FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap


the young thing holding that sign doesn't have medicare, and doesn't have a clue how one gets it either.
I don't receive aid. I've paid into the system my whole life. I didn't get a choice either. It was fucking mandatory so the whiny assed libs cann stuff that in their cabbages.

AKA "I live on welfare, but it doesn't count for me because I'm an obedient right winger"

well, I guess it would mean that to someone who has his head up his ass 24/7 but hey, that's on ewe.

So I will take you will state you do not live off the government in any way, shape, or form like a good right winger?

Or are you a completely hypocrite that does live off of the government, while bitching about those that do the same thing, like a good right winger?
Does anyone know who handles Romney's taxes? He must have a CPA firm file them for him, right? Is the firm reputable?
FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News
Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

ha, you really are enjoying yourself.

FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News
Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

ha, you really are enjoying yourself.


Well, of course he would enjoy jerking off to an op ed by a dem strategist. Why wouldn't he?

A dem strategist who worked for the Swimmer and Howie among others.

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AKA "I live on welfare, but it doesn't count for me because I'm an obedient right winger"

well, I guess it would mean that to someone who has his head up his ass 24/7 but hey, that's on ewe.

So I will take you will state you do not live off the government in any way, shape, or form like a good right winger?

Or are you a completely hypocrite that does live off of the government, while bitching about those that do the same thing, like a good right winger?

Where did you go Willow?
well, I guess it would mean that to someone who has his head up his ass 24/7 but hey, that's on ewe.

So I will take you will state you do not live off the government in any way, shape, or form like a good right winger?

Or are you a completely hypocrite that does live off of the government, while bitching about those that do the same thing, like a good right winger?

Where did you go Willow?

I'm going to the Doctor and you're going to pay for it. Do you ever work?
So I will take you will state you do not live off the government in any way, shape, or form like a good right winger?

Or are you a completely hypocrite that does live off of the government, while bitching about those that do the same thing, like a good right winger?

Where did you go Willow?

I'm going to the Doctor and you're going to pay for it. Do you ever work?

At least you confirm you are a right wing piece of shit that lives off of welfare, or should I say the backs of hard working democrats. bravo! :clap2:
It's not Mitt's fault that obummer and democrats are assholes.

Let's run with your brain-dead remark: so what?

  • I want assholes to deal with al Qaeda.
  • I want assholes to fight for America.
  • I want assholes to keep the mega-rich from buying the country and elections.
  • I want assholes to keep the Chinese in check.
  • I want assholes to deport illegals at record rates.
  • I want assholes to protect our babies from toxic ingredients like BPA.
  • I want assholes to protect our pets from toxic dog food.
  • I want assholes to to protect our Gulf of Mexico from bigger assholes.
  • I want assholes to to keep those bigger assholes from spoiling our environment.

Nice guys finish last. Oh, and fuck you! Because I'm one of those Liberal assholes.
56 Republican Quotes Against Mitt Romney Every American Should Take Seriously | Addicting Info

Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee who will face President Obama in the Presidential Election this fall. Despite this, even Republicans aren’t thrilled about having Romney as their dear leader. In fact, Republicans seem to only be pushing Romney out of sheer desperation. They are so desperate to make President Obama a one term President that they are willing to support a man who they know is completely wrong for America and unqualified to lead. Don’t believe me? Here are 56 things Republicans have had to say about Mitt Romney.

1. ⁠“If you have things to hide, then maybe you’re doing things wrong. I think you ought to be willing to release everything to the American people.“
~Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, calling for Romney to release more years of tax returns, AP, July 14, 2012

2. “Now Mitt is not a perfect candidate. He has a number of problems. It’s hard for him, for blue collar families like mine to identify with him. It’s hard for economic conservatives to identify with him. He needs to do more to reach out to Latinos…”
~Former Republican NY Governor George Pataki, “endorsing” Romney and then telling the world how weak he is as a candidate, MSNBC, April 2012

3. “They (voters) want to know what’s the truth. They’re not interested in a chameleon.”
~Michele Bachmann, criticizing Mitt Romney’s flip flopping, speech in Florida, December 2011

4. “Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch-A-Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again. But I will say, if you look at the exit polling data in Illinois, you’ll see that Mitt Romney is broadly acceptable to most of the factions in the party. You have to do that in order to become the nominee…”
~Romney Communications Director Eric Fehrnstrom, describing his boss as a man who can’t make up his mind, CNN, March 21, 2012

Four down, 52 to go.


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Anyone remember all the tax problems when Obama was assembling his cabinet? None of the dems seemed to have a problem with cabinet nominees who owed back taxes. These miscreants don't care about Romney's taxes. They just want to use it against him.
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Here's a good one.

31. “We’re not going to beat Barack Obama with some guy who has Swiss bank accounts, Cayman Island accounts, owns shares of Goldman Sachs while it forecloses on Florida and is himself a stockholder in Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac while he tries to think the rest of us are too stupid to put the dots together to understand what this is all about.”
~Newt Gingrich, Mt. Dora, Florida. January 26, 2012
Same link.

42. “This is a man whose staff created the PAC, his millionaire friends fund the PAC, he pretends he has nothing to do with the PAC – it’s baloney. He’s not telling the American people the truth… I just think he ought to be honest with the American people and try to win as the real Mitt Romney, not try to invent a poll-driven, consultant-guided version that goes around with talking points, and I think he ought to be candid. I don’t think he’s being candid and that will be a major issue. From here on out from the rest of this campaign, the country has to decide: Do you really want a Massachusetts moderate who won’t level with you to run against Barack Obama who, frankly, will just tear him apart? He will not survive against the Obama machine.”
~Newt Gingrich, CBS’ “The Early Show,” January 3, 2012

43. “Those of us who believe in free markets and those of us who believe that in fact the whole goal of investment is entrepreneurship and job creation, we find it pretty hard to justify rich people figuring out clever legal ways to loot a company, leaving behind 1,700 families without a job.” ~Newt Gingrich, January 8, 2012
FOX News: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Why are the right wingers blaming President Obama for a Romney weakness? I thought Romney was supposed to be so smart?

The absence of this plan can be seen in Romney’s initial response to a Washington Post article back in June that outlined Bain Capital’s role in outsourcing American jobs, bankrupting companies, and destroying pensions.

Romney argued at the time that he wasn’t with the company when that happened. “Governor Romney left Bain to lead the Salt Lake City Olympics in February 1999,” the campaign argued.

Yet the campaign and Romney himself made this defense knowing full well that there were documents – signed by Romney himself – that stated he was the sole shareholder, Chairman, CEO and President of Bain Capital in 2000, 2001 and 2002.

This political mishandling of Bain set the current trap that the Obama campaign has sprung – and the Romney campaign has no one to blame but itself.

Come November, we may look back on this past week and find this was the week Romney lost the election, or the week that finally woke up his campaign to the reality that they need a better strategy to deal with these attacks.

But his current strategy of stonewalling doesn’t pass the smell test.

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

That op ed piece is written by a Democrat strategist. :lmao:

It means jack shit. I love moments like this. Here ya go sparky!

Joe Trippi is a Fox News contributor and political strategist who has worked for Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale and Gary Hart and turned Howard Dean into an unlikely presidential front runner in 2004. For more visit

Read more: Mitt Romney only has himself to blame for Team Obama's Bain trap | Fox News

:clap2: now you say FOX News lies? :eusa_shifty:

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