Former Bush Press Secretary – No Child Left Behind



This morning on Morning Joe, former president Bush’s press secretary was ask to name a Bush/Republican accomplishment during his 8 year administration.

She proudly announced the under funded and failed “No Child Left Behind”.

Daily Nebraskan - US drops to 12th among college degrees earned

According to a study released by the College Board, the United States is lagging behind other nations in college completion rates, an area in which the U.S. was once dominant. Now the U.S. has fallen to 12th among 36 developed nations for the number of 25 to 34-year-olds with college degrees. “
“In the global economy, the disadvantage is that we won’t be able to compete as well as other nations,” said John Lee, assistant researcher with College Board. “It goes back to a sort of American competitiveness on a local and a global scale.”
By 2018, 63 percent of the jobs in the U.S. will require some sort of post-secondary degree, but if only about 40 percent of people can actually access those jobs, we’ll have to either import that labor or eliminate those jobs, Lee said.

According to the annual report of graduates from 2008-2009 from UNL Career Services, the average salary of graduates with bachelors degrees was $39,992. Of those 2008-2009 graduates who responded to the survey, 91.9 percent reported their job was related to their education and 92.6 percent said they were satisfied with their job.

We were first. Now we rank 12th. The one Republican success.
I have a strict No Child Left Behind policy when it comes to family trips to the mall.
Remember. No matter what the commies say. You're #1


  • $murkastan.gif
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Education in the US will improve once we close the US Department of Education and leave it to the parents, communities and the States.
No functiona.
The parents, for the most part, are idiots.
The communities.commune ? commie?.are filled with morons and the states are bankrupt.

You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!
You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!
It was never meant to.
It was made to create more brainwashed Nazi's and cannon fodder to keep the thinkers in line.Thinking is a crime. Questioning is treason.
You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!
It was never meant to.
It was made to create more brainwashed Nazi's and cannon fodder to keep the thinkers in line.Thinking is a crime. Questioning is treason.

That would explain why more Dems voted for it than Republicans, but your still full of crap none the less.

GovTrack: House Vote on Conference Report: H.R. 1 [107th]: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

GovTrack: Senate Vote on Conference Report: H.R. 1 [107th]: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

Or are you still trying to figure out why ELEMENTARY kids who started being taught with somewhat higher standards NINE years ago have not yet graduated from college?

Or where you too busy lickin' my butt and suckin' on my balls to count?

[ame=]YouTube - ‪America - Fuck Yeah!‬‎[/ame]

You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!

No Child got funded?


btw it was a Bush secretary who was praising No Child as a Bush accomplishment you dope. :lol:
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You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!

No Child got funded?


btw it was a Bush secretary who was praising No Child as a Bush accomplishment you dope. :lol:

Shhh, "Ragnar" doesn't know it was never "funded". Don't distract him. He has a "ring" to find.

Funding NCLB was never part of the plan.

You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!

Don't you know that before Bush was in office kindergartners graduated from college in 8 years?

You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!

No Child got funded?


btw it was a Bush secretary who was praising No Child as a Bush accomplishment you dope. :lol:

Shhh, "Ragnar" doesn't know it was never "funded". Don't distract him. He has a "ring" to find.

Funding NCLB was never part of the plan.

It was never funded?

No Child Left Behind Funding | FEBP

Nice try.
No Child got funded?


btw it was a Bush secretary who was praising No Child as a Bush accomplishment you dope. :lol:

Shhh, "Ragnar" doesn't know it was never "funded". Don't distract him. He has a "ring" to find.

Funding NCLB was never part of the plan.

It was never funded?

No Child Left Behind Funding | FEBP

Nice try.

Fully funded. The principle was wonderful, until it hit up with GOP politics in the Congress

You mean the education bill Ted Kennedy pushed through the Senate (and co-authored) that included massive increases in funding for elementary (and secondary education) all of nine years ago has not resulted in more college graduates yet?

Holy fark!!!!!

No Child got funded?


btw it was a Bush secretary who was praising No Child as a Bush accomplishment you dope. :lol:

Wow, only took you five days to come back with "No Child got funded?". Ouch, ya got me.

The Facts on Federal Education Spending | The Heritage Foundation
Actually, federal education spending has grown dramatically over the past six years under President Bush and the Republican Congress. But more importantly, whether it's Republicans or Democrats increasing federal funding, more federal dollars have not improved American education in recent decades.

Consider K-12 education spending. Annual U.S. Department of Education spending on elementary and secondary education has increased from $27.3 billion in 2001 to $38 billion in 2006, up by nearly 40 percent. According to the department, annual spending on the Title I program to assist disadvantaged children grew by 45 percent between 2001 and 2006. In 2007, the department will spend 59 percent more on special education programs than it did in 2001.

Unfortunately, there's little reason to believe even these dramatic funding increases will lead to improvements in student learning in American schools. Since the early 1970s, inflation-adjusted federal spending per pupil has doubled. Over that period, student performance has not markedly improved, according to the long-term National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which is designed to measure historical trends.

Under a Republican-controlled Congress, federal spending on higher education has increased almost as dramatically as K-12 spending over the past six years. For example, annual Department of Education spending on federal Pell Grants grew from $8.7 billion in 2001 to $13 billion in 2006, nearly 50 percent growth. The federal government spends considerably more on higher education today than it did during the Clinton administration. According to the College Board, federal funding for higher education in 2004-2005 totaled $90 billion, a real increase of 103 percent over ten years.

As far as the "Bush secretary" and "Bush accomplishment" crap, yeah it was an "accomplishment" per the usual political terms used in Washington. Massive new funding and massive bi-partisan support bla bla bla.

You can play the game all ya want... "we wanted 60% more spending but got 40% more spending so that equals a 20% cut in spending" crap but it's all beside the point and about as bright as linking NCLB to college graduation rates.

I agree it's a BS accomplishment but it's exactly what you get when the republicans are the party of yes. A big ol' bowl of deficit stew that somehow the Dems have managed to make much worse over the last 3 years.

Public school sucks because it's public, not because it's underfunded. Thank the greedy teachers unions and America's blind willingness to follow the "old school" ways. Also, save your dimes away and send your kids to private school if you want a good education.
The Heritage Foundation is ideologically opposed and supported not fully funding the program for fear it might show progress,'

only an idiot would think the Heritage Foundation is a good source on an unbiased view of ho No Child has been implemented and funded and performed.

Now the performance of schools may be criticized even without the program being fully funded, but that would be individual performance criticism and not a credible or valid critique of the program itself.

Very few people defend No Child as it has been implemented, but this started because a George W. Bush press secretary praised No Child as a Bush accomplishment, no?


Public school sucks because it's public, not because it's underfunded. Thank the greedy teachers unions and America's blind willingness to follow the "old school" ways. Also, save your dimes away and send your kids to private school if you want a good education.

Public schools have historically produced some of the greatest leaders in society. What ahs went wrong with the public school system is a whole 'nother argument worth having at another time and place.

Particular public schools are as good or better than most private schools. the data is out there.

stop being an idiot, please?
More spending and more regulation is what one would expect a Bush era press secretary to claim as a success. NCLB, new drug bill etc etc, take your pick. It's part of the reason so many on both sides see Bush as a failure. (and rightfully so)

NCLB did result in a huge increase in education spending, but don't let the facts get in the way of calling me an idiot....

[ame=]YouTube - Frasier: I am wounded[/ame]

Do you not have google on your internet? :lol:

George W. Bush on Education

FactCheck: Yes, NCLB has raised test scores

The president was mostly correct in describing the results of math and reading tests since enactment of his education legislation. Bush said, “Six years ago, we came together to pass the No Child Left Behind Act, and today no one can deny its results. Last year, 4th and 8th graders achieved the highest math scores on record. Reading scores are on the rise. African-American and Hispanic students posted all-time highs.”
According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, the president is correct that scores, generally, have gone up since the enactment of No Child Left Behind.

However, Bush omitted some recent backsliding: scores for eighth-grade students are only slightly up from the first recorded year and are not the highest on record. The highest scores for eighth graders in reading were scored in 2002, and they have gone down a bit since then. The same applies to other grades and to other subgroups including African-American and Hispanic students.

Source: on 2008 State of the Union address Jan 28, 2008

Just because some good and hardworking individuals manage to do well despite the fact that they survived public schools with their brains intact does not prove they would not have been better off with a private education. (idiot, lol)
This is merely another case of Republicans lame attempt to manufacture some type of success from their failed policies. Once again, they "failed".

If nothing else, they are certainly consistent.

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