@FoxNews constitutes a clear and present danger to the Republic


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Through constant spinning of conspiracy theories about "deep states" and traitors within our patriotic intelligence and law enforcement agencies, they are deluding the paranoid narcissist Trump, who is also the man with the ability to destroy the world, to engage in assaults against the very elements of government that keep us safe, to "root out" the conspirators. Fox anchors and reporters, who will go down in history as the anti-Americans they are, have continued deluding their viewers with the insane conspiracy theories.

For Fox viewers, the idea that vast cabals of men and women who dedicated their lives to serving this country has transformed into fang-toothed conspirators set on bringing down the government, is more credible than the far more simple and logical idea that Trump may have done something wrong and is lashing out. While it was immoral to deceive millions of Americans with such nonsense, and anti-American, it raises to the level of a national threat when Fox is knowingly spinning this nonsense to a man who watches them incessantly - the panicked, deluded, paranoid narcissist occupying the Oval Office.

Unrolled thread from @kurteichenwald

The author: Kurt Eichenwald is an American journalist who serves as a senior writer with Newsweek, a contributing editor with Vanity Fair and a New York Times bestselling author of four books.

I agree with every single word.

This is reformatted from a series of tweets, the remainder of which are at the link.
Through constant spinning of conspiracy theories about "deep states" and traitors within our patriotic intelligence and law enforcement agencies, they are deluding the paranoid narcissist Trump, who is also the man with the ability to destroy the world, to engage in assaults against the very elements of government that keep us safe, to "root out" the conspirators. Fox anchors and reporters, who will go down in history as the anti-Americans they are, have continued deluding their viewers with the insane conspiracy theories.

For Fox viewers, the idea that vast cabals of men and women who dedicated their lives to serving this country has transformed into fang-toothed conspirators set on bringing down the government, is more credible than the far more simple and logical idea that Trump may have done something wrong and is lashing out. While it was immoral to deceive millions of Americans with such nonsense, and anti-American, it raises to the level of a national threat when Fox is knowingly spinning this nonsense to a man who watches them incessantly - the panicked, deluded, paranoid narcissist occupying the Oval Office.

Unrolled thread from @kurteichenwald

The author: Kurt Eichenwald is an American journalist who serves as a senior writer with Newsweek, a contributing editor with Vanity Fair and a New York Times bestselling author of four books.

I agree with every single word.

This is reformatted from a series of tweets, the remainder of which are at the link.
Shouldn't this be in humor?

Why am I even asking this question? Everything politics belongs in humor.......... :eusa_whistle:
Through constant spinning of conspiracy theories about "deep states" and traitors within our patriotic intelligence and law enforcement agencies, they are deluding the paranoid narcissist Trump, who is also the man with the ability to destroy the world, to engage in assaults against the very elements of government that keep us safe, to "root out" the conspirators. Fox anchors and reporters, who will go down in history as the anti-Americans they are, have continued deluding their viewers with the insane conspiracy theories.

For Fox viewers, the idea that vast cabals of men and women who dedicated their lives to serving this country has transformed into fang-toothed conspirators set on bringing down the government, is more credible than the far more simple and logical idea that Trump may have done something wrong and is lashing out. While it was immoral to deceive millions of Americans with such nonsense, and anti-American, it raises to the level of a national threat when Fox is knowingly spinning this nonsense to a man who watches them incessantly - the panicked, deluded, paranoid narcissist occupying the Oval Office.

Unrolled thread from @kurteichenwald

The author: Kurt Eichenwald is an American journalist who serves as a senior writer with Newsweek, a contributing editor with Vanity Fair and a New York Times bestselling author of four books.

I agree with every single word.

This is reformatted from a series of tweets, the remainder of which are at the link.

So, you suffer from epilepsy and grand mal seizures like Kurt? It wouldn't surprise me if you are as brain damaged as Kurt....two peas in the proverbial pod. Brain damaged Kurt worked for the CFR mouth pieces like Newsweek and the New York Times. I would bust Kurt into a 1,000 tiny bite size peices in an honest debate.

Dismissed and given the backhanded wave of the hand......

Liberals have been posting pissy messages denouncing the only mainstream news outlet where they can't control the narrative since I started on this message board a decade ago.

It ain't gonna happen...get over it.
The roles have reversed. The MSM layed off of Obama for most of his presidency, usually giving him the benefit of a doubt if there was any controversy/scandle. Fox went after Obama much harder. Now the MSN are giving Trump a full court press. Fox is Trump Friendly, much like the MSN was Obama friendly.

Thanks for the bedtime story. Do you need me to check under your bed and in your closet for monsters before I go to sleep?

Liberals have been posting pissy messages denouncing the only mainstream news outlet where they can't control the narrative since I started on this message board a decade ago.

It ain't gonna happen...get over it.

You're right. Fox is nothing but a bunch of dumb liars, and their viewers like it that way.
anyone who's stupid enough to take fox seriously, deserves it

del SEZ? "listen too me you trumpkins cause im hear two give you the news due you here me due you? oh you trumpkins are happy now that trump has one but you will bee knot so happy at the midterms you fox viewers you should bee watching msnbc and cnn because they knows the truth you trumpkins due you here me due you??? dont make me have to skool you again on this things that I now more then you!

Liberals have been posting pissy messages denouncing the only mainstream news outlet where they can't control the narrative since I started on this message board a decade ago.

It ain't gonna happen...get over it.

You're right. Fox is nothing but a bunch of dumb liars, and their viewers like it that way.

So, Bulldog, what news sources do you depend on to give you the REAL "scoop" on the happenings in the world and the geo-political scene. How can you steer us in the correct direction so that we can all become as "enlightened" as you claim to be? Links or names of these unbiased sources would be greatly appreciated......

Thanks in advance!
anyone who's stupid enough to take fox seriously, deserves it

del SEZ? "listen too me you trumpkins cause im hear two give you the news due you here me due you? oh you trumpkins are happy now that trump has one but you will bee knot so happy at the midterms you fox viewers you should bee watching msnbc and cnn because they knows the truth you trumpkins due you here me due you??? dont make me have to skool you again on this things that I now more then you!

Sad when your attempt at humor is dumber than the hillbillies you re trying to parody.
anyone who's stupid enough to take fox seriously, deserves it

del SEZ? "listen too me you trumpkins cause im hear two give you the news due you here me due you? oh you trumpkins are happy now that trump has one but you will bee knot so happy at the midterms you fox viewers you should bee watching msnbc and cnn because they knows the truth you trumpkins due you here me due you??? dont make me have to skool you again on this things that I now more then you!

Sad when your attempt at humor is dumber than the hillbillies you re trying to parody.

I know more than you...I know more than what may be your sockpuppet account "del".......it's not a matter of being prideful, it is simply fact. That is why you always walk away with your cyber ass handed to you. Knowledge is a powerful tool and you are lacking in a litany of ways.
Thanks for the bedtime story. Do you need me to check under your bed and in your closet for monsters before I go to sleep?
You should check for Russians...the Russians colluded with the dust bunnies to evict the monsters under liberals beds and replace them with Putin clones. Mueller is investigating.

Liberals have been posting pissy messages denouncing the only mainstream news outlet where they can't control the narrative since I started on this message board a decade ago.

It ain't gonna happen...get over it.

You're right. Fox is nothing but a bunch of dumb liars, and their viewers like it that way.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Yay freedom.

Liberals have been posting pissy messages denouncing the only mainstream news outlet where they can't control the narrative since I started on this message board a decade ago.

It ain't gonna happen...get over it.

I love having fox to point at and say fake news
anyone who's stupid enough to take fox seriously, deserves it

del SEZ? "listen too me you trumpkins cause im hear two give you the news due you here me due you? oh you trumpkins are happy now that trump has one but you will bee knot so happy at the midterms you fox viewers you should bee watching msnbc and cnn because they knows the truth you trumpkins due you here me due you??? dont make me have to skool you again on this things that I now more then you!

Sad when your attempt at humor is dumber than the hillbillies you re trying to parody.

bite my crank

del SEZ? "listen too me you homo you can bite my crank because I am a homo due you here me due you???? oh how you trumpkins think that your so grate and that us commies are just going way let me tale you that well never happen trumpkin!!!

Sincrely, del

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