For the Sake of Argument, Suppose Human Activity is Causing the Earth to Warm Faster than had The IR Never Happened. So . . .

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
How is that harmful?

Are the oceans really going to rise and swallow up life on Earth? Will Kansas have beachfront property?

If the oceans are going to rise, why are so many wealthy believers in Global Warming buying beach property - current beach property, not future beach proper when the ocean makes it into the Great Salt Lake, I mean?

If the ice age did not kill humanity off, how will a period of gradual warming?
Well, this is unexpected.

No one knows of any negative result that can be shown from hypothetical warming of the Earth that would be less gradual than before as a hypothetical result of human activity?


In that case, the whole "global warming" debate is moot. If, in fact, humans are capable of changing the climate, but there is no harm done if we do, then all the money we are spending to "stop the climate from changing," is wasted. That money should be immediately utilized to facilitate further economic development.

We could either divert those tax dollars to developing nations to help them develop faster, or we could simply stop taking those taxes from producers, and let the free market help all nations to develop faster.

I'd favor the second, but either one is far preferable to spending trillions of dollars fighting a non-problem.

Good talk, thanks!

On to the next question . . .
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