For the rich, by the rich


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.
Meanwhile, Madoff's wife Ruth has just agreed to give up her minks and $2 million worth of jewelry, not to mention the beach house, the boat and some $60 million in pilfered assets, leaving her to live on a paltry $2.5 million. (How will she survive?) The coverage in today's Wall Street Journal contrasts what happens to Ruth versus what's happened to Madoff's victims. It's definitely worth a read.
Madoff Gets 150 Years; Wife Gets $2.5 Million; Conspirators?
At least Bernie got what he deserved and justice was served. However, the crooks leading the big Wall Street banks did not get what they deserved. All should be imprisoned with Bernie along, with a good number of stinking politicians.
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

So, the government has stolen $19 trillion and your answer is to elect someone who will steal another $50 trillion in 4 years? :eek:

Fucking brilliant.
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

So, the government has stolen $19 trillion and your answer is to elect someone who will steal another $50 trillion in 4 years? :eek:

Fucking brilliant.
I'm not voting for Trump or Cruz, who wants to start WWIII with Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. I'm not voting for a con that will cut taxes for the rich and put the debt on the backs of everybody else.
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

Hilary got 675K for three speeches to goldman sachs. Are the Clintons rich? Do they owe favors to wall street?

you bitch about the evil rich and yet you support one of the richest and most evil.

are you mentally ill?
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

So, the government has stolen $19 trillion and your answer is to elect someone who will steal another $50 trillion in 4 years? :eek:

Fucking brilliant.
I'm not voting for Trump or Cruz, who wants to start WWIII with Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. I'm not voting for a con that will cut taxes for the rich and put the debt on the backs of everybody else.

none of those people want to start a war. Wars start when we have weak presidents. The threat of war is reduced when we have a strong president and a strong military.
I'm not voting for Trump or Cruz, who wants to start WWIII with Iran, North Korea, China and Russia. I'm not voting for a con that will cut taxes for the rich and put the debt on the backs of everybody else.

While complaining of the national debt, you vow to vote for the man who will increase it at a rate higher than any other American; Bernie "Mao Tse" Sanders.

Simple insanity.
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

So, the government has stolen $19 trillion and your answer is to elect someone who will steal another $50 trillion in 4 years? :eek:

Fucking brilliant.
They didn't steal it. They gave it away. The redistribution of wealth from the trillions lost from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. The trillions lost Republicans gave to Iraq. The trillions lost when Republicans and the Chinese funded Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs and tens of thousands of factories to China while the GOP gave them tax breaks to do it. It's all about giving it away.
Just keep repeating this to yourself. Democracy is nothing more than a bourgeois concept. Just keep reading it from whatever book you got that from.
They didn't steal it. They gave it away. The redistribution of wealth from the trillions lost from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. The trillions lost Republicans gave to Iraq. The trillions lost when Republicans and the Chinese funded Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs and tens of thousands of factories to China while the GOP gave them tax breaks to do it. It's all about giving it away.

Dean, I used to say that you are as stupid as a fucking doorpost.

But that is unfair

To doorposts.

You spew shit with zero regard for whether it is on-topic or has an hint of rationality. As long as it is partisan, you spew it.
They only reason the left pushes 'compassion' and helping the poor as it's political dogma is that they know they can take down the capitialist system by creating a sense of unfairness between those who have money and those that that don't. In the name of compassion those that have stuff should give up their capitalist means and help the poor.
Madoff's wife gets to keep $2.5 million of the $50 billion that Bernie stole. WTF?!

Definitive proof that the laws are written FOR THE RICH, BY THE RICH!

This country is so corrupt, that the government has stolen over $3 trillion from the elderly Social Security.

The government has also stolen $19 trillion from all Americans, and left an IOU for future generations to pay off.

No wonder the younger voters are for Bernie Sanders.

So, the government has stolen $19 trillion and your answer is to elect someone who will steal another $50 trillion in 4 years? :eek:

Fucking brilliant.
They didn't steal it. They gave it away. The redistribution of wealth from the trillions lost from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. The trillions lost Republicans gave to Iraq. The trillions lost when Republicans and the Chinese funded Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs and tens of thousands of factories to China while the GOP gave them tax breaks to do it. It's all about giving it away.

You have no equal when it comes to making up crazy shit that didn't happen. :laugh:
They didn't steal it. They gave it away. The redistribution of wealth from the trillions lost from the Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. The trillions lost Republicans gave to Iraq. The trillions lost when Republicans and the Chinese funded Chamber of Commerce moved millions of jobs and tens of thousands of factories to China while the GOP gave them tax breaks to do it. It's all about giving it away.

Dean, I used to say that you are as stupid as a fucking doorpost.

But that is unfair

To doorposts.

You spew shit with zero regard for whether it is on-topic or has an hint of rationality. As long as it is partisan, you spew it.
Spew the truth? You can't seem to prove anything I say is untrue. Just you thinking it isn't enough.
They only reason the left pushes 'compassion' and helping the poor as it's political dogma is that they know they can take down the capitialist system by creating a sense of unfairness between those who have money and those that that don't. In the name of compassion those that have stuff should give up their capitalist means and help the poor.

that's exactly how Hitler and Mao came to power. and those on the left stupidly supported them.
liberalism is a mental disease.
Spew the truth?

The truth?

You can't even put together a coherent sentence.

Let's look, shall we?

The trillions lost Republicans gave to Iraq.

Now just what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

You don't know, you don't care. It's just random words which emote your visceral hatred. It doesn't even approach coherent.

You can't seem to prove anything I say is untrue. Just you thinking it isn't enough.

What you post is gobbledegook. The incoherent and irrational ramblings of a madman consumed with partisan hatred and lacking even a semblance of connection to reality.

Why would I refute you anymore than I would refute the bum screaming at a lamppost down on Spring and Broadway?
The unfairness is how those with power exploit those that they can exploit.

They only reason the left pushes 'compassion' and helping the poor as it's political dogma is that they know they can take down the capitialist system by creating a sense of unfairness between those who have money and those that that don't. In the name of compassion those that have stuff should give up their capitalist means and help the poor.

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