Franken v. Moore---A Perv Contest


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Butt Grabs

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

b) Timeliness: Moore's only Butt-Grab came 26 years ago while he was a private citizen, and two of Frankin's Butt-Grabs came while he as running for, or already in, the Senate.

c) Reliability: Moore's Butt-Grab allegation came from someone who was in some sort of criminal trouble--apparently the sort who would be subject to being bought by the Bezos Wapo Gestapo. Franken's Butt-Grab allegations come from supporters who wanted to have their picture taken with him.

Felonious Sexual Assaults

a) Sheer Numbers: Roy Moore has two allegations of felonious assaults and Al Franken has only has one, so far.

b) Timeliness: Moore's alleged assaults are almost four decades old, and were announced by the Wapo Gestapo four weeks before an election--a standard Democratic tactic. Franken's was much more recent--not long before he announced his run for the Senate.

c) Reliability: One Moore alleged assault was sponsored by the grasping hebrew bitch shyster from California, Gloria Allred, and is virtually discredited by that alone, but also, with its age, is discredited by a number of faulty details (lies) provided by the accuser from notes written for her by her California shyster, and by obvious forgery of the only documented connection between the accused and the accuser. The other is the prototype that the Wapo Gestapo would PAY FOR--a women from a broken family who has led a vagrant life of drugs, divorce and bankruptcy, who also has been shown to have some serious inconsistencies in her tale. Moore denies both stories.

Franken's Felonious Sexual Assault occurred on a Government Aircraft, making it a Federal Crime--sexual contact on a person incapable of giving consent, and it is NOT Denied by Franken. How could he---there is photographic evidence!

The Creep Factor

Moore's Creep Factor was established by six women more than a decade younger than he, who he dated (with NO misconduct alleged), or ask to date---almost four decades ago, as dredged up by the Wapo Gestapo in an attempt to lend credence to the two alleged sexual assaults...which stand much in need of corroboration and whose testimony is more than likely bought and paid for. They could have established this Creep Factor through just Moore's wife who is also more than a decade younger. They have been happily married for more than three decades during which Moore's behavior has apparently been evidenced by his wife's own testimony...excepting only the single alleged Butt-Grab 26 years ago, of doubtful validity.

Al Franken's Creep Factor is so compellingly established by one incontrovertible photo...all that needs to be said is to repeat the proverb: A picture is worth a thousand words. Take a look at this sick sophomoric 55 year old Pervert...Photo of Felony in Progress...taken not long before he announced his run for the Senate:


Perversion is in the eye of the politically partisan beholder, and Franken has the New York Media and the Bezos Wapo Gestapo covering for him (as best they can), but all things considered, including the passage of Time, the available Proof, as opposed to Anceint Allegations or Recent Admissions---I, an unbiased observer, or at least as unbiased as the Washington Post, must declare:

Al Franken to be the Winner of the Perv Contest over the ancient election-time allegations against Roy Moore.



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And none of that matters when age of the victim is factored in.

That is the prime problem with Moore. Not that the partisans actually care...
Franken is a perverted POS, and progressives want to Give him a double standard. Lol
I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

The idea of having some 30 something old man trying to stick his tongue in your mouth when you are 14-17 is just disgusting. Utterly repulsive.
I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

Apparently, you can lead a Dumb-Ass to the Truth, but you cannot comprehend it for him.

The Corfman and Nelson Alleged Sexual Assaults are covered in the Sexual Assaults Section of the O.P.

Moore has two--both vigorously denied and ancient; Franken has one---photographed and admitted, taken just before he ran for the Senate.

As to just the category Butt-Grabs---its:

Moore -------------------1

Live with it Bolshevik.

I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

The idea of having some 30 something old man trying to stick his tongue in your mouth when you are 14-17 is just disgusting. Utterly repulsive.

Moore-----alleged 38 years ago...coming out just before the election

Franken---alleged to have done the same thing to the Sleeping Beauty in the picture--just before he ran for the Senate.

I am trying to teach you Dumb-Ass Bolshevik Liberals how to evaluate evidence.

I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

The idea of having some 30 something old man trying to stick his tongue in your mouth when you are 14-17 is just disgusting. Utterly repulsive.

Moore-----alleged 38 years ago...coming out just before the election

Franken---alleged to have done the same thing to the Sleeping Beauty in the picture--just before he ran for the Senate.

I am trying to teach you Dumb-Ass Bolshevik Liberals how to evaluate evidence.


It's just coincidence. What about all the other allegations coming out now, against people who are not running for office? Far more toward non-political people than toward political people. It has to do with #MeToo.
I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

Apparently, you can lead a Dumb-Ass to the Truth, but you cannot comprehend it for him.

The Corfman and Nelson Alleged Sexual Assaults are covered in the Sexual Assaults Section of the O.P.

Moore has two--both vigorously denied and ancient; Franken has one---photographed and admitted, taken just before he ran for the Senate.

As to just the category Butt-Grabs---its:

Moore -------------------1

Live with it Bolshevik.

Mac, you are the Alt Right commiecon. MarkDuffy owns your ass, and you want him to pinch it.
I stopped reading at this lie

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

The idea of having some 30 something old man trying to stick his tongue in your mouth when you are 14-17 is just disgusting. Utterly repulsive.

Moore-----alleged 38 years ago...coming out just before the election

Franken---alleged to have done the same thing to the Sleeping Beauty in the picture--just before he ran for the Senate.

I am trying to teach you Dumb-Ass Bolshevik Liberals how to evaluate evidence.


It's just coincidence. What about all the other allegations coming out now, against people who are not running for office? Far more toward non-political people than toward political people. It has to do with #MeToo.

Except for Roy Moore, and he is probably a victim of a Bought and Paid For Political Hit by Democrats or their propaganda arms---almost all the rest are Democrats. ALL the Hollywood PERVS are know....Women's Rights.

That ought to teach you something about Hypocrisy...if you are willing to learn.

Butt Grabs

a) Sheer Numbers: Al Franken is up over Roy Moore by three Butt-Grabs to one.

b) Timeliness: Moore's only Butt-Grab came 26 years ago while he was a private citizen, and two of Frankin's Butt-Grabs came while he as running for, or already in, the Senate.

c) Reliability: Moore's Butt-Grab allegation came from someone who was in some sort of criminal trouble--apparently the sort who would be subject to being bought by the Bezos Wapo Gestapo. Franken's Butt-Grab allegations come from supporters who wanted to have their picture taken with him.

Felonious Sexual Assaults

a) Sheer Numbers: Roy Moore has two allegations of felonious assaults and Al Franken has only has one, so far.

b) Timeliness: Moore's alleged assaults are almost four decades old, and were announced by the Wapo Gestapo four weeks before an election--a standard Democratic tactic. Franken's was much more recent--not long before he announced his run for the Senate.

c) Reliability: One Moore alleged assault was sponsored by the grasping hebrew bitch shyster from California, Gloria Allred, and is virtually discredited by that alone, but also, with its age, is discredited by a number of faulty details (lies) provided by the accuser from notes written for her by her California shyster, and by obvious forgery of the only documented connection between the accused and the accuser. The other is the prototype that the Wapo Gestapo would PAY FOR--a women from a broken family who has led a vagrant life of drugs, divorce and bankruptcy, who also has been shown to have some serious inconsistencies in her tale. Moore denies both stories.

Franken's Felonious Sexual Assault occurred on a Government Aircraft, making it a Federal Crime--sexual contact on a person incapable of giving consent, and it is NOT Denied by Franken. How could he---there is photographic evidence!

The Creep Factor

Moore's Creep Factor was established by six women more than a decade younger than he, who he dated (with NO misconduct alleged), or ask to date---almost four decades ago, as dredged up by the Wapo Gestapo in an attempt to lend credence to the two alleged sexual assaults...which stand much in need of corroboration and whose testimony is more than likely bought and paid for. They could have established this Creep Factor through just Moore's wife who is also more than a decade younger. They have been happily married for more than three decades during which Moore's behavior has apparently been evidenced by his wife's own testimony...excepting only the single alleged Butt-Grab 26 years ago, of doubtful validity.

Al Franken's Creep Factor is so compellingly established by one incontrovertible photo...all that needs to be said is to repeat the proverb: A picture is worth a thousand words. Take a look at this sick sophomoric 55 year old Pervert...Photo of Felony in Progress...taken not long before he announced his run for the Senate:


Perversion is in the eye of the politically partisan beholder, and Franken has the New York Media and the Bezos Wapo Gestapo covering for him (as best they can), but all things considered, including the passage of Time, the available Proof, as opposed to Anceint Allegations or Recent Admissions---I, an unbiased observer, or at least as unbiased as the Washington Post, must declare:

Al Franken to be the Winner of the Perv Contest over the ancient election-time allegations against Roy Moore.


"the Hebrew Bitch", lol, why do you DEMAND not to be taken seriously?

Count em Dumb-Ass.

Don't get confused by the massive coverage given to Moore by the New York Media.

Three women have said Franken grabbed their ass. Only one has accused Moore of that, it in his law office in 1991.

His other accusers are accounted for in the other Perv Categories of the Post.

Your Democratic is Sicker; there is more Proof of his Sickness, and his Sickness is more recent. Moore has not shown signs of sickness in the last 38 years.

Conclusion: Al Franken Wins the PERV Award!
Leigh Corfman ~ During a second encounter, he allegedly took off her shirt and pants and touched her over her underwear and led her hands to touch him over his underwear.

Beverly Young Nelson ~ She claims that Moore offered to drive her home from her job waitressing at a restaurant and then groped her and forced her head toward his crotch.

Tina Johnson ~ Tina Johnson told that Moore groped her in 1991 when she visited his law office with her mother

More Women Are Accusing Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct

The others only said kissing but we all know that means more than that.

The idea of having some 30 something old man trying to stick his tongue in your mouth when you are 14-17 is just disgusting. Utterly repulsive.

Moore-----alleged 38 years ago...coming out just before the election

Franken---alleged to have done the same thing to the Sleeping Beauty in the picture--just before he ran for the Senate.

I am trying to teach you Dumb-Ass Bolshevik Liberals how to evaluate evidence.


It's just coincidence. What about all the other allegations coming out now, against people who are not running for office? Far more toward non-political people than toward political people. It has to do with #MeToo.

Except for Roy Moore, and he is probably a victim of a Bought and Paid For Political Hit by Democrats or their propaganda arms---almost all the rest are Democrats. ALL the Hollywood PERVS are know....Women's Rights.

That ought to teach you something about Hypocrisy...if you are willing to learn.

So for you, reality is completely irrelevant. LOL You believe truth is what you want it to be rather than what it is.

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