Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.
They lied to their viewers.
That has already been established in the evidence (text messages and emails).
The saddest part though is that they had to because that is what Fox viewers demand.
"You either lie to us and tell us the election was stolen....or we'll abandon you and go to someone else (Newsmax) who will!"
So Fox lied.
Dershowitz is stunned they settled. Saying so on Cats & Cosby. Said a bad day for the First Amendment, said FOX would have won on appeal.

Said he'd rather try a case in China than in Delaware.
You thoroughly believe Trump's Big Lie

No, I believe my eyes, ears and the approximately 10,000 pages of evidence I have that show no election could possibly or ever has zig-zagged wildly like that without external tampering and interference.

No, I believe my eyes, ears and the approximately 10,000 pages of evidence I have that show no election could possibly or ever has zig-zagged wildly like that without external tampering and interference.
You believe the fantasies of an small-ego.
Why cant you just admit Fox screwed up and got a lot heavy handed with there political propaganda.
Lets see some TRUTH in action from both party's.

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