Foreclosure Defense (Use the UCC)

How come no one stopped me from taking that $80,000 boat from the dude that was not paying for it last week?
. . .

For both of you scum-bag BAR-flys:

Any case you are involved in is public record, please post the case identifiers and court name and location, or names of the financial institution and the "debtor."

I'll come for you.

Go ahead you cowards, tell us where you are "operating" as bankster-whores.

I want your "faithful performance" bonds.

. . .
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For both of you scum-bag BAR-flys:

Any case you are involved in is public record, please post the case identifiers and court name and location, or names of the financial institution and the "debtor."

I'll come for you.

Go ahead you cowards, tell us where you are "operating" as bankster-whores.

I want your "faithful performance" bonds.

. . .

Let me go real slow for you.
I am in your front and back yard.
You better grow some eyes in the back of your head Moe.
I absolutely LOVE what I do. I am going to legally steal all of your stuff and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me.
Because you are a parasite and want others to pay your bills for you.
If you want to stop me you can. Quit signing your name to documents and start paying your own freight.
But please keep it up and do not change. I need the business.
Unlike you, I work for a living and pay my own way and back upmy signature.
. . .

For both of you scum-bag BAR-flys:

Any case you are involved in is public record, please post the case identifiers and court name and location, or names of the financial institution and the "debtor."

I'll come for you.

Go ahead you cowards, tell us where you are "operating" as bankster-whores.

I want your "faithful performance" bonds.

. . .

Now that sounds vaguely like a threat. Careful there, son. You wouldn't want to blow a stroke over getting laughed at on the internets, would you?

My advice to you is to switch to decaf.
. . .

No threats, just a promise.

You are a scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, coward.

You will NOT reveal even the court name where you "took" the property of one of the bankster's victims.

You are reprehensible and a "chicken," running "scared" from a "real" fight.

We are going to identify one of your victims.

Then, we will see . . .

Rave-on catshit . . .

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I'd say if you're going to engage in that kind of personal attack it might be nice to know something about the person you're attacking so you don't make yourself look like even more of an ass.

Frankly, I'm not sure it's something you need to worry about. Looking like more of an ass is probably impossible in your case.

You keep digging, I'm sure you'll find that court reeeal soon. :lol::lol:

Oh, as far as my identity goes.....if you're willing to offer bigger money than the current record to get it, let me have first dibs. ;)
. . .

True to form, you scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, cowards, reduce everything to money and selling yourselves, like the whores you are.

Looks like “fat-boy” likes feeding on the misery of bankster victims --
[ <Dad & Son Having Fun> ]

Your final “court” may turn out to be the front yard.

. . .
Explain how you are a victim when you borrow $, guarantee to repay it with your notarized signature and use the property for free someone else paid for.
Name the bank that held your milk weak ass down and forced you to sign.
Go ahead and make all the threats you want Moe. This stuff is easy. I have been shot at, beat on, under fire and left for dead. Get in line, take your best shot but.....................
You better get it right because the last person, after a long line of other losers, that tried failed and paid tremendous consequences physically and mentally for it. You are not jail material, would not last a few days there because you are weak.
You do not even know what a performance bond is. The debtor has no claim to that you moron. The banks that hire me have claim ONLY if they pay me and I do not perform.
Thanks to you that will never happen.
. . .

So, true to form, as a bankster-whore, you advocate physical violence.

How Neanderthal of you.

This is NOT about physical violence, you bankster-whore.

You sound as one very accustomed to calling out the goons-with-guns.

I still want your "faithful performance" bond.

You might need to be thinking about a career change.

. . .
. . .

Time and time again, a valid defense for the bankster's foreclosure fraud is introduced in this thread, and these scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, cowards misdirect the focus of the subject matter for the purpose of avoidance of discussion of the issue.

The last valid issue posted being, that banksters, and their bankster-whore Bar-flys, are misrepresenting COPIES of SECURITIES as writings upon which a remedy can be granted.

Passing off a COPY of a SECURITY as a valid SECURITY for the purpose of acquiring money, is called COUNTERFEITING. FRAUD.

When a BAR-fly defiles a court to the point that the court ACTS upon such misrepresentation(s) (FRAUD), to the prejudice of the defendant, it is called “fraud upon the court.”

All individuals involved in such fraud are liable in such fraud.

BAR-flys, and people that work for banks (banksters), are REQUIRED to be BONDED.

BAR-flys actually swear an Oath, usually through the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State, (the filing office varies from state to state).

Provable Fraud is a good cause of action for a complaint against the “faithful performance” bond required by every state in the union. (may be identified by a different name, but the bond still exists).

No bond, no work.

Additionally, a video that shows a dad beating on his son with a weapon, could be construed as evidence of child abuse.

What on Earth would prompt a sound mind to post such a video on YouTube?

See my post at Permalink #108.
[ <Dad & Son Having Fun> ]

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See, there's where you're wrong kid.

Nobody's diverting discussion of any issue, because there is no issue to be discussed. You're so off-base there's nothing there to get you back into the same zip code as right.

People who listen to you will get a visit from people like Gadawg. Pure and simple.

Back when you first started this rant people tried to reason with you. You do not listen to reason. We ridicule you so anybody desperate reading this thread understands you're full of shit and not to attempt what you're trying to put out there. It's a true public service.

That is all, proceed with your regularly scheduled foaming at the mouth and chewing on the carpet.
. . .

Your statements, as usual, are totally without foundation.

Prove what you say.

Otherwise, your statements are simply without a scintilla of merit. Rantings, exiting from an obviously poisoned mind.

Are you a child abuser, too?

Provide the PROOF of why what you say is true.
Validate your "proof" with case law.

Facts and law.

You NEVER offer any proof, just bullshit.

You are a cartoon.

. . .
Child abuser? Am I getting under your skin there kid?

Don't hold back. Show us how you really think.

Somebody needs to count your meds there, son. I think you've been palming a few.
. . .

And there you go -- your statements, as usual, are totally without foundation.

Prove what you say.

Otherwise, your statements are simply without a scintilla of merit. Rantings, exiting from an obviously poisoned mind.

Provide the PROOF of why what you say is true.
Validate your "proof" with case law.

Facts and law.

You NEVER offer any proof, just bullshit.

You are STILL a cartoon.

. . .
. . .

And there you go -- your statements, as usual, are totally without foundation.

Prove what you say.

Otherwise, your statements are simply without a scintilla of merit. Rantings, exiting from an obviously poisoned mind.

Provide the PROOF of why what you say is true.
Validate your "proof" with case law.

Facts and law.

You NEVER offer any proof, just bullshit.

You are STILL a cartoon.

. . .

I will steal all of your stuff legally if and when I please.
And you are powerless to do ANYTHING TO STOP ME!
What more proof do I need?
. . .

Now, isn't that a revealing post from an obvious scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, coward.

You will "steal" all of my property?

Aren't YOU a cartoon.

"I will steal all of your stuff legally if and when I please."

I CAN stop you. You won't like it. It would probably end your "stealing" career.

You would have to hunt another way to victimize people.

How arrogant of you.

Your "venom" is not only evident in the way you "have fun" with your son.

Every time you guys open your mouths, you insert BOTH feet.

You would be well advised to just maintain silence.

You fat slob child beater.

. . .
. . .

Now, isn't that a revealing post from an obvious scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, coward.

You will "steal" all of my property?

Aren't YOU a cartoon.

"I will steal all of your stuff legally if and when I please."

I CAN stop you. You won't like it. It would probably end your "stealing" career.

You would have to hunt another way to victimize people.

How arrogant of you.

Your "venom" is not only evident in the way you "have fun" with your son.

Every time you guys open your mouths, you insert BOTH feet.

You would be well advised to just maintain silence.

You fat slob child beater.

. . .

Pay your bills and keep your stuff. Don't and I will legally take it from you.
And you know it.
Live within your means and pay your bills or continue to be a leech parasite.
You are mad because I already have some of your stuff on my lot.
I like it so get used to it. I like it when you get mad. You let your guard down and it makes my job easy.
You can run but you can't hide. I have more respect for the gooks in Nam than you.
You are a mama's boy. You can't even pay your own bills and cry when someone takes your stuff that you stole from them.
Thief. We have your signature giving us title to your stuff if you do not pay.
Dumb ass. Next time PUT THE PEN DOWN. Fool.
. . .

Signature by fraud is no signature at all, you scum-bag, bankster-whore, BAR-fly, coward.

You don't have anything.

You cannot validate that you are the "real party in interest."

I have already posted some valid info on what a "signature" is, and what it means.

You obviously didn't read the info, or check it out for yourself.

Hence, you make the "signature" mistake.

What a cartoon you are.

You just keep coming back with bullshit.

Your continuing blather is evidence of your incompetence.

It seems that a lot of the fat you carry around has to be lodged in your brain.

. . .

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