France in Flames


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City




The story claims “migrant youths” are responsible for this. Typical of the Europeans that they’ll do anything to avoid pointing out these thugs are MUSLIMS!

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War Zone France: Violent Migrant youth rioting on the streets for FOURTH night, streets ablaze, police attacked @ You are being redirected...
If the French don't want this to continue, all they have to do is declare Islam as the state religion, implement Sharia Law and give infidels the option of converting, leaving, or dying. Problem solved. Of course, the new Islamic Republic of France will be a nuke power.
The riots and looting in Ferguson, Missouri were much more violent, larger, and included the arson of buildings.

But heck, why worry about America, when you can point fingers at France and their internal social problems. .... :cool:
The French people had a chance to elect a lady who would have laid down the law to those thugs.

In their wisdom, they passed up the opportunity.

So they do not deserve any sympathy -- IMHO.
The French people had a chance to elect a lady who would have laid down the law to those thugs.

In their wisdom, they passed up the opportunity.

So they do not deserve any sympathy -- IMHO.
You mean a putin funded nazi ? How could they pass that up ?
Time to segregate ourselves from the Muzzie lovers. Expel them and form our own pact of anti-muslim countries.




The story claims “migrant youths” are responsible for this. Typical of the Europeans that they’ll do anything to avoid pointing out these thugs are MUSLIMS!

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War Zone France: Violent Migrant youth rioting on the streets for FOURTH night, streets ablaze, police attacked @ You are being redirected...

What part of France are you in Longknife?
What makes you think he's in France? What a weird question. Stop being a weirdo.
Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence and the ability to pay attention to world news knows that these riots are nothing new. Muslim youth gangs have been setting fire to vehicles and businesses for many years now. The French can do little about it as they are citizens and cannot be deported. Comes from French colonialism.
Anyone with the slightest bit of intelligence and the ability to pay attention to world news knows that these riots are nothing new. Muslim youth gangs have been setting fire to vehicles and businesses for many years now. The French can do little about it as they are citizens and cannot be deported. Comes from French colonialism.
So why are you highlighting it ? Happens all over the world.
Is criticising terrorism a Illness"?

  • The court's request, for Marine Le Pen to undergo a psychiatric evaluation to determine if she is sane, indicates that French authorities might be reviving the old Soviet use of "psychiatry" to silence dissidents or political opponents.

  • The legal offensive against Marine Le Pen was actually added to the financial offensive. Even if Le Pen is not sent to prison, the law seems to have been used to open the possibility of declaring her ineligible for the European Parliament elections scheduled for May 2019.

    Is Criticizing Terrorism "Mental Illness"?
A lawyer, Regis de Castelnau, wrote in the monthly Causeur.

"There is a country in Europe where the main opposition party, after the seizure of its financial resources, sees its president asked to undergo a judicial psychiatric assessment. Is it Putin's Russia or Orban's Hungary? No. It is France".

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