed per day. That's $761,600 per day....which is approx $22+ MILLION ($22,848,000) PER MONTH tax payers are paying ...and that's only for 1 of the existing several facilities.
Yeah, they got that right--anyone who believes that IS a xenophobe.

If wanting my government to do its duty, to protect me and my country from invasion by foreign criminals, makes me a “xenophobe”, then so be it.

Taking the side of these invading foreign criminals, against that of your own country, and against that of your own fellow Americans, makes you a filthy traitor, which is something much, much, much worse than you'll ever be able to credibly claim that being a “xenophobe” makes me or anyone else.
dont sweat, everytime dems lose an argument they scream, racism, etc
Republicans want them in cages.
Biden’s cages yesterday:
Yeah, they got that right--anyone who believes that IS a xenophobe.

If wanting my government to do its duty, to protect me and my country from invasion by foreign criminals, makes me a “xenophobe”, then so be it.

Taking the side of these invading foreign criminals, against that of your own country, and against that of your own fellow Americans, makes you a filthy traitor, which is something much, much, much worse than you'll ever be able to credibly claim that being a “xenophobe” makes me or anyone else.
dont sweat, everytime dems lose an argument they scream, racism, etc

That they do. We they run out of lies, they scream racism. Imbeciles.

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