Forget about Israel: Ilhan Omar’s not a big fan of America, either


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Forget about Israel: Ilhan Omar’s not a big fan of America, either

Forget about Israel: Ilhan Omar’s not a big fan of America, either
By Seth Barron ~~ Since she entered Congress earlier this year, freshman Minnesota congresswoman Ilhan Omar has consistently made news with her anti-Semitism, which may yet force the Democratic Party into a corner.... What is surprising is the extent to which her narrative consists of complaints about the intolerance, racism, inequity, and filth that she found when she came to the United States, and since. Gratitude, for the country and the people who saved and welcomed her family, is largely absent from her telling. Interviewed on the popular Pod Save America podcast, Omar explained that when her family was preparing for resettlement in America, they watched orientation videos “about the life that they are to expect once they arrive here... happy families, and dinner tables where there is an abundance of food, images of happy young children running off to their school buses... images of a country where people are happy and leading a life that is prosperous. You are really looking forward to life as you see it on that screen.”
Life in America was not like the images she saw in the welcome video, Omar insists. “When we landed,” she recalls, “I saw panhandlers on the side of the streets, there being trash everywhere, and graffiti on the side of the walls.” Omar asked her father why America fell so short of what she had been promised, and he told her to “hold on, we will get to our America.”
The American Dream once referred to the aspirations of Americans to provide better lives for their children. For the left, that idea has come to mean the intentions of anyone, anywhere, who wants to come here. From this perspective, the people who now live in the US are superfluous to America and the American idea. We are placeholders, keeping things together until tomorrow’s Americans — more deserving, though apparently less appreciative — get here. Meantime, we can try to survive this hellish existence until they arrive to bail us out.

Hmm....., perhaps Ilhan Omar needs to go back home with the brother she married and help those folks in Mogadishu. I think we can do just fine without her.
Somalia practices the most extreme form of female genital mutilation... It is worth noting for the record that Omar’s family fled Somalia because her family supported and worked for the deposed leader who’s philosophy was Somali Islamic national socialism. Basically Somali Nazis.
Omar has still not arrived in the America she was promised, though she has now been elected to Congress. We continue to disappoint her.
Omar complains about panhandlers in America? In Squalor-malia they don’t beg? They just cut your throat and take your money. Everyone is on Khat the streets are full of trash, actually no different than San Francisco, or Portland Oregon. Their entire country is a dung heap.
Inequality? Ask the warlords about that.
One thing America doesn’t need is more liberal hypocrites. We’re drowning in them already.
Hah! Inequality? Ask the warlords about that. One thing America doesn’t need is more liberal hypocrites. We’re drowning in them already.
From above:
"Hmm....., perhaps Ilhan Omar needs to go back home with the brother she married and help those folks in Mogadishu. I think we can do just fine without her."

Agreed, but who are the low IQ morons who voted her into Congress? Tell me she is the best representative they have in that district.
The Roman Empire near it’s end had pockets of Barbarians who did not value Roman Citizenship, refused to speak Latin, Refused
To Assimilate in to Roman Society.

These pockets of “resistance” eventually became security risks for The Roman Empire, and the people there were a source of contention and division. Their settlements became points of entry for invaders who eventually over ran The Empire and fractured it in two.

Western Rome Fell First, then The East plummeting The Old World in to The Dark Ages.
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Of course not, Islam has been America's self-declared enemy since the 1790's Barbary Coast pirates. Because Islam is an ideology of murderous hatred of non-muslims. I've read the Quran and studied this most demonstrably VIOLENT ideology of sadism and cruelty. The Quran is the world's most extreme antithesis of our humane, American constitutional values. Any muslim will be nursing a treasonous hatred of our Western, 1st-world values because it's completely alien to their values of pure, murderous hate.

If it were up to me I wouldn't allow a muslim to hold any position of power anywhere in any American governmental body at any level.
Of course not, Islam has been America's self-declared enemy since the 1790's Barbary Coast pirates. Because Islam is an ideology of murderous hatred of non-muslims. I've read the Quran and studied this most demonstrably VIOLENT ideology of sadism and cruelty. The Quran is the world's most extreme antithesis of our humane, American constitutional values. Any muslim will be nursing a treasonous hatred of our Western, 1st-world values because it's completely alien to their values of pure, murderous hate.

If it were up to me I wouldn't allow a muslim to hold any position of power anywhere in any American governmental body at any level.
It's why we have The Marines, who were formed by Thomas Jefferson to go rescue Hostages that Muslim Jihadists were holding for Ransom at Tripoli.

From the Halls of Montezuma
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles
In the air, on land and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.

Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in ev'ry clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job--
The United States Marines.

Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.

Read more: U.S. Marine Corps Hymn Lyrics
Mullah Omar supports population replacement. Once the nasty white people are gone, America will be a better place. That's what she is saying.

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