Fox News censors their live news


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Fox isn't doing anything it doesn't have to. Protecting themselves from the FCC and the panzies who jack up phone lines every time their widdle senses are offfended.
The thread title implies they censor all live news. Anyone who listened to Shep's apology knows that's not the case. They do it if they think there's a potential that something might air that would be upsetting to some viewers, but unfortunately someone screwed up this time.
Fox News Airs Suicide Following Car Chase. Shep Smith: ‘We really messed up and I am sorry’ - TVNewser

Sheppard Smith admits to a 10 second delay for a car chase; "In case something bad happens." Well wtf is the point of that mental masturbation if something bad can't happen live? If you're going to show stuff live then don't be pussies. And btw, I'm criticizing Fox News, but all the news networks do it.

Fox is probably going to get fined by the FCC for showing that, you are whining about them obeying the law. I suggest you write your congresscritter and demand they disband the FCC.
The thread title implies they censor all live news. Anyone who listened to Shep's apology knows that's not the case. They do it if they think there's a potential that something might air that would be upsetting to some viewers, but unfortunately someone screwed up this time.

My point is viewers are generally more upset by sanitized news. The point of showing a car chase or whatever is the potential dread. If the minority doesn't like it then don't watch.
Fox News Airs Suicide Following Car Chase. Shep Smith: ‘We really messed up and I am sorry’ - TVNewser

Sheppard Smith admits to a 10 second delay for a car chase; "In case something bad happens." Well wtf is the point of that mental masturbation if something bad can't happen live? If you're going to show stuff live then don't be pussies. And btw, I'm criticizing Fox News, but all the news networks do it.

Fox is probably going to get fined by the FCC for showing that, you are whining about them obeying the law. I suggest you write your congresscritter and demand they disband the FCC.

The FCC doesn't control cable dude.
Fox News Airs Suicide Following Car Chase. Shep Smith: ‘We really messed up and I am sorry’ - TVNewser

Sheppard Smith admits to a 10 second delay for a car chase; "In case something bad happens." Well wtf is the point of that mental masturbation if something bad can't happen live? If you're going to show stuff live then don't be pussies. And btw, I'm criticizing Fox News, but all the news networks do it.

Fox is probably going to get fined by the FCC for showing that, you are whining about them obeying the law. I suggest you write your congresscritter and demand they disband the FCC.

The FCC doesn't control cable dude.

The FCC didn't get that memo.

With respect to cable and satellite services, Congress has charged the Commission with enforcing the statutory prohibition against airing indecent programming "by means of radio communications." The Commission has historically interpreted this restriction to apply to radio and television broadcasters, and has never extended it to cover cable operators. In addition, because cable and satellite services are subscription-based, viewers of these services have greater control over the programming content that comes into their homes, whereas broadcast content traditionally has been available to any member of the public with a radio or television.

Obscenity, Indecency & Profanity
The thread title implies they censor all live news. Anyone who listened to Shep's apology knows that's not the case. They do it if they think there's a potential that something might air that would be upsetting to some viewers, but unfortunately someone screwed up this time.

My point is viewers are generally more upset by sanitized news. The point of showing a car chase or whatever is the potential dread. If the minority doesn't like it then don't watch.

Then put a bit more thought into titling a thread next time.
The thread title implies they censor all live news. Anyone who listened to Shep's apology knows that's not the case. They do it if they think there's a potential that something might air that would be upsetting to some viewers, but unfortunately someone screwed up this time.

My point is viewers are generally more upset by sanitized news. The point of showing a car chase or whatever is the potential dread. If the minority doesn't like it then don't watch.

Then put a bit more thought into titling a thread next time.

It ever occurr to you that there can be multiple discussion points brah? :eusa_hand:
My point is viewers are generally more upset by sanitized news. The point of showing a car chase or whatever is the potential dread. If the minority doesn't like it then don't watch.

Then put a bit more thought into titling a thread next time.

It ever occurr to you that there can be multiple discussion points brah? :eusa_hand:

That should be obvious. I've discussed the point about your misleading title.

Anything else I can clarify for you?
Fox News Airs Suicide Following Car Chase. Shep Smith: ‘We really messed up and I am sorry’ - TVNewser

Sheppard Smith admits to a 10 second delay for a car chase; "In case something bad happens." Well wtf is the point of that mental masturbation if something bad can't happen live? If you're going to show stuff live then don't be pussies. And btw, I'm criticizing Fox News, but all the news networks do it.

Fox is probably going to get fined by the FCC for showing that, you are whining about them obeying the law. I suggest you write your congresscritter and demand they disband the FCC.

The FCC doesn't control cable dude.

say what?

Cable Television - Where to File Complaints Regarding Cable Service |

jesus, is there any topic that you know anything about?

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