Frank Sinatra Jr dies

you who I care for

and depend on

never die

please ...never die

NEVER never never
Granny wantin' to know...

... did he do it his way too?
I am so ready to leave this planet earth

and join all of them.....

but I am not pushing it

it is what is its

we will wait till we are called LOL
Oh yeah. I hear ya. Been there myself lately (mindset). But, Karma holds me back. Karma karma and Karma my dog.

Your pup is sweet Bless him.

Karma holds me back you and like all of us......

otherwise I would be there with them... but I can not

I can not,,,I must wait till my time comes
It's rude to arrive unannounced and ask where to put your toothbrush, lol. Long as Karma is am I. No guarantees when she goes, though. I've been burned out on this world for years. I'm ready. But not quite yet. :eusa_angel:
God night Jr.....Rest in peace..

Send my love to your Dad..say hello when you see him up there,,,

As a kid I recall what a big story it was when he was kidnapped. Details fade with time, but recall as a youngster coming up with a mental image of him in a car trunk bound and gagged in a scene I derived straight out of film noir.
Frank Jr made a career out of singing his Dad's songs. It's not the way to make thrle top ten.

He said in an interview it was like he was selling antiques in a furniture store and he was happy with that. Got to admit I was shocked, the paper has had ads for his show for a couple of weeks.
I am so ready to leave this planet earth

and join all of them.....

but I am not pushing it

it is what is its

we will wait till we are called LOL

I think when you hit the age of about 40, you start to REALLY realize not only how short and quick life is, but what a piece of shit it is.

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