Formal Debate Forum?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Seriously, is there any thought of inserting a debate forum where only the two contenders are allowed to post and must play by rules and be judged and stuff? grown-ups? they do on formal debate forums?...maybe with a separate forum to comment on ongoing the debate?
☭proletarian☭;1962141 said:
I mean this board. It would be nice to see how many hotshots around here can actually debate a topic.

Then again, this is touted as a message board, not a debate parlor. Oh, well...what the hell. It is a pain in the ass to arrange judges, agree upon rules, keep kibitzers at bay...

Forget I brought it up.

...and most of all, do not think about a pink elephant.
I wonder if the concept can be broadened to that which only discussion is allowed without all the personal attacks. Seems to me that this would be an easier goal to attain.......
I wonder if the concept can be broadened to that which only discussion is allowed without all the personal attacks. Seems to me that this would be an easier goal to attain.......

There is already a message board where the mods babysit and put people into timeout corners. PM me and I'll give you the url.
I wonder if the concept can be broadened to that which only discussion is allowed without all the personal attacks. Seems to me that this would be an easier goal to attain.......
It just takes money. Moderators generally don't llike to work for peanuts.

I wonder if the concept can be broadened to that which only discussion is allowed without all the personal attacks. Seems to me that this would be an easier goal to attain.......

There is already a message board where the mods babysit and put people into timeout corners. PM me and I'll give you the url.
Been there...done a hat!

I enjoy reading the structured debates between two intelligent warriors more than I do the one line quips and cheap shots taken in the free-for-all mode. Even when the topic is difficult to understand (such as genetics and mutations) I like to read what the experts have to say to each other when they don't agree. Religious debates, gay bashing, Christian bashing, race bashing, attacks on individuals and the like do not interest me except in the exposure of idiocy and the opportunity to point it out.
☭proletarian☭;1975254 said:
I'd be all for it as long as we could also arrange for a troll section and confine the board trolls there.
The Flame Zone - US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
..but they're not confined to that one forum. They troll everywhere.

I'm not confining anyone. That's not what this board is about. However, I have tried a formal debate forum in the past. Since, I have figured out how to EXCLUDE.

So why don't you make this a poll? You get enough votes, you'll get your game. Just bear in mind Im a 20 years retired Marine. I WILL call it down the middle and I WILL enforce policy regardless anyone's opinion.

Just be sure you want what you're asking for. You might get it.
Does it really matter? Participate in threads that interest you, debate with those who are civil, ignore the ones that you think are not civil. That simple, I think :D
If you exclude can those excluded still read the thread?

I for one would like to see who all round these parts can remain civil in a debate.

Usergroups. If this is anything like phpBB, he'd just create a usergroup for people who can post in the debate forum and make it and admins/mods the only groups who can post in the forum in question.
☭proletarian☭;1977698 said:
If you exclude can those excluded still read the thread?

I for one would like to see who all round these parts can remain civil in a debate.

Usergroups. If this is anything like phpBB, he'd just create a usergroup for people who can post in the debate forum and make it and admins/mods the only groups who can post in the forum in question.

:eusa_doh: My only excuse is that I was tired when posting however if the staff is willing to go that far for the members :clap2:

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