FOX News reporter asks the NFL Chief about the "Anthem Protest".


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I'm watching this live interview on TV and the FOX News reporter keeps referring to this issue as the "Anthem Protest".

Clever. Smart way to turn America against blacks and slyly support Trump. Making murder a question of patriotism.

Someone did ask the NFL Chief why the athletes are protesting and Rodger gave a lengthy and well thought out explanation.

But let's point out, living in a country where if you are black, you have to be worried to every time you go out you might be murdered by the police. Imagine how they feel about the safety of their kids? Right wingers and Republicans are so bold that one guy here on the USMB even used the picture of a dead black child who had been shot as his Avatar.

That's how bold Republicans have become with their race hate and their murderous ways. It's really awful.

I know some become angry when you point out these truths, but what can you say? They are truths. You only need to look at Republican Policies, Trump, Jeff Sessions and what the police have done.

You even have right wingers here on the USMB making statements like they shouldn't run away because it makes them look guilty. They are running away to not get shot. Unfortunately, some have been shot in the back.
I think I can safely say there has been much more hatred shown against whites on this board and country than the pictures the OP is painting. Therefore he is a liar. It is an anti anthem protest. That's why they choose not to behave respectfully when the anthem is played.
Where is a better place in the world for blacks to live?
Are blacks still yelling because they don't have the right to commit any crime they want?

If they object to the police, move to a nice, safe, black community like Chicago or Detroit.
Are blacks still yelling because they don't have the right to commit any crime they want?

If they object to the police, move to a nice, safe, black community like Chicago or Detroit.
I live in Chicago. It's one of the best cities in the world.

But I wouldn't want to go to Appalachia after watching Deliverance.

And Missouri is still under a travel advisory.
deanrd, was it OK for this Cop to shoot and kill this negro boy?

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The whole thing is being done wrongfully (the protest).. It's the very same thing that we see here, where as when an OP is posted in the wrong category, then it is moved by the mods to the right category. The NFL was highjacked by the activist in order to get a point across about what they saw as an injustice going on in the country, but they are using the wrong platform or category for that protest. The problem (imho) is that the NFL commissioner is so worried about a sport that has (what maybe a 75% black ratio in it), that it would do a walk out if any moves were made against the protest (highjackers), otherwise if he were to take back the sport from the hands of the activist who chose it as a way to show it's disdain to millions of Americans, and this about what they saw as a problem then the fall out would or could take him down. Now the American's they see it as being far more than just a protest about one topic, and this I think they do because of the type of action the activist chose to do when protesting, and to whom it would affect in the manor in which they are protesting. The anthem being chosen makes the protest encompass the founding, the creation of this country, the wars fought, and the blood shed as a part of it all. The American's now see the protest as being somewhat of an opportunistic situation run for those not satisfied with the way this nation is set up or is going. Colin Kapernick is seen as an activist encompassing a broader agenda, and this is what has angered the fans and nation because they don't want their entertainment becoming that political or becoming a platform for the broader protest. They didn't pay their money for this, and they don't want this. Roger Goodell has involved himself in a situation that flies in the face of the fans & customers of the NFL franchise, and they might make him pay dearly for his turning the sport over to an activist platform to be used in that way.
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