Four Democrats advocate gun control legislation following Colorado shooting

Where are the Republicans advocating rights to carry guns in the wake of this controversy? Don't blame the Dems for being the a-holes we know they already are. What are the people you elected to do, doing?
Communists hate private gun ownership.

Whew...good thing we aren't Communists then. I love my guns...of course, I don't have military style weapons whose only purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the least amount of time.

All of our fundamental rights have "riders" on them. Why is this right so "untouchable" and can't have any restrictions on it?

The problem is some politicians think gun ownership of any kind is a threat.

They won't stop at assault weapons.

I personally don't see the need for owning an assault rifle other than just to collect it.

I have heard that Obama is waiting till after the election to use regulations and executive-orders to essentially outlaw private gun ownership.

I "hear" a lot of things, but nothing I've ever heard has led me to believe that ANY elected official wants to outlaw private gun ownership. I've heard plenty that want to put restrictions on ownership, but not to outlaw ownership outright. That's ludicrous.

Nobody thought Obama would ignore immigration law ether.

Hillary is signing treaties this year that go around the second-amendment.

At present, you can buy .50 caliber guns that shoot BMG ammo. That is the same ammo as the military .50 machine guns. Not only are the guns and ammo available, but you can buy it in incendieary armor peircing grade, a thousand rounds at a time. Just what every citizen needs.

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Despite the leftist tendency to totalitarianism, you don't get to decide what other people need.
Knee-jerk reaction to violence with a weapon is to control the sale of the weapon. OUTLAW the weapon.

Numbnuts that propose to prevent bloodshed by outlawing certain weapons (or attachments thereto) fail to admit is that outlaws do not pay attention to laws.

Outlawing high capacity magazines is hardly outlawing the gun. All that does is force the inevitable fruitcake to have to take time to reload, and give potential victums time to escape, or take him down. There is absolutely no need for high capacity magazines in civilian life. And, as we have seen from Springfield, Oregon, to Aurora, Colorado, a serious danger to citizens when they are used by the insane.
The potential victims can't take the fruitcake down if the law prevents them from carrying handguns.

You know, like in Aurora.

You want to place restrictions on people who aren't likely to follow them but you prevent law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.

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