France INcome Tax raised to 100%: Total Marxism

Nice, Dave, you published a picture without context.

The traffic sign would indicate this was not taken in the USA>

Looks like somewhere in the UK.




Incidently, I think all the forms of anarchism, whether it be the OWS movement or the Libertarians are kind of scary. But you can kind of see why they happen when the economy doesn't work well for most of us and every day becomes a struggle, right?
It doesn't work for those who won't work.
So what is the equivlent to Godwin's law for folks who scream "communism" when losing an argument?

Guy, I used to be as Right Wing as you are, until I realized there's a big old line between the bosses and the rest of us.

And I only care about what happens on MY side of the line.
:lol: You think you're winning?


Look, you don't like being called a Communist -- stop mindlessly bleating Communist slogans.

Your call.
You have far lefties on here who may stay silent but love the idea of this.. and still some others that will openly support such things

That's because leftist progressives are mentally retarded children.

Many such leftist here on this forum are so retarded that they're cross eye'd and they regularly have foam build up on their mouths. :cool:

We can always count on your eternal wisdom. :lol:
And frankly, if you are taking more than your fair share, you shouldn't be surprised when the rest of us vote to take it back.

So, you're admitting that you feel entitled to part of the share we earned ourselves?

Because any part of our share belongs to us. Regardless of what you think is fair or not.

Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

He's just cheating the people who did the actual work.

And that's what a progressive income tax is, and equalizer for human larceny.

This is where you guys fucked it up, you see. If you kept letting the middle class have a comfortable lifestyle, like we had before that senile fuck Reagan, there would never have been an Obama.

20 years, you guys will miss Obama. Because the next guy coming down the pike is going to be a much bigger class warrior than he ever was.

I doubt that.

This last presidential race was close, and Obama doesn't seem to be gaining much support as time goes on. People have started to open their eyes, and leftism isn't doing them much good 5 years later.

Um, no, it wasn't really that close, and if it weren't for stupid, racist white people, Romney would have been dead five seconds after he blurted out that dumb shit about the 47%.

If the Dems run a white person next time, you guys are screwed.
So what is the equivlent to Godwin's law for folks who scream "communism" when losing an argument?

Guy, I used to be as Right Wing as you are, until I realized there's a big old line between the bosses and the rest of us.

And I only care about what happens on MY side of the line.
:lol: You think you're winning?


Look, you don't like being called a Communist -- stop mindlessly bleating Communist slogans.

Your call.

Blah, blah, blah, Communism. Godwins Law. No argument. Thanks for playing.

Frankly, why should I vote for people who are on the side of managers who cheat and lie to me with impunity.

Until you can give me a good answer to that one, you have nothing to say.
Nice, Dave, you published a picture without context.

The traffic sign would indicate this was not taken in the USA>

Looks like somewhere in the UK.

Or people who are rightfully angry about the fact that they lost their jobs, their houses are underwater, and the big fat cats on wall street got a huge fucking bailout, got to keep their bonuses, and not a one of them went to prison for wrecking the economy.

Incidently, I think all the forms of anarchism, whether it be the OWS movement or the Libertarians are kind of scary. But you can kind of see why they happen when the economy doesn't work well for most of us and every day becomes a struggle, right?
It doesn't work for those who won't work.[/quote]

So let's assure that everyone who wants to work a job has a job. Plenty of work that needs to be done with schools, bridges, roads, infrastructure, environmental clean up that no rich asshole is going to make a profit on.

This is how FDR saved this country, by the way, by making a middle class.

But, no, no, it's better to have a lot of angry people out there struggling, just so you can feel better that you are a little higher on the dungheap.

And again, until my company screwed me when I got sick, I probably thought the same way.

Shame on me. I'm making up for it now, even though I have to argue with heartless assholes like you.
the 100% rate was a one shot deal, you idiots.

So If Obama says he wants to do this as a "one-shot deal" we shouldn't worry then?

It's a travesty it even happened ONCE

I never said I supported it.

But the fact is there is no permanent tax rate of 100% in France.

I do not recall reading that anyone said it was a permanent deal. In fact, I noted a couple of times that it was a one time shot and I was not alone. Maybe I missed the post(s) you saw that stated it was permanent.

By the way, I like the avatar and hope what it symbolizes some day becomes a reality.

This is not in dispute, although we could have a whole different discussion about the wisdom of limiting SSA "investments" to only treasuries. ;)

I definitely agree with that. SS should be run like a real pension plan, and people should be allowed to opt out of it and invest directly themselves. Other countries are doing this now.
I'm glad we can agree on one point at least. ;)

I think you know about it but are missing it, the federal government has a legal obligation to "invest" excess SSA revenue into the SSA "trust fund" (under current federal law), it's right there in the PDF you linked. They're just not accounting for that legal obligation when they report a "surplus".

I'm not sure how to put the fact that an excess of debt isn't the same thing as a surplus of cash any more simply than I already have but I'll give it one last shot; the national debt (intra-governmental holdings + public debt) as reported by the treasury increased every year under Clinton which clearly demonstrates a case of the former rather than a case of the latter. In my book reporting that to the public as a "surplus" is an attempt to deceive the public into believing that it's a case of the latter.

... and therein lies the point of contention my friend, that the federal government has redefined the meaning of surplus to include a scenario which involves an increase of outstanding debt, I (along with others more knowledgeable about accounting than I) don't agree with that definition, You apparently do, so we'll have to agree to disagree.

Bush opted to give everyone a tax cut, arguing that we could afford one given the surpluses. Americans agreed and voted him in. But had the operating budget been budget been in surplus, it doesn't necessarily preclude a tax cut.
Just a minor point of order on this , Bush + Congress didn't cut taxes , he shifted them into the future since he continued to run a net operating deficit throughout his two terms, the hope was that the increased economic activity would generate sufficient revenues to offset the "cuts", didn't work out that way.

I often here the argument that "If the government really had a surplus, they would have paid down the SS debt," which is what you are arguing in your brackets
No it's not what I'm arguing in my brackets, what I'm pointing out there is the possibility that the federal government utilizes an actual surplus of cash to shore up it's unfunded future liabilities (which aren't limited to SS, since they also include Medicare and the other various federal pension funds), unfortunately federal law makes the "maneuverability" of this rather limited since in most cases it prohibits the federal government from purchasing marketable securities from external entities, I'm just assuming (hoping) there's some wiggle room in there somewhere that would allow for this.

Anywho, great talking to you and interesting conversation, hope you have an excellent weekend!


I've moved this discussion to this thread since we have derailed the OP.
So what is the equivlent to Godwin's law for folks who scream "communism" when losing an argument?

Guy, I used to be as Right Wing as you are, until I realized there's a big old line between the bosses and the rest of us.

And I only care about what happens on MY side of the line.
:lol: You think you're winning?


Look, you don't like being called a Communist -- stop mindlessly bleating Communist slogans.

Your call.

Blah, blah, blah, Communism. Godwins Law. No argument. Thanks for playing.
Normal people know Communism is a bad thing.

And then there's you.
Frankly, why should I vote for people who are on the side of managers who cheat and lie to me with impunity.

Until you can give me a good answer to that one, you have nothing to say.
If you don't want to vote for people who lie and cheat, you're not going to vote for anybody. :lol:
:lol: You think you're winning?


Look, you don't like being called a Communist -- stop mindlessly bleating Communist slogans.

Your call.

Blah, blah, blah, Communism. Godwins Law. No argument. Thanks for playing.
Normal people know Communism is a bad thing.

And then there's you.
Frankly, why should I vote for people who are on the side of managers who cheat and lie to me with impunity.

Until you can give me a good answer to that one, you have nothing to say.
If you don't want to vote for people who lie and cheat, you're not going to vote for anybody. :lol:

Absolutely going to leave a mark it is. Joey has a problem...I wonder if there are mirrors in his home where he can give himself a talking to?

He puts more trust in politicians than he does with people living their lives as they see fit. (And that includes himself...unless JOEY is ONE of them)?:eusa_shifty:
Nice, Dave, you published a picture without context.

The traffic sign would indicate this was not taken in the USA>

Looks like somewhere in the UK.

Or people who are rightfully angry about the fact that they lost their jobs, their houses are underwater, and the big fat cats on wall street got a huge fucking bailout, got to keep their bonuses, and not a one of them went to prison for wrecking the economy.
Being angry doesn't give you the right to deface public and private property and to leave biohazards where you've gathered to be angry together.

That's one of the problems with progressives -- they really do believe their emotions trump everything else.

In other words: Grow up.
Incidently, I think all the forms of anarchism, whether it be the OWS movement or the Libertarians are kind of scary. But you can kind of see why they happen when the economy doesn't work well for most of us and every day becomes a struggle, right?
It doesn't work for those who won't work.

So let's assure that everyone who wants to work a job has a job. Plenty of work that needs to be done with schools, bridges, roads, infrastructure, environmental clean up that no rich asshole is going to make a profit on.

This is how FDR saved this country, by the way, by making a middle class.

But, no, no, it's better to have a lot of angry people out there struggling, just so you can feel better that you are a little higher on the dungheap.

And again, until my company screwed me when I got sick, I probably thought the same way.

Shame on me. I'm making up for it now, even though I have to argue with heartless assholes like you.'s not me supporting a President whose policies are keeping people out of work, genius.

That would be YOU.
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Blah, blah, blah, Communism. Godwins Law. No argument. Thanks for playing.
Normal people know Communism is a bad thing.

And then there's you.
Frankly, why should I vote for people who are on the side of managers who cheat and lie to me with impunity.

Until you can give me a good answer to that one, you have nothing to say.
If you don't want to vote for people who lie and cheat, you're not going to vote for anybody. :lol:

Absolutely going to leave a mark it is. Joey has a problem...I wonder if there are mirrors in his home where he can give himself a talking to?

He puts more trust in politicians than he does with people living their lives as they see fit. (And that includes himself...unless JOEY is ONE of them)?:eusa_shifty:
Joe has made it quite clear he wants other people to do the work. Then he'll show up, take credit, and demand the reigns be handed over to him.

Because sees himself as incompetent to run his own life, he projects that incompetence on everyone else.

Typical progressive.
We know that there are a shitload of Libs in this country when they find out about this will just be
multi - orgasmic.And I'm sure they would love to have that here.

All monies earned belong to government first.
And frankly, if you are taking more than your fair share, you shouldn't be surprised when the rest of us vote to take it back.

So, you're admitting that you feel entitled to part of the share we earned ourselves?

Because any part of our share belongs to us. Regardless of what you think is fair or not.

Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

He's just cheating the people who did the actual work.

And that's what a progressive income tax is, and equalizer for human larceny.

That's your opinion.

And not to belittle you or anything, but from the experiences you've mentioned on here you don't know what it's like to earn $200,000. So to be frank, you're nobody to be saying what someone else should or shouldn't be earning.

Your opinion that nobody's labor should be worth more than $200,000 is based on your own limited understanding. Perhaps if you knew what it took to get there you'd have a different opinion.

Although your point of view is that of the typical jealous socialist. Anybody that earns more than you doesn't deserve it and had to have gotten it by cheating. Your mind can't conceive a way for you to obtain their success, so your first reflex is to try and destroy the success of others.

Quite a sad way to live your life. I honestly do hope you can get over that.
And frankly, if you are taking more than your fair share, you shouldn't be surprised when the rest of us vote to take it back.

So, you're admitting that you feel entitled to part of the share we earned ourselves?

Because any part of our share belongs to us. Regardless of what you think is fair or not.

Uh, no, guy. Nobody performs 8 figures worth of labor.

Nobody performs 7 figures worth of labor.

I would even go so far to say that no one being paid more than $200,000 is really earning it.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUM, you're STUPID, boy! Plenty of people do work worth 7 (or eight) figures. (Off the top of my head: a surgeon!)
You have far lefties on here who may stay silent but love the idea of this.. and still some others that will openly support such things

That's because leftist progressives are mentally retarded children.

Many such leftist here on this forum are so retarded that they're cross eye'd and they regularly have foam build up on their mouths. :cool:

We can always count on your eternal wisdom. :lol:

You can count on my napkins I have next to me.

They can be useful to wipe up your tears and the foam at the corners of your mouth. :cool:
Frankly, why should I vote for people who are on the side of managers who cheat and lie to me with impunity.

Until you can give me a good answer to that one, you have nothing to say.
If you don't want to vote for people who lie and cheat, you're not going to vote for anybody. :lol:

Absolutely going to leave a mark it is. Joey has a problem...I wonder if there are mirrors in his home where he can give himself a talking to?

He puts more trust in politicians than he does with people living their lives as they see fit. (And that includes himself...unless JOEY is ONE of them)?:eusa_shifty:

I think you miss the point.

I trust politicians to do whatever suckup thing they need to do to get re-elected. The ballot box is the ONE PLACE I have as much power as my scumwad ex-boss who cured me or Republican Stupidity.

Businesses will do whatever it takes to make a profit. A mentality that brought us Love Canal, the Ford Pinto, and a thousand other screwups.

You guys trust big corporations that would put Carcinogens in your water, if they thought they could get away with it.

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