Former Army Ranger-FBI Hero Slaps Republican Buffoons Silly

I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
What do you mean, Trump was never in the FBI? He has none of what it takes to become a member of the FBI. You know, things like intelligence, character, moxy, etc...

Actually, you have to be an accountant or a lawyer to be a G-man.

President Trump is neither. He's just a standard, Ivy League educated, billionaire whose name is synonymous with Success. BTW, he is the historic First member of the WWE Hall of Fame to make it to the Presidency. No one else has ever done both.

Except the six times he went bankrupt and stuck taxpayers with debt he didn't pay. Other than that, a real "success"! HA!

When were tax payers stuck with the debt?
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

Completely false. They made fools of themselves.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency by Russian meddling was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

Mr. Strzok has no credibility, his life is built upon lies. His failure to address the Modern Day Eisenhower's , former Army officer Louis Gohmert, objections about his Gross marital infidelity was a disgrace. If Strzok had no problem lying to his old lady- who he supposedly loves- why would he have any problem lying to his country who he hates and wants to fundamentally transform?

You do realize that Trump has cheated on all three of his wives, right?

You do have a point, although Bill Clinton cheated on his one wife 11 times (that we're aware of).

God, it's sad how predictable you people are.

Being grounded in reality tends to make people predictable
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
Naturally, some folks will see it the way you see it and some folks will see it the way I see it. These are subjective opinions. There is no wrong or right. Now, only time will tell which opinion gets the most support and what the final effect will be.

That is utter nonsense. There is right and wrong. You can delude yourself into believing Strzok didn’t look bad, but he did. And when he ends up in handcuffs it will be precisely because what he did was wrong
Opinion is subjective. You are arguing that your subjective opinion is an objective fact and demanding everyone submit to your opinion. Arrogant uneducated stupidity.

It’s not an opinion. It’s what happened.

But hey yeah it’s totally appropriate to obstruct justice for political reasons and the arrogantly condescend and lie when called on it by those with oversite.
I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
What do you mean, Trump was never in the FBI? He has none of what it takes to become a member of the FBI. You know, things like intelligence, character, moxy, etc...

Actually, you have to be an accountant or a lawyer to be a G-man.

President Trump is neither. He's just a standard, Ivy League educated, billionaire whose name is synonymous with Success. BTW, he is the historic First member of the WWE Hall of Fame to make it to the Presidency. No one else has ever done both.

Except the six times he went bankrupt and stuck taxpayers with debt he didn't pay. Other than that, a real "success"! HA!

When were tax payers stuck with the debt?
The public is always stuck with debt that is written off for Christ doesn't vanish?! That debt gets made up in one way, shape, or form.

Christ dude...need a map?
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
How was he lying?
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
Naturally, some folks will see it the way you see it and some folks will see it the way I see it. These are subjective opinions. There is no wrong or right. Now, only time will tell which opinion gets the most support and what the final effect will be.

You're easily fooled.
A former US Army Ranger and a current FBI Agent made complete fools and buffoons out of many of the top Republican leaders of the House of Representatives while being attacked unmercifully during a Hearing.

In a comical display of ignorance and show of support for the corrupt Presidents of both America and Russia, the traitorous Republican hacks bombarded the Army Veteran and FBI Agent with every sleazy tactic imaginable trying to give conspiracy theories and outright lies some sort of validity. As it turned out, the agent, with a significant amount of help from Democrats attending the hearing, was able to bitch slap the Republican buffoons silly.

A clear message of how President Trump had been helped in his election to the Presidency was the only real major accomplishment of the backfired Republican-inspired hearing. Perhaps a lesson that hero Army Ranger veterans who become warriors in the wars against terrorism, drug cartels and organized crime syndicates may not be good targets for the political hack Republican House members to go after was also learned.

I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
Naturally, some folks will see it the way you see it and some folks will see it the way I see it. These are subjective opinions. There is no wrong or right. Now, only time will tell which opinion gets the most support and what the final effect will be.

That is utter nonsense. There is right and wrong. You can delude yourself into believing Strzok didn’t look bad, but he did. And when he ends up in handcuffs it will be precisely because what he did was wrong
Opinion is subjective. You are arguing that your subjective opinion is an objective fact and demanding everyone submit to your opinion. Arrogant uneducated stupidity.

It’s not an opinion. It’s what happened.

But hey yeah it’s totally appropriate to obstruct justice for political reasons and the arrogantly condescend and lie when called on it by those with oversite.

You assume he "lied" because that's what you're told to believe. THAT Is an opinion.....this indisputable fact proves you to be a completely biased nitwit.
I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
What do you mean, Trump was never in the FBI? He has none of what it takes to become a member of the FBI. You know, things like intelligence, character, moxy, etc...

Actually, you have to be an accountant or a lawyer to be a G-man.

President Trump is neither. He's just a standard, Ivy League educated, billionaire whose name is synonymous with Success. BTW, he is the historic First member of the WWE Hall of Fame to make it to the Presidency. No one else has ever done both.

Except the six times he went bankrupt and stuck taxpayers with debt he didn't pay. Other than that, a real "success"! HA!

When were tax payers stuck with the debt?
The public is always stuck with debt that is written off for Christ doesn't vanish?! That debt gets made up in one way, shape, or form.

Christ dude...need a map?

No. The creditors almost always eat it. It’s a risk factored into the price of borrowing.

Unless the government deliberately bails out the creditor, the tax payer should not have any impact whatsoever.

I’m unaware of any such situation with Trumps bankruptcies. Do you know something I don’t?
Strzok is a lying liberal hack masquerading as an FBI agent and should be fired for malfeasance and gross incompetence. .... :cool:
He was fired.
Are you claiming he is no longer an FBI Agent or are you calling his transfer from the case a "firing"? If he is still an FBI Agent he was nor fired.
He was fired from the investigation and put on a desk in the human resources department. That's a punishment.
Let's review:

Is FBI Agent Stzrok a hero? Yes, he is.
Did he bitch slap silly the Republican Representatives? Why, yes, he did indeed.
I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
I always wondered why Mueller would remove this guy from his job since Mueller also lacks the maturity and integrity to do his job -- especially when both Strzok and Mueller masterminded this whole Russia conspiracy in the first place.

Its almost like Mueller tried to remove Strzok to show the FBI has integrity when we ALL know they stopped having integrity when Trump was elected -- now they are a criminal organization against America
I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
What do you mean, Trump was never in the FBI? He has none of what it takes to become a member of the FBI. You know, things like intelligence, character, moxy, etc...

Actually, you have to be an accountant or a lawyer to be a G-man.

President Trump is neither. He's just a standard, Ivy League educated, billionaire whose name is synonymous with Success. BTW, he is the historic First member of the WWE Hall of Fame to make it to the Presidency. No one else has ever done both.
Daddy Drumpf had to buy his idiot son's way into Penn --- he probably had to donate enough $ to erect a new building on campus --- because the moron washed out of every other school he went to.

Billionaire? HA. That's debatable and highly unlikely. Most wealthy New Yorkers just chuckle when the idiot tells everyone how wealthy he is.

WWE hall of fame member to become president? LOL, okay, I'll give you that one.
Strzok is a lying liberal hack masquerading as an FBI agent and should be fired for malfeasance and gross incompetence. .... :cool:
He was fired.
Are you claiming he is no longer an FBI Agent or are you calling his transfer from the case a "firing"? If he is still an FBI Agent he was nor fired.

Yeah, being escorted out of FBI Headquarters is not exactly a promotion.
Oh, he got escorted out of FBI Headquarters. I didn't know that. Can you provide a link or is this more of your made up fake stuff?
I saw a man who continued to lie about his bias and conveniently not recall important details time after time, Camp! I saw a man admitting that it was he who changed the language in the FBI report on Hillary Clinton's emails! I saw a man who couldn't explain why he sat on Anthony Weiner's laptop emails for three weeks before informing Director Comey about them. Strzok is an embarrassment to the FBI.
Naturally, some folks will see it the way you see it and some folks will see it the way I see it. These are subjective opinions. There is no wrong or right. Now, only time will tell which opinion gets the most support and what the final effect will be.

That is utter nonsense. There is right and wrong. You can delude yourself into believing Strzok didn’t look bad, but he did. And when he ends up in handcuffs it will be precisely because what he did was wrong
Opinion is subjective. You are arguing that your subjective opinion is an objective fact and demanding everyone submit to your opinion. Arrogant uneducated stupidity.

It’s not an opinion. It’s what happened.

But hey yeah it’s totally appropriate to obstruct justice for political reasons and the arrogantly condescend and lie when called on it by those with oversite.

You assume he "lied" because that's what you're told to believe. THAT Is an opinion.....this indisputable fact proves you to be a completely biased nitwit.

He has been caught in multiple stories on how he obtained the dossier. He also claimed he had no bias despite e clear bias.

And honest people don’t cheat on their spouse
I saw a manchild who was removed from his position at the FBI because he lacked the maturity to perform his duties as required.
I always wondered why Mueller would remove this guy from his job since Mueller also lacks the maturity and integrity to do his job -- especially when both Strzok and Mueller masterminded this whole Russia conspiracy in the first place.

Its almost like Mueller tried to remove Strzok to show the FBI has integrity when we ALL know they stopped having integrity when Trump was elected -- now they are a criminal organization against America
Mueller and Strzok don't represent the FBI. They're just the cancer. The cancer can be removed and the patient will be healthy again.

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