Franklin Roosevelt's Infatuation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Frankie and Joey, sittin' in a tree


First came love, then came marriage

Then came Frankie....

.....opening a 'second front' where Stalin wanted it.


There is no explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's ...'betrothal'....his acquiescence to every slightest wish of Joseph Stalin, outside of the kind of teen-age crush that the inexperienced, less than worldly have in their pre-pubescent years.

2. George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war ...
After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat
difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason
we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had
anyone with the proper personality and the proper qualities of sympathy and imagination to deal with him,
that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged.

For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

I quote Soviet expert Kennan because of that particular quote...." of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

It supports my claim that Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin was that of a love-sick teeny-bopper, and not that of world-wise statesman. the utter detriment of the nation and the world.
Looks like things haven't change much

I heard an interview this morn on Imus, with "Douglas Brinkley (born December 14, 1960) is an American author, professor of history at Rice University and a fellow at the James Baker Institute for Public Policy. Brinkley is the history commentator for CNN News..."
Douglas Brinkley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is one of this 'historians' that reggie allows to do his thinking for him....and Brinkley was spouting outright lies about the 'wonderful' Franklin Roosevelt, Pearl Harbor, and Normandy.

No, nothing has changed.
2. Stalin took full advantage of Roosevelt's infatuation to install one of his Soviet spies, Harry Hopkins, in the White House. No...not simply as Roosevelt's closest adviser.....but actually living in the white house.

a. Life magazine ran a spread on Hopkins on September 22, 1941, calling his a one-man cabinet to Roosevelt. In fact, he lived at the White House, in the Lincoln Bedroom, from May 1940 to December 1943. LIFE

b. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book,The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor

3. Harry Hopkins biographer, George McJimsey, makes the claim that, after Stalin and his spies in the administration demanded that the Allies never open communication with the anti-Hitler Germans, and accept only unconditional surrender- which would leave Germany in no condition to hinder Stalin's post war efforts to control all of Europe, Roosevelt viewed "the doctrine as an approach to Stalin...a device, along with Lend Lease aid and the promise of a second front for convincing Stalin of his good will."
"Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy,"
by George McJimsey, , p. 278-279

Get that??? Not a way to speed the end of the war that was killing American boys....a way to make nice with Stalin.

a. United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?
FDR lied the US into WWII
FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US.
FDR locked up American citizens in camps to give loyalty tests
FDR built the military industrial complex that the far left wants to dismantle.

FDR created the Welfare state
FDR created Social Security
FDR initiated the income tax to pay for the war.

The latter three were sold to the American Public as being a temporary solution.

Not to mention many of his programs were considered unconstitutional. So he set out to replace the judges that were against him..
FDR lied the US into WWII
FDR attacked a country that did not attack the US.
FDR locked up American citizens in camps to give loyalty tests
FDR built the military industrial complex that the far left wants to dismantle.

FDR created the Welfare state
FDR created Social Security
FDR initiated the income tax to pay for the war.

The latter three were sold to the American Public as being a temporary solution.

Not to mention many of his programs were considered unconstitutional. So he set out to replace the judges that were against him..

Please find a prominent place for this, in your list of flagitious endeavors: more than any other President, Roosevelt ended the guidance of the Constitution.
Why start a fresh thread on this subject, when you already have posted a half a dozen on this spam?

1. Is your definition of 'spam' 'stuff I can't deny but hate!!!'

2. Every thread includes new material...

Case in point:

a. United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?

Had Roosevelt ended the war when it was offered by anti-Nazi, anti-communist Germans.....over a hundred thousand American boys would have survived.
4. In his tireless and unending efforts to placate, favor, win the approval of, homicidal maniac Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt offered up the lives of 100,000 to 150,000 American soldiers in said endeavor.

That, in addition to the 20,000 American soldiers that Stalin held and never repatriated.

The worst blunder was bowing to Stalin's demands that Germany be pulverized, reduced to ashes, rather than be allowed to surrender.....the doctrine of 'unconditional surrender'....was the very worst.

Franklin Roosevelt was known to fabricate all sorts of things...e.g.,that he wrote Haiti's constitution, that his cabinet would be made to swear to a balanced budget, that he came up with the idea of 'Lend Lease,'....none of which are true.
He also put out the idea that 'unconditional surrender' of Germany originated with him.

Robert Sherwood, Harry Hopkins official biographer, quotes Roosevelt as saying "The thought popped into my mind...and the next thing I knew I had said it."
Sherwood, "The White House Papers of Harry L. Hopkins; Vol II," p. 693

a. Actually, the very first use of the phrase 'unconditional surrender" at Casablanca was by Stalin's spy, Harry Hopkins. One day earlier, January 23, before the President announced it, Hopkins told the grand vizier of Morocco, "The war will be pursued until Germany, Italy, and Japan agree to unconditional surrender."
"Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and Defender of Democracy," by George McJimsey, p.277
and FRUS: Washington and Casablanca, p. 703.

Franklin Roosevelt wanted a...'close relationship' with his 'Uncle Joe' more than he wanted an end to the war.

Clearly, FDR was unworthy of the presidency.
Chic's arguments, 22, 31, 14, and 17, are noted. My response is 8, and 3.
1. Frankie and Joey, sittin' in a tree


First came love, then came marriage

Then came Frankie....

.....opening a 'second front' where Stalin wanted it.


There is no explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's ...'betrothal'....his acquiescence to every slightest wish of Joseph Stalin, outside of the kind of teen-age crush that the inexperienced, less than worldly have in their pre-pubescent years.

2. George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war ...
After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat
difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason
we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had
anyone with the proper personality and the proper qualities of sympathy and imagination to deal with him,
that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged.

For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

I quote Soviet expert Kennan because of that particular quote...." of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

It supports my claim that Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin was that of a love-sick teeny-bopper, and not that of world-wise statesman. the utter detriment of the nation and the world.

Hey Chica, get some new material. This is all retread crap you've dredged up from the archives of your prior propaganda pile of distorted dung!
Chic's arguments, 22, 31, 14, and 17, are noted. My response is 8, and 3.

Another 'brilliant' non-response to the truth I reveal about your lord and master.

Your efforts aimed at me are as eggs attacking stones.

Question: don't you wear out the patches when you drop to your knees every time "Roosevelt" is mentioned?
1. Frankie and Joey, sittin' in a tree


First came love, then came marriage

Then came Frankie....

.....opening a 'second front' where Stalin wanted it.


There is no explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's ...'betrothal'....his acquiescence to every slightest wish of Joseph Stalin, outside of the kind of teen-age crush that the inexperienced, less than worldly have in their pre-pubescent years.

2. George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war ...
After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat
difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason
we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had
anyone with the proper personality and the proper qualities of sympathy and imagination to deal with him,
that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged.

For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

I quote Soviet expert Kennan because of that particular quote...." of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

It supports my claim that Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin was that of a love-sick teeny-bopper, and not that of world-wise statesman. the utter detriment of the nation and the world.

Hey Chica, get some new material. This is all retread crap you've dredged up from the archives of your prior propaganda pile of distorted dung!

Everything I post is accurate, true, documented and sourced.

The proof is that you couldn't find a single error to support your hatred.

Sit back, get the antacids ready, and stay tuned for more.
1. Frankie and Joey, sittin' in a tree


First came love, then came marriage

Then came Frankie....

.....opening a 'second front' where Stalin wanted it.


There is no explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's ...'betrothal'....his acquiescence to every slightest wish of Joseph Stalin, outside of the kind of teen-age crush that the inexperienced, less than worldly have in their pre-pubescent years.

2. George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war ...
After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat
difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason
we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had
anyone with the proper personality and the proper qualities of sympathy and imagination to deal with him,
that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged.

For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

I quote Soviet expert Kennan because of that particular quote...." of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

It supports my claim that Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin was that of a love-sick teeny-bopper, and not that of world-wise statesman. the utter detriment of the nation and the world.

Hey Chica, get some new material. This is all retread crap you've dredged up from the archives of your prior propaganda pile of distorted dung!

Everything I post is accurate, true, documented and sourced.

The proof is that you couldn't find a single error to support your hatred.

Sit back, get the antacids ready, and stay tuned for more.

Just like you to avoid addressing the point of a post to which you respond! Feb 14, 2014 was the last time you started the same thread on Harry Hopkins along the same line of unbalanced reasoning with the same material as a basis. Harry Hopkins....Soviet Spy | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This thread is...

adjective: redundant
not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.
"This thread is redundant but does enable the initiator to display her narcissistic compulsion. "
synonyms: unnecessary, not required, inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded, uncalled for;
1. Frankie and Joey, sittin' in a tree


First came love, then came marriage

Then came Frankie....

.....opening a 'second front' where Stalin wanted it.


There is no explanation for Franklin Roosevelt's ...'betrothal'....his acquiescence to every slightest wish of Joseph Stalin, outside of the kind of teen-age crush that the inexperienced, less than worldly have in their pre-pubescent years.

2. George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war ...
After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat
difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason
we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had
anyone with the proper personality and the proper qualities of sympathy and imagination to deal with him,
that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged.

For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

I quote Soviet expert Kennan because of that particular quote...." of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature..."

It supports my claim that Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin was that of a love-sick teeny-bopper, and not that of world-wise statesman. the utter detriment of the nation and the world.

Hey Chica, get some new material. This is all retread crap you've dredged up from the archives of your prior propaganda pile of distorted dung!

Everything I post is accurate, true, documented and sourced.

The proof is that you couldn't find a single error to support your hatred.

Sit back, get the antacids ready, and stay tuned for more.

Just like you to avoid addressing the point of a post to which you respond! Feb 14, 2014 was the last time you started the same thread on Harry Hopkins along the same line of unbalanced reasoning with the same material as a basis. Harry Hopkins....Soviet Spy | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This thread is...

adjective: redundant
not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous.
"This thread is redundant but does enable the initiator to display her narcissistic compulsion. "
synonyms: unnecessary, not required, inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded, uncalled for;

Everything I post is accurate, true, documented and sourced.

The proof is that you couldn't find a single error to support your hatred.

Was this something you've learned before?
a. United States suffered 292,000 combat deaths. Fully a third to a half during the last few years......could have been avoided.
World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

100,000 American boys.....
They were sacrificed, Roosevelt's love-token, to Stalin by this love-sick, puerile United States President.
What other explanation is there?

I do so enjoy the aggravation I provide....., write soon, y'hear.

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