Fox's vicious hinged attacks on military family

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Fox News' Vicious, Unhinged Attacks on a Military Family | Alternet

Fox News transformed the prisoner swap into a vicious partisan issue.

When an emotional Jani and Robert Bergdahl strode into the White House Rose Garden on Saturday to the share the emotional announcement by President Obama that their son, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl would be returning home after being held captive for five years by the Taliban, it's unlikely they could have foreseen that their family would soon be under attack by the right-wing media, or that Robert Bergdahl would be depicted on Fox News as a possible terrorist sympathizer; mocked on national television as he awaited a reunion with his ailing son.

They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.

I've been in a news blackout for the past two weeks and really know all the details of this issue yet. Therefore, I'm withholding my own judgement until the facts are in.

What I do know is that, for Fox, ALL news stories are about trashing President Obama with lies, half-truths and innuendo. And for some citizens, any lie about Obama is good.
The problem with Deany here is that he lacks the ability to speak logically but still possesses the ability to type.

This is your stock answer when you can't deny or debate the facts.

And, you don't even know you're in the wrong thread.
Fox News' Vicious, Unhinged Attacks on a Military Family | Alternet

Fox News transformed the prisoner swap into a vicious partisan issue.

When an emotional Jani and Robert Bergdahl strode into the White House Rose Garden on Saturday to the share the emotional announcement by President Obama that their son, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl would be returning home after being held captive for five years by the Taliban, it's unlikely they could have foreseen that their family would soon be under attack by the right-wing media, or that Robert Bergdahl would be depicted on Fox News as a possible terrorist sympathizer; mocked on national television as he awaited a reunion with his ailing son.

They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.

I've been in a news blackout for the past two weeks and really know all the details of this issue yet. Therefore, I'm withholding my own judgement until the facts are in.

What I do know is that, for Fox, ALL news stories are about trashing President Obama with lies, half-truths and innuendo. And for some citizens, any lie about Obama is good.

It's not just Fox news, it's all of the news. Everyone is outraged over this.
The blame game won't work on this incredible stupid move.
Releasing 5 top Taliban leaders, which will build up the Taliban again is an extremely stupid move.
The problem with Deany here is that he lacks the ability to speak logically but still possesses the ability to type.
which marines died in benghazi?

until you answer that, you have very little room to criticize.
As usual, a totally screw-loose post without even bothering to see what is being said or reported on other channels or on the web.

Sad, isn't it?
The ODS kooks simply have no idea how vile and treasonous they now appear to normal people. The moral rot from their ODS now has them screaming that we should leave men behind, if it benefits their politics.

And President Obama just directly called them out on that. Go on, ODS kooks, we beg you to scream it louder, that we should leave men behind. We appreciate the votes you're bringing us. It's also good that you're finally being honest about just how much you hate the military.
The ODS kooks simply have no idea how vile and treasonous they now appear to normal people. The moral rot from their ODS now has them screaming that we should leave men behind, if it benefits their politics.

And President Obama just directly called them out on that. Go on, ODS kooks, we beg you to scream it louder, that we should leave men behind. We appreciate the votes you're bringing us. It's also good that you're finally being honest about just how much you hate the military.

When a soldier turns his back on his fellow soldiers and collaborates with the enemy, that son-of-a-bitch SHOULD be left behind.

Those who served with him know best what happened and what they say leaves no doubt that Bergdawl is a traitor.

His father is not much better.

The OP seems to be forgetting about the REAL vicious attacks on Sarah Palin and her family, children, including a handicapped baby, and those attack are continuing to this very day.
Fox News' Vicious, Unhinged Attacks on a Military Family | Alternet

Fox News transformed the prisoner swap into a vicious partisan issue.

When an emotional Jani and Robert Bergdahl strode into the White House Rose Garden on Saturday to the share the emotional announcement by President Obama that their son, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl would be returning home after being held captive for five years by the Taliban, it's unlikely they could have foreseen that their family would soon be under attack by the right-wing media, or that Robert Bergdahl would be depicted on Fox News as a possible terrorist sympathizer; mocked on national television as he awaited a reunion with his ailing son.

They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.

I've been in a news blackout for the past two weeks and really know all the details of this issue yet. Therefore, I'm withholding my own judgement until the facts are in.

What I do know is that, for Fox, ALL news stories are about trashing President Obama with lies, half-truths and innuendo. And for some citizens, any lie about Obama is good.

It's not just Fox news, it's all of the news. Everyone is outraged over this.
The blame game won't work on this incredible stupid move.
Releasing 5 top Taliban leaders, which will build up the Taliban again is an extremely stupid move.

First off, it wasn't at all a "stupid" move, given that the US is preparing to leave Afghanistan.

And it works out well on multiple levels.

First and foremost, it gave us back a member of the military held in captivity with his head intact.

Second, it alleviates the justice department of some rather thorny legal issues concerning the "detainees" that were released.

Third, it may soften the position of the Taliban, who might be more willing to reconcile and work with the present government in Afghanistan as opposed to fighting them, something that is very much in the interest of the United States.

You folks are all about blunt and brute force. And that generally results in a lot of dead bodies, and some really awful decapitation videos.
now you can't talk about the guys family even AFTER THEY spoke on National teleivision

alternet and the rest of you trying to shut people up about this stunt by Obama, "can go to hell" we have a RIGHT to speak about them and his lowlife son

the nice luddy on vacation is gone, now we get the NASTY ONE
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The ODS kooks simply have no idea how vile and treasonous they now appear to normal people. The moral rot from their ODS now has them screaming that we should leave men behind, if it benefits their politics.

And President Obama just directly called them out on that. Go on, ODS kooks, we beg you to scream it louder, that we should leave men behind. We appreciate the votes you're bringing us. It's also good that you're finally being honest about just how much you hate the military.

When a soldier turns his back on his fellow soldiers and collaborates with the enemy, that son-of-a-bitch SHOULD be left behind.

Those who served with him know best what happened and what they say leaves no doubt that Bergdawl is a traitor.

His father is not much better.

The OP seems to be forgetting about the REAL vicious attacks on Sarah Palin and her family, children, including a handicapped baby, and those attack are continuing to this very day.

Palin get shot in the face?

[ame=]Gabrielle Giffords warns Sarah Palin there will be consequences. - YouTube[/ame]

Nice right?
Bergdahl was never a captive. When he was turned over, the way he was dressed was proof that he was never a captive. He was dressed in white, which is what is given to respected leadership not to captives. Bergdahl's father knew he wasn't a captive and referred to his son as a guest in the home of the Taliban.

Bowe Bergdahl: Taliban Captors Speak to TIME - TIME

That creepy father, Robert Bergdahl trying to out muslim the Taliban was disgusting.
Calling the Bergdahls a "military family" is like calling Julius and Ethel Rosenberg true patriots.

You have to wonder who the speaker is rooting for?
One thing I will say for the lefty loons here, they never get tired of spinning, lying, and covering for Obama. The guy has been fucking up everything he touches for 6 years and they never get tired of covering for him.
Fox News' Vicious, Unhinged Attacks on a Military Family | Alternet

Fox News transformed the prisoner swap into a vicious partisan issue.

When an emotional Jani and Robert Bergdahl strode into the White House Rose Garden on Saturday to the share the emotional announcement by President Obama that their son, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl would be returning home after being held captive for five years by the Taliban, it's unlikely they could have foreseen that their family would soon be under attack by the right-wing media, or that Robert Bergdahl would be depicted on Fox News as a possible terrorist sympathizer; mocked on national television as he awaited a reunion with his ailing son.

They couldn't have foreseen it because I don't think it's ever happened before. I don't think we've ever seen a dedicated media campaign to not only undermine a returning prisoner of war, but to also cast doubt onto the soldier's family; to portray them as un-American even as they prepare for their reunion.

Instead, Fox News has helped transform the prisoner swap involving Taliban detainees into "an increasingly vicious partisan issue," as Buzzfeed described the Republican decision to go into relentless attack mode, complete with enlisted publicists and strategists, to subvert the return of an American POW.

It's symptomatic of a conservative media mini-mob that now obsessively politicizing everything, and does it all with the knob turned up to 11.

I've been in a news blackout for the past two weeks and really know all the details of this issue yet. Therefore, I'm withholding my own judgement until the facts are in.

What I do know is that, for Fox, ALL news stories are about trashing President Obama with lies, half-truths and innuendo. And for some citizens, any lie about Obama is good.

It's not just Fox news, it's all of the news. Everyone is outraged over this.
The blame game won't work on this incredible stupid move.
Releasing 5 top Taliban leaders, which will build up the Taliban again is an extremely stupid move.

So...all the news sources are bashing the family?
One thing I will say for the lefty loons here, they never get tired of spinning, lying, and covering for Obama. The guy has been fucking up everything he touches for 6 years and they never get tired of covering for him.

[MENTION=33194]PredFan[/MENTION], who were the marines killed in benghazi?

or were you spinning and lying when you made that claim?

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