For the liberals


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
I know the conservatives don't like the site, don't like the man, won't believe the list or the citations, but there are liberal posters here, and I am sharing with them.

A LONG List of President Obama’s Accomplishments! With Citations! | Addicting Info

If you’re one of those folks who thinks President Obama is a “disappointment,” you haven’t been paying attention the last few years. And those of you who try to draw comparisons with the Bush Administration should put away the hallucinogens and have your memory checked. If you were in a coma for the eight Bush Years, I apologize and forgive you. But please join the real world. So far, this president has done most of what he said he would do if elected; imagine what he could have done by now if progressives had supported him and not given him a Congress that doesn’t look at him as if he’s the demon seed.

Not only is he NOT a “disappointment,” he’s pretty much the opposite. And no, I don’t just say that because he took out Osama bin Laden, helped Libya determine their own destiny for the first time in a while, and because he seems able to handle international incidents without starting a new war. The guy does nearly everything we elect a president to do, and he doesn’t brag about it constantly.

Is he perfect? No, he’s human. Does he deserve some criticism? I suppose, but I must admit I haven’t seen any complaints that were of based on anything having to do with the real world. One I can’t forgive him for is pulling Janet Napolitano out of Arizona. But the thing is, on balance, he’s mostly stellar. Besides, criticism about certain specific problems is one thing; taking on an overall “Obama sucks” meme not only has the potential to put Willard Romney into power, it’s also a lie. Just because you wanted a president who would give you a glitter-farting unicorn and didn’t quite get that doesn’t mean he’s not doing well at the job we hired him for.

What follows is a PARTIAL list of Obama’s accomplishments so far. Unlike many such lists, there is a link to a citation supporting every single one.
Obama's "accomplishments" aren't necessarily good for the nation. That's the problem.

Why on earth would it be good trumpet achievement when your achievement leads to problems in the nation?
Obama's "accomplishments" aren't necessarily good for the nation. That's the problem.

Why on earth would it be good trumpet achievement when your achievement leads to problems in the nation?

There is no way on earth you read that article.


I have no way of knowing whether Avatar4321 read the article, but it is certainly possible to object to some of the achievements listed. For example, I'm not sure that we really needed more security along the US-Mexico border (how much would be enough?).
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Of course it's possible to object. However, it's not possible to say he's an entirely worthless empty suit who hasn't done shit since he got there.
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Obama's "accomplishments" aren't necessarily good for the nation. That's the problem.

Why on earth would it be good trumpet achievement when your achievement leads to problems in the nation?

There is no way on earth you read that article.


I have no way of knowing whether Avatar4321 read the article, but it is certainly possible to object to some of the achievements listed. For example, I'm not sure that we really needed more security along the US-Mexico border (how much would be enough?).

I posted at 10:45, she posted at 10:46. That's how I knew.
Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office

No shit??? With Dem-Majority in House and Senate?? :lol:

That's as far as I could go

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Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office

No shit??? With Dem-Majority in House and Senate?? :lol:

That's as far as I could go


Oh, good. Well, they say the first thing that goes is the attention span. ;)
There is no way on earth you read that article.


I have no way of knowing whether Avatar4321 read the article, but it is certainly possible to object to some of the achievements listed. For example, I'm not sure that we really needed more security along the US-Mexico border (how much would be enough?).

I posted at 10:45, she posted at 10:46. That's how I knew.

Good point. I suppose if I were more clever about it I would indeed have had a way of knowing whether the article had been read (unless Avatar4321 had read it before your post, which I concede is unlikely).
Obama's "accomplishments" aren't necessarily good for the nation. That's the problem.

Why on earth would it be good trumpet achievement when your achievement leads to problems in the nation?

Thats the problem is that to conservaitves things that are good for the nation arent good because they are good for obama
Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office

No shit??? With Dem-Majority in House and Senate?? :lol:

That's as far as I could go


Didn't have 60 votes in Senate until 7/7/ course you believe the Pubcrappe....
Obama's "accomplishments" aren't necessarily good for the nation. That's the problem.

Why on earth would it be good trumpet achievement when your achievement leads to problems in the nation?

There is no way on earth you read that article.


Not without laughing my ass off!


How can anyone take the article seriously when it starts off telling the reader that their opinion may be wrong because they haven't been paying attention the past couple years. The problem for Obama is that people have been paying attention, even to the point of reading about many things through alternate sources because the liberal media has been very choosy about what they print. They sugar coat the negatives, if they don't ignore them altogether, and exaggerate anything even remotely positive.

Even those who don't follow the news closely know well how their personal situation is. Millions are still out of work and have given up, millions have lost their homes and are still in dire straits. All the pretty rhetoric out of Washington doesn't make that go away.
There is no way on earth you read that article.


Not without laughing my ass off!


How can anyone take the article seriously when it starts off telling the reader that their opinion may be wrong because they haven't been paying attention the past couple years. The problem for Obama is that people have been paying attention, even to the point of reading about many things through alternate sources because the liberal media has been very choosy about what they print. They sugar coat the negatives, if they don't ignore them altogether, and exaggerate anything even remotely positive.

Even those who don't follow the news closely know well how their personal situation is. Millions are still out of work and have given up, millions have lost their homes and are still in dire straits. All the pretty rhetoric out of Washington doesn't make that go away.

Jesus you are such a retard that you think your opinion cant be wrong if you do not pay attention.
The problem with obama supporters is that they are intelligent so they dont know how to deal with retreads like you

Pepper N Salt

Obama May Lose To A Grass-Roots Operation Chaos In Texas

May 29, 2012 By Tom Thurlow

Don't look now, but President Obama could actually lose his party's nomination contest in this week's Democratic primary contest in Texas. Probably not to any one of the three candidates opposing him, but he could still get less than 50% of the Democrat votes in the Texas Democratic primary. That would be pretty embarrassing. Almost a "no confidence" vote among Democrats.

Embarrassment is really all that is at stake. President Obama locked up the Democratic nomination for president weeks ago. Now the primary votes are an occasion for protest votes against President Obama and his policies.

And things are starting to look pretty ugly. On May 9, 41% of voters in the West Virginia Democratic primary voted for an inmate in a federal prison over Barack Obama. "They voted out of frustration," the gaff-prone Vice President Joe Biden explained. No kidding! With the official unemployment rate still above 8% two years after a recovery started, no wonder only 53% of Americans envision worse economic times ahead.

Read more: Blog: Obama May Lose To A Grass-Roots Operation Chaos In Texas
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Obama’s success rate in winning congressional votes on issues was an unprecedented 96.7% for his first year in office

No shit??? With Dem-Majority in House and Senate?? :lol:

That's as far as I could go


Didn't have 60 votes in Senate until 7/7/ course you believe the Pubcrappe....

Didn't need it, idOt

From the OP's linked article:

He pushed through and got passed Dodd-Frank, one of the largest and most comprehensive Wall Street reforms since the Great Depression. Senate passes massive Wall Street regulation bill - Bank Reform -
(from the "supporting link")
The 59-39 vote represents an important achievement for President Barack Obama, and comes just two months after his health care overhaul became law.


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