Former Florida GOP Chair Claims Republican Voting Laws Focused On Suppression/Racism


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Ian Gray

Jim Greer, the former head of the Florida Republican Party, recently claimed that a law shortening the early voting period in the state was deliberately designed to suppress voting among groups that tend to support Democratic candidates, the Palm Beach Post reports.

“The Republican Party, the strategists, the consultants, they firmly believe that early voting is bad for Republican Party candidates,” Greer told the Post. “It’s done for one reason and one reason only...‘We’ve got to cut down on early voting because early voting is not good for us.’"

Greer also acknowledged that the effort to restrict early voting would directly affect turnout among Florida's African Americans, a demographic that consistently supports Democrats.

“The sad thing about that is yes, there is prejudice and racism in the party but the real prevailing thought is that they don’t think minorities will ever vote Republican,” he told the Post.

More: Jim Greer, Ex-Florida GOP Chair, Claims Republican Voting Laws Focused On Suppression, Racism

Former Florida GOP leaders say voter suppression was reason... |
We already knew that Florida Republicans focused on dirty tricks and voter suppression, but it's nice to have it confirmed by an insider.
The only reason you bastards don't want an ID to vote is for illegals to vote. They want to become legal citizens so they can vote for more free shit. :badgrin: When they're done picking the bones off of this once first world country we won't be better then any other central American shit hole.

Idiots like you lakhota are poor because you stayed in the past. Move on!
Seriously, you don't think there should be a id to vote?

Yes, seriously.

Unless an ID law is national, the card uniform and issued free of charge, and also kept on a database that can be accessed by poll workers should the voter not have theirs on them I am firmly against voter ID laws.
The issue here is that the laws were changed in Florida to purposely suppress a segment of the voting population. In the same state that falsely disenfranchised over 50,000 people in 2000 as felons.

And this official is not the only GOP official to state that the changes in laws are specifically designed to keep certain segments of American Citizens from voting.

[ame=]Turzai: Voter ID Will Allow Romney to Win Pa. - YouTube[/ame]

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