For those who think only liberals want their BS in the classroom

What complete bullshit. As it turns out, McCarthy was exactly right.

What a crock of shit.! Where do you get these ignorant opinions? McCarthy was a deranged grandstanding fear mongering bigot. You clearly do not know what you are talking about. I am wondering how old you are. It is obvious you did not experience the time of which you refer. I am also curious who is feeding you these lies about one of the most destructive movements against free speach in our countries history.

1. Left wing historians writings filled with righteous indignation and emotional abhorrence toward Joseph McCarthy and cool aloofness toward Joseph Stalin

Are completely irrelevant and only brought up as a deflection by the desperate.

But fine. Stalin sucks, so does mccarthy.

2. …claim that McCarthyism was the most disgraceful episode in twentieth-century American life, but show a fading memory of the Communist threat.

3. Those who ‘suffered’ were chiefly Communists…hiding behind the smokescreen that they were innocent liberals falsely accused.

Source. There were plenty who were falsely accused.

4. The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

So he was right about two therefore it's OK to BS about the others? Where do you come up with this "logic"?

5. The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

But do not absolve Mccarthy for much

Return to Responses, Reflections and Occasional Papers // Return to Historical Writings

6. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

The fucker accused dozens of people and just because he got two right that makes it OK? Ok fine. Everyone who posted on this forum is an arsonist. Now if two people get convicted of arson that suddenly makes my accusations ok?

7. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”

It's revisionist to think Mccarthy was completely innocent.

10. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death. She is even aware that the American Communists were taking their orders from Moscow and were attempting to impose the Red Utopia upon the United States. If successful, this would have led to millions tortured, enslaved, starved and murdered. It would have led to the death of human freedom for untold years. As the US was the bulwarked of freedom and Democracy, it's communization would have turned the entire world into an abatoir.

Who the fuck is Whittaker Chambers and why the fuck does she get to define what liberals believe? What evidence does she have that liberals won't fight communism?

Do you just latch onto ANYTHING that insults liberals as if it's heavenly ordained truth? Are you that desperate or just incapable of thinking for yourself?

If you honestly believe everyone who calls themselves a liberal falls completely in line with Communism you're a gullible moron.

It'd be like me saying every conservative wants to make the US a Christian theocracy or something.
Last edited: well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

That right there is enough to reject this as idiocy. McCarthyism still rates as one of the blackest times in our history. Defending that period is something that immediately identifies you as a crank in my mind.

How ironic. You, showing the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction. And the event for this date as follows:

In 1950, on this very day, Alger Hiss was convicted on two counts of perjury for denying charges of espionage.

Further, I suggest that you pick up a copy of the Venona Papers.

"Venona project: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States, List of Americans in the Venona papers (Paperback)
~ Frederic P. Miller (Editor), Agnes F. Vandome (Editor), John McBrewster (Editor)
$43 at Amazon

Follow your own advice

Return to Responses, Reflections and Occasional Papers // Return to Historical Writings
What complete bullshit. As it turns out, McCarthy was exactly right.

What a crock of shit.! Where do you get these ignorant opinions? McCarthy was a deranged grandstanding fear mongering bigot. You clearly do not know what you are talking about. I am wondering how old you are. It is obvious you did not experience the time of which you refer. I am also curious who is feeding you these lies about one of the most destructive movements against free speach in our countries history.

1. Left wing historians writings filled with righteous indignation and emotional abhorrence toward Joseph McCarthy and cool aloofness toward Joseph Stalin

2. …claim that McCarthyism was the most disgraceful episode in twentieth-century American life, but show a fading memory of the Communist threat.

3. Those who ‘suffered’ were chiefly Communists…hiding behind the smokescreen that they were innocent liberals falsely accused.

4. The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

5. The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

6. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

7. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”

8. The Professor’s view is based on the relatively small number of prosecutions and convictions, but this overlooks the objectives of the FBI, which weighed exposing sources vs. prosecutions. The aim in counterespionage is always to disrupt the cells and prosecutions are secondary. The ongoing decryption of the Venona cables severely damaged and disruptions of Soviet espionage rings (over 300 Soviet agents active in the US Government during WWII and thereafter) in the last half of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and, while only a few spies were prosecuted, scores of others were identified, removed from their government posts and neutralized. Others who functioned as support personnel for Soviet espionage networks (couriers, recruiters, hosts of safe houses, and providers of false identities and sham jobs) were identified, questioned and frightened into inactivity. The Cold War and Korea reduced government and public toleration for Communists and Communist sympathizers. Truman’s legal assault on communism, including the Smith Act, prosecuted leaders and included removing security risks from government. (see “In Denial,” Haynes and Klehr)

9. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact." And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

10. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death. She is even aware that the American Communists were taking their orders from Moscow and were attempting to impose the Red Utopia upon the United States. If successful, this would have led to millions tortured, enslaved, starved and murdered. It would have led to the death of human freedom for untold years. As the US was the bulwarked of freedom and Democracy, it's communization would have turned the entire world into an abatoir.

Sorry. There was no communist threat. There was a handfull of people in a variety of socialist and communist parties. There was not then and there is not now any constitutional law prohibiting someone from wanting to be a communist. It is a stupid idea but non the less it is not illegal. We were not then nor were we ever threatened from within by communism. You who see boogymen around every corner are cowards and have no faith in our country or the constitution.
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What a crock of shit.! Where do you get these ignorant opinions? McCarthy was a deranged grandstanding fear mongering bigot. You clearly do not know what you are talking about. I am wondering how old you are. It is obvious you did not experience the time of which you refer. I am also curious who is feeding you these lies about one of the most destructive movements against free speach in our countries history.

1. Left wing historians writings filled with righteous indignation and emotional abhorrence toward Joseph McCarthy and cool aloofness toward Joseph Stalin

2. …claim that McCarthyism was the most disgraceful episode in twentieth-century American life, but show a fading memory of the Communist threat.

3. Those who ‘suffered’ were chiefly Communists…hiding behind the smokescreen that they were innocent liberals falsely accused.

4. The thrust is that it was McCarthyism, more than Soviet espionage or Communism infiltration of government, that was – in the words of the October 23, 1998, NYTimes editorial, “a lethal threat to American democracy.” This, in the same editorial that admitted that the evidence against Julius Rosenberg, and “most likely” Alger Hiss, was clear.

5. The deciphered Venona messages document the CPUSA’s integral role in the Soviet Union’s massive espionage against the US.

6. The federally funded “National History Standards” for elementary schools were released in 1994, cemented a revisionist view of American Communism for schoolteachers, as the guide mentions McCarthy over twenty times, while Edison and the Wright Brothers got no mention. “It …repeatedly condemns McCarthyism as an unmitigated evil…[but] the Hiss-Chambers and Rosenberg cases, the two dominant controversies of the anticommunist era, are described with bland, neutral language crafted to keep from implying guilt while not being quite so foolhardy as to actually assert innocence..’National Standards’…implies that the cases are part and parcel of the McCartyite horror.” From “In Denial,” by Haynes and Klehr, pg. 151

7. Revisionist views are found, for example, in the work of Ellen Wolf Schrecker, Ph.D., a professor of American history at Yeshiva University, who states “ whatever threat to the United States such espionage [by US citizens working for Soviet intelligence] may have posed, it was gone by the time the main justification for the McCarthy-era purges.” The revisionists claim that the greater sin was not the betrayal of the country by American Communists, but anticommunists using that betrayal as “a rationalization for the most widespread and the longest-lasting episode of political repression in our nation’s history.”

8. The Professor’s view is based on the relatively small number of prosecutions and convictions, but this overlooks the objectives of the FBI, which weighed exposing sources vs. prosecutions. The aim in counterespionage is always to disrupt the cells and prosecutions are secondary. The ongoing decryption of the Venona cables severely damaged and disruptions of Soviet espionage rings (over 300 Soviet agents active in the US Government during WWII and thereafter) in the last half of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, and, while only a few spies were prosecuted, scores of others were identified, removed from their government posts and neutralized. Others who functioned as support personnel for Soviet espionage networks (couriers, recruiters, hosts of safe houses, and providers of false identities and sham jobs) were identified, questioned and frightened into inactivity. The Cold War and Korea reduced government and public toleration for Communists and Communist sympathizers. Truman’s legal assault on communism, including the Smith Act, prosecuted leaders and included removing security risks from government. (see “In Denial,” Haynes and Klehr)

9. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts. Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact." And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

10. Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals. The revisionist is aware of the horrors of Communism; the tortures, the Gulags, the over 100 million persons done to death. She is even aware that the American Communists were taking their orders from Moscow and were attempting to impose the Red Utopia upon the United States. If successful, this would have led to millions tortured, enslaved, starved and murdered. It would have led to the death of human freedom for untold years. As the US was the bulwarked of freedom and Democracy, it's communization would have turned the entire world into an abatoir.

Sorry. There was no communist threat. There was a handfull of people in a variety of socialist and communist parties. There was then and there is now no law prohibiting someone from wanting to be a communist. It is a stupid idea but non the less it is not illegal. We were not then nor were we ever threatened from within by communism. You who see boogymen around every corner are cowards and have no faith in our country or the constitution.

"There was no communist threat."

In the face of all evidence, including much of the documentation in my previous post, you're response is pretty much a white flag.

E TEXAS TEXTBOOK TUSSLE, CONT'D.... Over the last several months, the Monthly has been keeping an eye on the Texas Board of Education, which has been working on a social studies curricula steeped in conservative Republican ideology. It's a rather remarkable story: board members -- 10 Republicans to 5 Democrats -- have recommended downplaying the contributions of civil rights leaders, minimizing an "emphasis on multiculturalism," and trying to "exonerate" Joe McCarthy.

The first draft of the standards mandated that Texans be taught to "identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals" -- with no comparable progressive leaders or groups.

The ridiculous crusade continues apace.

The conservative bloc on the Texas State Board of Education won a string of victories Friday, obtaining approval for an amendment requiring high school U.S. history students to know about Phyllis Schlafly and the Contract with America as well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

Outspoken conservative board member Don McLeroy, who reportedly spent over three hours personally proposing changes to the textbook standards, even wanted to cut "hip-hop" in favor of "country" in a section about the impact of cultural movements. That amendment failed.

The board also voted to delay further debate on the nationally influential standards until March, with a final adoption vote now scheduled for May.

The Washington Monthly


And Glenn Beck is putting a documentary on tomorrow (Friday) night that has had professors in history outraged that they never heard any of it before. Beck has the FILM FOOTAGE so it's not somebody's fuzzy memory or interpretation, I can't wait, it's suppposed to blow the cover off of the "progressive" socialist/communist movement.
E TEXAS TEXTBOOK TUSSLE, CONT'D.... Over the last several months, the Monthly has been keeping an eye on the Texas Board of Education, which has been working on a social studies curricula steeped in conservative Republican ideology. It's a rather remarkable story: board members -- 10 Republicans to 5 Democrats -- have recommended downplaying the contributions of civil rights leaders, minimizing an "emphasis on multiculturalism," and trying to "exonerate" Joe McCarthy.

The first draft of the standards mandated that Texans be taught to "identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals" -- with no comparable progressive leaders or groups.

The ridiculous crusade continues apace.

The conservative bloc on the Texas State Board of Education won a string of victories Friday, obtaining approval for an amendment requiring high school U.S. history students to know about Phyllis Schlafly and the Contract with America as well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

Outspoken conservative board member Don McLeroy, who reportedly spent over three hours personally proposing changes to the textbook standards, even wanted to cut "hip-hop" in favor of "country" in a section about the impact of cultural movements. That amendment failed.

The board also voted to delay further debate on the nationally influential standards until March, with a final adoption vote now scheduled for May.

The Washington Monthly


And Glenn Beck is putting a documentary on tomorrow (Friday) night that has had professors in history outraged that they never heard any of it before. Beck has the FILM FOOTAGE so it's not somebody's fuzzy memory or interpretation, I can't wait, it's suppposed to blow the cover off of the "progressive" socialist/communist movement.

better stock up on fresh batteries
"I got an e-mail from a disgruntled listener recently. He was a Californian who was disturbed at my diatribe about liberal indoctrination of our kids at school. He said he thought he was listening to Joe McCarthy. Ironically, I received that e-mail the day the story broke about a Colorado high school teacher caught on tape bashing Bush, America, capitalism and democracies, in general. Jay Bennish is supposedly a geography teacher. Instead of teaching his students to locate countries on the map, he launches into harangues of hatred against the evil empire – the United States of America. Unfortunately for him, one of his students caught it all on tape.

My e-mailer told me I was a reactionary. That's what they love to call those of us sounding the alarm. He suggested I apologize for saying there was a concerted effort on the part of some educators to influence and indoctrinate our kids – brainwash them, if you will. Before I could respond, the taped teacher story was all over talk radio.

It's not so much that this teacher was criticizing President Bush in a school environment. Although it was probably inappropriate in this setting, criticism of our elected officials is often necessary. What was really troublesome about this particular teacher was his decidedly anti-American rhetoric. It wasn't that he hated the president; he hated everything this country stands for."

"Everything about capitalism and democracy is evil to people like Bennish, and too many of them have the ears of our kids. We, according to these America haters, are the force of evil in the world. He even suggested that it would be justifiable for countries to invade North Carolina and firebomb the tobacco crops since we were destroying the coca crop in Columbia. I'm not making this up."

"Mr. Bennish was suspended from teaching pending a hearing on his conduct. He has hired a lawyer who argues his First Amendment rights were violated. He actually maintains this teacher has the right to say anything he wants to in class, even if it has nothing to do with his job or the subject he's teaching. Ironic, isn't it. Jay Bennish is now hiding behind the Constitution from the very country he loathes."

Was McCarthy Right?

Dr, heal thyself.

Thanks Allie, I might put that on my website tomorrow
E TEXAS TEXTBOOK TUSSLE, CONT'D.... Over the last several months, the Monthly has been keeping an eye on the Texas Board of Education, which has been working on a social studies curricula steeped in conservative Republican ideology. It's a rather remarkable story: board members -- 10 Republicans to 5 Democrats -- have recommended downplaying the contributions of civil rights leaders, minimizing an "emphasis on multiculturalism," and trying to "exonerate" Joe McCarthy.

The first draft of the standards mandated that Texans be taught to "identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals" -- with no comparable progressive leaders or groups.

The ridiculous crusade continues apace.

The conservative bloc on the Texas State Board of Education won a string of victories Friday, obtaining approval for an amendment requiring high school U.S. history students to know about Phyllis Schlafly and the Contract with America as well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

Outspoken conservative board member Don McLeroy, who reportedly spent over three hours personally proposing changes to the textbook standards, even wanted to cut "hip-hop" in favor of "country" in a section about the impact of cultural movements. That amendment failed.

The board also voted to delay further debate on the nationally influential standards until March, with a final adoption vote now scheduled for May.

The Washington Monthly


And Glenn Beck is putting a documentary on tomorrow (Friday) night that has had professors in history outraged that they never heard any of it before. Beck has the FILM FOOTAGE so it's not somebody's fuzzy memory or interpretation, I can't wait, it's suppposed to blow the cover off of the "progressive" socialist/communist movement.

So you think it's OK for a school to be promoting such swine as the moral majority?

Vote on social studies curriculum delayed until March | Houston & Texas News | - Houston Chronicle

Ok then you no longer have any excuse to bitch and whine about those damn liberals supposedly wanting to indoctrinate our kids, in fact you're no better than them.
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E TEXAS TEXTBOOK TUSSLE, CONT'D.... Over the last several months, the Monthly has been keeping an eye on the Texas Board of Education, which has been working on a social studies curricula steeped in conservative Republican ideology. It's a rather remarkable story: board members -- 10 Republicans to 5 Democrats -- have recommended downplaying the contributions of civil rights leaders, minimizing an "emphasis on multiculturalism," and trying to "exonerate" Joe McCarthy.

The first draft of the standards mandated that Texans be taught to "identify significant conservative advocacy organizations and individuals" -- with no comparable progressive leaders or groups.

The ridiculous crusade continues apace.

The conservative bloc on the Texas State Board of Education won a string of victories Friday, obtaining approval for an amendment requiring high school U.S. history students to know about Phyllis Schlafly and the Contract with America as well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

Outspoken conservative board member Don McLeroy, who reportedly spent over three hours personally proposing changes to the textbook standards, even wanted to cut "hip-hop" in favor of "country" in a section about the impact of cultural movements. That amendment failed.

The board also voted to delay further debate on the nationally influential standards until March, with a final adoption vote now scheduled for May.

The Washington Monthly


And Glenn Beck is putting a documentary on tomorrow (Friday) night that has had professors in history outraged that they never heard any of it before. Beck has the FILM FOOTAGE so it's not somebody's fuzzy memory or interpretation, I can't wait, it's suppposed to blow the cover off of the "progressive" socialist/communist movement.

better stock up on fresh batteries

oh look! my boyfriend's back!

hmmmmmmmmm, not a peep outta you on this thread til I posted...

hey del, if you're going to keep following me around, you really need to upgrade my ring...I'm starting to have second thoughts about you, you're starting to feel high maintenance...

oh how I hate clingy men...
learn to read.

I did hon. I'm afraid there are just not enough carats...

but it's all right, maybe bodecia will be interested

Man, Republicans are really strange.

First, they are upset about health care and many don't even have it.

Then they complain they don't want government run health care so stay away from my Medicare.

Then they complain that Obama isn' giving them jobs but they want him to fail.

And now they complain about schools????? They're just going to drop out anyway. How many Republicans finish 9th grade? Only 6% of scientists are Republicans. Let those who want to go to school go and don't worry about Republicans. They can go to Sunday School and memorize Bible myths. well as inserting a clause that aims to justify McCarthyism.

That right there is enough to reject this as idiocy. McCarthyism still rates as one of the blackest times in our history. Defending that period is something that immediately identifies you as a crank in my mind.

How ironic. You, showing the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction. And the event for this date as follows:

In 1950, on this very day, Alger Hiss was convicted on two counts of perjury for denying charges of espionage.

Further, I suggest that you pick up a copy of the Venona Papers.

"Venona project: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States, List of Americans in the Venona papers (Paperback)
~ Frederic P. Miller (Editor), Agnes F. Vandome (Editor), John McBrewster (Editor)
$43 at Amazon

Using the standards of "Correctness" that you've applied to McCarthy, I'd be 100% correct in saying that the GOP and the Conservative movement is infested with Drug Addicts, Homosexuals, and Corrupt Criminals.

McCarthy's tactic was to literally pick up the phone book and accuse everyone in it of being a Communist. Of course he hit a few right. He also missed spectacularly and repeatedly.
That right there is enough to reject this as idiocy. McCarthyism still rates as one of the blackest times in our history. Defending that period is something that immediately identifies you as a crank in my mind.

How ironic. You, showing the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction. And the event for this date as follows:

In 1950, on this very day, Alger Hiss was convicted on two counts of perjury for denying charges of espionage.

Further, I suggest that you pick up a copy of the Venona Papers.

"Venona project: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States, List of Americans in the Venona papers (Paperback)
~ Frederic P. Miller (Editor), Agnes F. Vandome (Editor), John McBrewster (Editor)
$43 at Amazon

Using the standards of "Correctness" that you've applied to McCarthy, I'd be 100% correct in saying that the GOP and the Conservative movement is infested with Drug Addicts, Homosexuals, and Corrupt Criminals.

McCarthy's tactic was to literally pick up the phone book and accuse everyone in it of being a Communist. Of course he hit a few right. He also missed spectacularly and repeatedly.

Aye, I wonder if these guys know they're using the same tactics Nostradamus and every other 'psychic' uses, which is to make lots and lots of predictions wait for 5 or so to turn out to be true then brag about them forever and prance them about as proof they have powers.

Reminds me of the talking to the dead phonies that go in front of massive audiences and say shit like 'I'm getting a Fred, is there a Fred in the audience or a dead relative named Fred'
That right there is enough to reject this as idiocy. McCarthyism still rates as one of the blackest times in our history. Defending that period is something that immediately identifies you as a crank in my mind.

How ironic. You, showing the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction. And the event for this date as follows:

In 1950, on this very day, Alger Hiss was convicted on two counts of perjury for denying charges of espionage.

Further, I suggest that you pick up a copy of the Venona Papers.

"Venona project: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States, List of Americans in the Venona papers (Paperback)
~ Frederic P. Miller (Editor), Agnes F. Vandome (Editor), John McBrewster (Editor)
$43 at Amazon

Using the standards of "Correctness" that you've applied to McCarthy, I'd be 100% correct in saying that the GOP and the Conservative movement is infested with Drug Addicts, Homosexuals, and Corrupt Criminals.

McCarthy's tactic was to literally pick up the phone book and accuse everyone in it of being a Communist. Of course he hit a few right. He also missed spectacularly and repeatedly.

You are unaware of the danger and the extent of the threat.

Without patriots such as McCarthy, the restrictions on the threat, the infiltration of paid Communist agents within the government, and unions, and academia, would have been far more insidious and extensive.

In a previous post, I provided a fairly extensive outline that you might find enlightening.

To a great degree, the control of American foreign policy by Communists, 'fellow travelers' (not a reference to you), and those sympathetic to same, either as a reaction to fascism or due to a belief in a untopianism, was responsible for the one hundred millon murdered by Communist governments in the last century.
How ironic. You, showing the typical liberal knee-jerk reaction. And the event for this date as follows:

In 1950, on this very day, Alger Hiss was convicted on two counts of perjury for denying charges of espionage.

Further, I suggest that you pick up a copy of the Venona Papers.

"Venona project: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States, List of Americans in the Venona papers (Paperback)
~ Frederic P. Miller (Editor), Agnes F. Vandome (Editor), John McBrewster (Editor)
$43 at Amazon

Using the standards of "Correctness" that you've applied to McCarthy, I'd be 100% correct in saying that the GOP and the Conservative movement is infested with Drug Addicts, Homosexuals, and Corrupt Criminals.

McCarthy's tactic was to literally pick up the phone book and accuse everyone in it of being a Communist. Of course he hit a few right. He also missed spectacularly and repeatedly.

You are unaware of the danger and the extent of the threat.

Without patriots such as McCarthy, the restrictions on the threat, the infiltration of paid Communist agents within the government, and unions, and academia, would have been far more insidious and extensive.

In a previous post, I provided a fairly extensive outline that you might find enlightening.

To a great degree, the control of American foreign policy by Communists, 'fellow travelers' (not a reference to you), and those sympathetic to same, either as a reaction to fascism or due to a belief in a untopianism, was responsible for the one hundred millon murdered by Communist governments in the last century.

Not a whole lot of sources for said outline and this doesn't excuse him making reckless accusations (which you haven't denied him doing I noticed).

But OK back to your logic. I'm going to accuse everyone here of being an arsonist because you don't know how much a problem they are and they need to be scared into not lighting fires. Let's ignore the morality of it or the damage that could be done to a person as a result of such false accusations. :evil:

I honestly don't know why you're hellbent on trying to justify his despicable behavior.
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