Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) Endorses Newt


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Ryan J. Reilly

Here’s an endorsement Newt Gingrich probably doesn’t need: former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA), currently serving a 100 month sentence in federal prison after being convicted of bribery in one of the largest congressional corruption cases in recent memory.

Cunningham, the inspiration for the TPM Golden Dukes and a TPM pen pal, acknowledged in a letter to Newt he forwarded to the Voice of San Diego, that his endorsement “would do more harm than good.”

But he was hoping Gingrich would help out with his pet cause of prison reform:

Newt, a voice out of the past. Down but not out and still fighting. First I do not want anything from you but have been watching the debates. I have 80% of inmates that would vote for you. They might not be able to but their extended families will. When you are president I could help you with prison and justice reform if wanted.​

More: Duke Tells Newt He’d Have The Felon Vote Locked Down | TPMMuckraker
Duke Cunningham is a Military hero who helped create the "Top Gun" school. When he got in trouble for accepting gifts from lobbyists the vindictive anti-Military democrat party wouldn't just let him resign in disgrace, they wanted him in prison and they got their wish. It's ironic that John McCain was in the same kind of trouble during the Keating scandal but since the other four members of congress were democrats they let him go.
Wow, ol' Duke didn't mess around with chump change...

Cunningham resigned from the House on November 28, 2005, after pleading guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and under-reporting his income for 2004. He pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion. On March 3, 2006, he received a sentence of eight years and four months in prison and an order to pay $1.8 million in restitution.[1]

Duke Cunningham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A guy who posts a picture of a carrier pilot calls Duke Cunningham stupid. Cunningham became famous for an epic dogfight during the VietNam war where he shot down the legendary NVA ace. They still teach the tactic in Top Gun school and actor Tom Cruise used it in his movie. Cunningnham was a hero who got a raw deal. The king of pork, congressman John Murtha did the same thing but he was a democrat who used his status as a former Marine to dodge prosecution. He actually claimed "if i'm a crook it's because I'm taking care of my district". Murtha called fellow Marines "murderers" when he was busy undermining the conflict in Iraq for political purposes. Lack of respect for the Military seems to be universal in the radical wing of the democrat party and so is ignorance.
A guy who posts a picture of a carrier pilot calls Duke Cunningham stupid. Cunningham became famous for an epic dogfight during the VietNam war where he shot down the legendary NVA ace. They still teach the tactic in Top Gun school and actor Tom Cruise used it in his movie. Cunningnham was a hero who got a raw deal. The king of pork, congressman John Murtha did the same thing but he was a democrat who used his status as a former Marine to dodge prosecution. He actually claimed "if i'm a crook it's because I'm taking care of my district". Murtha called fellow Marines "murderers" when he was busy undermining the conflict in Iraq for political purposes. Lack of respect for the Military seems to be universal in the radical wing of the democrat party and so is ignorance.

Please explain to us how Murtha did the SAME THING as Cunningham. Some "credible" links would be nice...
Duke Cunningham is a Military hero who helped create the "Top Gun" school. When he got in trouble for accepting gifts from lobbyists the vindictive anti-Military democrat party wouldn't just let him resign in disgrace, they wanted him in prison and they got their wish. It's ironic that John McCain was in the same kind of trouble during the Keating scandal but since the other four members of congress were democrats they let him go.

I served near wife served with him. I know many people who served with him from Viet Nam onward. The ONLY thing he was good at was flying an F-4. Even his RIO from Nam has nothing good to say about him. Trust me or not on this, the guy was a good pilot, but a scummy human being. And yes he broke the many places....and deserves what he got, if not more.
A guy who posts a picture of a carrier pilot calls Duke Cunningham stupid. Cunningham became famous for an epic dogfight during the VietNam war where he shot down the legendary NVA ace. They still teach the tactic in Top Gun school and actor Tom Cruise used it in his movie. Cunningnham was a hero who got a raw deal. The king of pork, congressman John Murtha did the same thing but he was a democrat who used his status as a former Marine to dodge prosecution. He actually claimed "if i'm a crook it's because I'm taking care of my district". Murtha called fellow Marines "murderers" when he was busy undermining the conflict in Iraq for political purposes. Lack of respect for the Military seems to be universal in the radical wing of the democrat party and so is ignorance.

Deflection :eusa_whistle: :clap2:
Duke Cunningham is a Military hero who helped create the "Top Gun" school. When he got in trouble for accepting gifts from lobbyists the vindictive anti-Military democrat party wouldn't just let him resign in disgrace, they wanted him in prison and they got their wish. It's ironic that John McCain was in the same kind of trouble during the Keating scandal but since the other four members of congress were democrats they let him go.

I served near wife served with him. I know many people who served with him from Viet Nam onward. The ONLY thing he was good at was flying an F-4. Even his RIO from Nam has nothing good to say about him. Trust me or not on this, the guy was a good pilot, but a scummy human being. And yes he broke the many places....and deserves what he got, if not more.

But it does kind of make one wonder why just him and not the rest, huh?
Duke Cunningham is a Military hero who helped create the "Top Gun" school. When he got in trouble for accepting gifts from lobbyists the vindictive anti-Military democrat party wouldn't just let him resign in disgrace, they wanted him in prison and they got their wish. It's ironic that John McCain was in the same kind of trouble during the Keating scandal but since the other four members of congress were democrats they let him go.

No, no, no.

Whitehall continues to lie.

Nothing here to see. Move along.
Duke Cunningham is a Military hero who helped create the "Top Gun" school. When he got in trouble for accepting gifts from lobbyists the vindictive anti-Military democrat party wouldn't just let him resign in disgrace, they wanted him in prison and they got their wish. It's ironic that John McCain was in the same kind of trouble during the Keating scandal but since the other four members of congress were democrats they let him go.

I served near wife served with him. I know many people who served with him from Viet Nam onward. The ONLY thing he was good at was flying an F-4. Even his RIO from Nam has nothing good to say about him. Trust me or not on this, the guy was a good pilot, but a scummy human being. And yes he broke the many places....and deserves what he got, if not more.

You served near him and your wife did what... "served with him" and you think your cheap anecdotal tin foil hat opinion of a genuine hero tarnishes his service? You need your head examined.

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