Fox News.. 14 years

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

And, as usual, Coulter provides incisive analysis of the model for success of Fox News:

Fox News isn’t conservative (despite liberals repeating that to themselves over and over again). But it does promote something liberals fear more than anything other than the FBI being able to see the porn sites they’ve visited: debate. What really distinguished Fox News is that its prime-time lineup is predicated on conservatives and liberals debating, which regularly results in liberals being trounced.

For obvious reasons, the MSM’s primary goal is to prevent debate from ever happening. Their idea of “debate” was in evidence on the April 22, 2007, edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, in which four media elites bemoaned the failure of new gun-control measures after the Virginia Tech shootings and argued about how the Democrats might be able to slip new gun-control laws past Americans. Not one panelist opposed gun-control laws. Exerpts:

MR. RUSSERT. And yet neither party seemed to be very enthusiastic this week,…about gun control
MR. MEACHAM: No, and I think you saw what the Democrats—there was a lot of kind of deafening silence, in a way, on the gun issue most of the week.
MS. DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You know, it seems to me, though, that the Democrats are misreading history when they blame the 2000 election on [anti-]gun control strength,
MR. DAVID GREGORY. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable seems like an obvious area to bring in the NRA, to bring in the public policy folks, politicians.
MR. WILLIAMS: Right, well, the Virginia attorney general’s office is already looking at whether the Virginia law needs to be changed.
MTP Transcript for April 22, 2007 - Meet the Press -

a. Having had complete hegemonic control of the entire media for forty , fifty years, and now suddenly, these tiny little inroads being made by a single cable news station, talk radio, and of course, the wonderful world of the Internet- and they’re having a public breakdown. I mean, look at the stream of invective at Fox News.

b. The prospect of open debate with conservatives throws the mainstream media into a hissy fit that rivals an Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

And, as usual, Coulter provides incisive analysis of the model for success of Fox News:

Fox News isn’t conservative (despite liberals repeating that to themselves over and over again). But it does promote something liberals fear more than anything other than the FBI being able to see the porn sites they’ve visited: debate. What really distinguished Fox News is that its prime-time lineup is predicated on conservatives and liberals debating, which regularly results in liberals being trounced.

For obvious reasons, the MSM’s primary goal is to prevent debate from ever happening. Their idea of “debate” was in evidence on the April 22, 2007, edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, in which four media elites bemoaned the failure of new gun-control measures after the Virginia Tech shootings and argued about how the Democrats might be able to slip new gun-control laws past Americans. Not one panelist opposed gun-control laws. Exerpts:

MR. RUSSERT. And yet neither party seemed to be very enthusiastic this week,…about gun control
MR. MEACHAM: No, and I think you saw what the Democrats—there was a lot of kind of deafening silence, in a way, on the gun issue most of the week.
MS. DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You know, it seems to me, though, that the Democrats are misreading history when they blame the 2000 election on [anti-]gun control strength,
MR. DAVID GREGORY. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable seems like an obvious area to bring in the NRA, to bring in the public policy folks, politicians.
MR. WILLIAMS: Right, well, the Virginia attorney general’s office is already looking at whether the Virginia law needs to be changed.
MTP Transcript for April 22, 2007 - Meet the Press -

a. Having had complete hegemonic control of the entire media for forty , fifty years, and now suddenly, these tiny little inroads being made by a single cable news station, talk radio, and of course, the wonderful world of the Internet- and they’re having a public breakdown. I mean, look at the stream of invective at Fox News.

b. The prospect of open debate with conservatives throws the mainstream media into a hissy fit that rivals an Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.

Nice post PoliticalChic... thanks
They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

You realize that you only say those words because they told you to say them.

I hope that you also realize that they are just as biased as any of the other networks...just in the other direction.
They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

You realize that you only say those words because they told you to say them.

I hope that you also realize that they are just as biased as any of the other networks...just in the other direction.

Yeah, I got my memo this morning around 4:30am.

Great work Lumpy 1, gotta keep the myth alive :lol:
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

Republican strategy: Claim that the news is liberally biased in order to justify an organization such as Fox News that then becomes "necessary" to "counterbalance" the "liberal bias" which has "taken over" the news media.

Never mind the fact that the original premise is false. What does it matter, once a justification exists for blatant right wing bias, such as that which is displayed by Fox News on a literal, 24/7 basis.
They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

You realize that you only say those words because they told you to say them.

I hope that you also realize that they are just as biased as any of the other networks...just in the other direction.

The more I get to know you, the more often you're wrong...

Care for some sour grapes?
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

Republican strategy: Claim that the news is liberally biased in order to justify an organization such as Fox News that then becomes "necessary" to "counterbalance" the "liberal bias" which has "taken over" the news media.

Never mind the fact that the original premise is false. What does it matter, once a justification exists for blatant right wing bias, such as that which is displayed by Fox News on a literal, 24/7 basis.

I recommend you read PoliticalChic's post for a better understanding..
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

But by continuing to claim they're "fair and balanced," they don't admit that was their goal all along.
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

And, as usual, Coulter provides incisive analysis of the model for success of Fox News:

Fox News isn’t conservative (despite liberals repeating that to themselves over and over again). But it does promote something liberals fear more than anything other than the FBI being able to see the porn sites they’ve visited: debate. What really distinguished Fox News is that its prime-time lineup is predicated on conservatives and liberals debating, which regularly results in liberals being trounced.

For obvious reasons, the MSM’s primary goal is to prevent debate from ever happening. Their idea of “debate” was in evidence on the April 22, 2007, edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, in which four media elites bemoaned the failure of new gun-control measures after the Virginia Tech shootings and argued about how the Democrats might be able to slip new gun-control laws past Americans. Not one panelist opposed gun-control laws. Exerpts:

MR. RUSSERT. And yet neither party seemed to be very enthusiastic this week,…about gun control
MR. MEACHAM: No, and I think you saw what the Democrats—there was a lot of kind of deafening silence, in a way, on the gun issue most of the week.
MS. DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You know, it seems to me, though, that the Democrats are misreading history when they blame the 2000 election on [anti-]gun control strength,
MR. DAVID GREGORY. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable seems like an obvious area to bring in the NRA, to bring in the public policy folks, politicians.
MR. WILLIAMS: Right, well, the Virginia attorney general’s office is already looking at whether the Virginia law needs to be changed.
MTP Transcript for April 22, 2007 - Meet the Press -

a. Having had complete hegemonic control of the entire media for forty , fifty years, and now suddenly, these tiny little inroads being made by a single cable news station, talk radio, and of course, the wonderful world of the Internet- and they’re having a public breakdown. I mean, look at the stream of invective at Fox News.

b. The prospect of open debate with conservatives throws the mainstream media into a hissy fit that rivals an Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.

The right wing noise machine might have been "tiny" in 2007, but it has now grown to be the loudest voice in America, literally drowning out civil debate. It's really sad that MSM takes its daily cue from the non-news stories that the RW bloggers like Breitbart, and "news" outlets like Drudge and Fox designate as the talking point du jour.
I have to quote something Bob Woodward said this morning on C-Span when the subject of biased journalism came up:

"Get the best attainable version of the truth."
we still have white trailer trash = yes
we still have nascar = yes
we still have fear mongering science hating conservatives = yes
Fox has a wide following
we still have white trailer trash = yes
we still have nascar = yes
we still have fear mongering science hating conservatives = yes
Fox has a wide following


Probably not. :eek:
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

And, as usual, Coulter provides incisive analysis of the model for success of Fox News:

Fox News isn’t conservative (despite liberals repeating that to themselves over and over again). But it does promote something liberals fear more than anything other than the FBI being able to see the porn sites they’ve visited: debate. What really distinguished Fox News is that its prime-time lineup is predicated on conservatives and liberals debating, which regularly results in liberals being trounced.

For obvious reasons, the MSM’s primary goal is to prevent debate from ever happening. Their idea of “debate” was in evidence on the April 22, 2007, edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, in which four media elites bemoaned the failure of new gun-control measures after the Virginia Tech shootings and argued about how the Democrats might be able to slip new gun-control laws past Americans. Not one panelist opposed gun-control laws. Exerpts:

MR. RUSSERT. And yet neither party seemed to be very enthusiastic this week,…about gun control
MR. MEACHAM: No, and I think you saw what the Democrats—there was a lot of kind of deafening silence, in a way, on the gun issue most of the week.
MS. DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You know, it seems to me, though, that the Democrats are misreading history when they blame the 2000 election on [anti-]gun control strength,
MR. DAVID GREGORY. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable seems like an obvious area to bring in the NRA, to bring in the public policy folks, politicians.
MR. WILLIAMS: Right, well, the Virginia attorney general’s office is already looking at whether the Virginia law needs to be changed.
MTP Transcript for April 22, 2007 - Meet the Press -

a. Having had complete hegemonic control of the entire media for forty , fifty years, and now suddenly, these tiny little inroads being made by a single cable news station, talk radio, and of course, the wonderful world of the Internet- and they’re having a public breakdown. I mean, look at the stream of invective at Fox News.

b. The prospect of open debate with conservatives throws the mainstream media into a hissy fit that rivals an Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.

The right wing noise machine might have been "tiny" in 2007, but it has now grown to be the loudest voice in America, literally drowning out civil debate. It's really sad that MSM takes its daily cue from the non-news stories that the RW bloggers like Breitbart, and "news" outlets like Drudge and Fox designate as the talking point du jour.

Poor, poor Mags...

you don't realize how absurd you appear when you refer to the 'right wing noise [news] machine,' when every one knows that the left dominates news dissemination...
why do you think the initials are 'MSM'?

Actually, the noise you hear is the American people waking up.

Again from Coulter:
"Liberals still own 90% of the information dissemination in America, but are inconsolable over the death of Old Media’s monolithic control…These people used to become indignant when conservatives attacked the media. But now they won’t shut up about the media and act as if the mere existence of Fox News has put them in the midst of a police state.

a. Conservatives have the Washington Times, the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, and Fox News Channel.

b. How, precisely, would a conservative go about eliminating liberal points of view from his life? You would have to be a survivalist in Idaho to escape the liberal sound chamber."

And this is the funniest:
"...loudest voice in America, literally drowning out civil debate..."

Where was 'civil debate' before Fox News???

Too bad you lack the gift of irony.

Schumpeter could have written this befor Fox..

c. “Intellectuals are in fact people who wield the power of the spoken word and the written word, and one of the touches that distinguish them from other people who do the same is the absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs. This touch in general accounts for another- the absence of that first hand knowledge of them which only actual experience can give.” Joseph Schumpeter, “Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy,” p. 147.

d. This is the reason they are referred to as the ‘chattering class,’ as their livelihood is producing and distributing ideas and symbols. These values and ideas are disseminated via the press, movies, television, universities, public schools, philanthropies and many churches, Strangely, they are not very good at dealing with ideas, nor in predicting the actual results of said ideas. Thus they are free to demand that reality be something other than what it actually is; i.e. alternative energy sources replacing oil, coal and gas. Sadly, the leftist political and cultural attitudes are usually impermeable to rational argument. Bork, "Slouching Toward Gomorrah."
It's Fox News 14 year Anniversary...

They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

Yup.. a Democracies Delight...;)

And, as usual, Coulter provides incisive analysis of the model for success of Fox News:

Fox News isn’t conservative (despite liberals repeating that to themselves over and over again). But it does promote something liberals fear more than anything other than the FBI being able to see the porn sites they’ve visited: debate. What really distinguished Fox News is that its prime-time lineup is predicated on conservatives and liberals debating, which regularly results in liberals being trounced.

For obvious reasons, the MSM’s primary goal is to prevent debate from ever happening. Their idea of “debate” was in evidence on the April 22, 2007, edition of NBC’s Meet the Press, in which four media elites bemoaned the failure of new gun-control measures after the Virginia Tech shootings and argued about how the Democrats might be able to slip new gun-control laws past Americans. Not one panelist opposed gun-control laws. Exerpts:

MR. RUSSERT. And yet neither party seemed to be very enthusiastic this week,…about gun control
MR. MEACHAM: No, and I think you saw what the Democrats—there was a lot of kind of deafening silence, in a way, on the gun issue most of the week.
MS. DORIS KEARNS GOODWIN: You know, it seems to me, though, that the Democrats are misreading history when they blame the 2000 election on [anti-]gun control strength,
MR. DAVID GREGORY. Keeping guns out of the hands of those who are mentally unstable seems like an obvious area to bring in the NRA, to bring in the public policy folks, politicians.
MR. WILLIAMS: Right, well, the Virginia attorney general’s office is already looking at whether the Virginia law needs to be changed.
MTP Transcript for April 22, 2007 - Meet the Press -

a. Having had complete hegemonic control of the entire media for forty , fifty years, and now suddenly, these tiny little inroads being made by a single cable news station, talk radio, and of course, the wonderful world of the Internet- and they’re having a public breakdown. I mean, look at the stream of invective at Fox News.

b. The prospect of open debate with conservatives throws the mainstream media into a hissy fit that rivals an Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.

The right wing noise machine might have been "tiny" in 2007, but it has now grown to be the loudest voice in America, literally drowning out civil debate. It's really sad that MSM takes its daily cue from the non-news stories that the RW bloggers like Breitbart, and "news" outlets like Drudge and Fox designate as the talking point du jour.

Fox News' audience for their most highly rated shows is only 5,000,000.

What is the population of the US?
They came, they saw, they conquered the liberal stranglehold on the news with fair and balanced news reporting...

You realize that you only say those words because they told you to say them.

I hope that you also realize that they are just as biased as any of the other networks...just in the other direction.

The more I get to know you, the more often you're wrong...

Care for some sour grapes?

And he continues to contend he's not a "liberal." I beg to differ. His views and comments remain solidly grounded in a liberal bias.

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