Free hotels for illegals!

Republicans want them in cages.

We want them to not illegally invade our country—to either come here by legal means, or else to stay in their own countries.
Drama Queen. There is no "invasion". That's your Master's terminology, designed to frighten and control weak minds like yours.
Hey, you missed China Joes press secretary let it slip about the crisis at the border. She wanted to lie and spin but she slipped up.
Wow .
Republicans want them in cages.

We want them to not illegally invade our country—to either come here by legal means, or else to stay in their own countries.
womp womp!

You had four years to come up with a solution. You failed miserably.

Biden EO'd Trumps solutions.

Pelosi and Schumer tossed the agreement they had made with Trump in early 2017 regarding illegals and DACAs. Dems screw the illegals again.
Look it up.
Paid for by the American worker. For Democrats, it's always foreigners FIRST and Americans LAST.

We are finding shelter for illegal aliens when each year, an estimated 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness, of which 700,000 are unaccompanied minors, meaning they are not part of a family or accompanied by a parent or guardian. On any given night, approximately 41,000 unaccompanied youth ages 13-25 experience homelessness.
Says the guy who believes Trump. If only irony were painful, you might be forced to understand.

Why do you support putting foreigners first and Americans last? Is it because you love Biden's cock more than you love average Americans?
Great, now American taxpayers are footing the bill for illegals to live in hotels, get free healthcare, food, mental health care and other free assistance. That contract is not for ICE the money goes to an illegal friendly 'not for profit' company. No doubt one of Biden's campaign donors getting their kickback.
This comes straight from the a guy who was recently caught entering the US southern border illegally: when asked by a reporter if he thought less people would come now after Biden's "Don't come now" message (inferring they should just hold up a few weeks), the migrant stated with a smile, "Oh, It will never stop, never." I believe him.

Many US citizens live in dire conditions: an estimated 10.5 % live below the 2021 povery line and more than half of those are homeless. Ten and one half percent x 2 I'd guess is more accurate, considering how hard it is to obtain an accurate head count with people living on friends' couches aren't always counted as homeless etc. These are the people who need a helping hand up, not a hand out, before assisting those who come here illegally. Certainly, the US needs to ensure people who are using the legal method of pursuring residency should not be placed in the back of the line to people coming illegally, and the more who continue to jump line continue to give a nice slap in the face to all who are going through the legal process.

For all of you readers who consider themselves a bleeding heart type, l could almost be considered a bleeding heart type, that is if I swore off adding logic to my emotional concerns. People are people, no one better.. no one worse...unless a person chooses to be worse (which happens a lot unfortunately, but not outnumbering the good choices being made by good people). What happens when too many are in the life raft during a life-threatening storm? Likely they'll all do down.

Unless people are ready to have a family of 5 (or 2 families for larger homes) move in with them, for say, 6 months to get on their feet and some needing longer as jobs are never a sure thing so maybe 12 months for many of the families to ensure a job and place to live. If anyone thinks this sounds overboard and is thinking, "Right! Like that would happen!" Yes, it actually could under enhanced socialist measures. Not today, not tomorrow, but it could happen if the far leftists move the country as far as they want where everyone shares everything, no private property. I'm wondering how many fellow bleeding hearts have really considered the part about sharing living space and other realities that would come into the mix?

Is there someone on this fine forum willing to step up to have a family of 5 move into their home this week? You might have to drive past a tent neighborhood or two if your route takes you through CA or WA or some other fine state that has various growing tent cities to find them, but just ignore them...they are only homeless Americans.

So, who will be the first family to make the news and inspire more families to help?
Biden is putting illegal aliens up in hotel rooms, paid for by the US Taxpayer.

Trump put them on planes back to Guatemala
You work your whole life and pay taxes in amounts that are nothing short of robbery, only to see our psychopathic members in gubbmint flinging those dollars into the wind with bullshit like this.

It's no wonder there are only about 6 people in the country that still trust our elected horses asses to do the right thing.

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