For liberals, does majority rule?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
You guys complain about HIllary winning “the popular vote”.

However, You won’t put abortion on the ballot, and GAY MARRIAGE LOST IN CALIFORNIA.

Can you please explain when the majority rules and when you guys are protecting us from ourselves?
HIllary won the popular vote. That means 3 million more Americans voted for her than voted for Trump. It does not make her President, but it means Trump cannot claim most Americans support his policies
This country does not have majority rule

Republicans rule from a minority. It means more Americans voted for Democrats in the Senate, House and Presidency

It also allowed a minority to stock the courts

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
You guys complain about HIllary winning “the popular vote”.

However, You won’t put abortion on the ballot, and GAY MARRIAGE LOST IN CALIFORNIA.

Can you please explain when the majority rules and when you guys are protecting us from ourselves?
Sure they do. After all they prove that in Calif, Many Counties have more voters than population that lives in the County. The Majority rules in the Progressive party and this is way they use Buses.

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
Until you campaign against affirmative action you can shut up about majority rule.

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
This is false information so can you explain the Soros supporting the Following info:

Some of those board members who are members of the media include Harvard University scholar and Washington Post columnist Danielle Allen, Foreign Policy contributor and Georgetown Law professor Rosa Brooks, and Steve Coll, who is the dean of Columbia University graduate School of Journalism.
American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.
American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.
American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ's goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.
American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's War on Terror -- most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls "a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users."
The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.
Soros and Son support the Far Left in so many 501 abd 527 Deep Dark Money it is hard to list. These outspoken Corporation as involved in every TRaining program to put street people out on the street to do whatever it takes to disrupt cause people to be scared and threatened. So don't tell me that people are not threatened by the Troll and bots posting the lies of the Lefts.

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
Until you campaign against affirmative action you can shut up about majority rule.

Not following your logic
You think the majority should decide to pay the minority lower wages?
American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ's goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.
American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's War on Terror -- most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls "a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users."
The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.
Soros and Son support the Far Left in so many 501 abd 527 Deep Dark Money it is hard to list. These outspoken Corporation as involved in every TRaining program to put street people out on the street to do whatever it takes to disrupt cause people to be scared and threatened. So don't tell me that people are not threatened by the Troll and bots posting the lies of the Lefts.

American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ's goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.

Works for me

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
Until you campaign against affirmative action you can shut up about majority rule.

Not following your logic
You think the majority should decide to pay the minority lower wages?
That is YOUR logic.

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional

Voters generally do not vote for only one party their entire life. Many switch parties and/or become independents and/or vote for the oppositon on occasion. So I call bullshit that Dems are an overwhelmingly dominant party destined to become bigger and bigger.

Both parties Gerrymander. I don't know what the threshold is for "illegal gerrymandering", that's for the Courts to decide. Funny how demographics works, after people get good jobs and pay taxes, they seem to become repubs. That's probably why the dems want to keep the flow of low IQ low skilled workers coming into their urban plantations, to ensure dependency.

Trump appointed two conservatives to the 9-member USSC. "Packing" is when he appoints another 6 or 7 making the USSC more populous, would you howl then?
You guys complain about HIllary winning “the popular vote”.

However, You won’t put abortion on the ballot, and GAY MARRIAGE LOST IN CALIFORNIA.

Can you please explain when the majority rules and when you guys are protecting us from ourselves?

No lib replies, shocking,...

Libs, please specifically tell me when the majority should dictate the law?

Example: HIllary won the electoral college but gay marriage lost in California.

Please explain why HIllary should be POTUS and gay marriage should be legal according to your rules.
You guys complain about HIllary winning “the popular vote”.

However, You won’t put abortion on the ballot, and GAY MARRIAGE LOST IN CALIFORNIA.

Can you please explain when the majority rules and when you guys are protecting us from ourselves?
We are the majority.

You hate majority rule

So you agree there shouldn’t be gay marriage in California.

Thanks, I knew some of you were reasonable.

We have a liberal who believes in Majority rules.

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional

Voters generally do not vote for only one party their entire life. Many switch parties and/or become independents and/or vote for the oppositon on occasion. So I call bullshit that Dems are an overwhelmingly dominant party destined to become bigger and bigger.

Both parties Gerrymander. I don't know what the threshold is for "illegal gerrymandering", that's for the Courts to decide. Funny how demographics works, after people get good jobs and pay taxes, they seem to become repubs. That's probably why the dems want to keep the flow of low IQ low skilled workers coming into their urban plantations, to ensure dependency.

Trump appointed two conservatives to the 9-member USSC. "Packing" is when he appoints another 6 or 7 making the USSC more populous, would you howl then?

We shall see....

Right now, Republicans are hurting demographically with Hispanics, Blacks, females and the young

Females and the young may eventually switch loyalties .......the black and Hispanic vote is gone for generations

Incorrect. The "majority" is determined by "electoral votes" in presidential elections. The Senate and House seats are determined by simple State "majorities" so rightwinger is simply wrong. The GOP won actual majorities for Senate and House races, and the GOP won the electoral college votes for the presidency. Stop fucking whining already. Just heard the dems whining about the 23 seats to take over the House got a lot more since several House seats will switch from dem to GOP, which adds to the number needed for the deems to take the House back. Too bad...

Republicans have figured out how to rule from a minority

Most Americans do not support them

Through Gerrymandering, low population red states and an unbalanced Electoral College,they have taken control of the country

But their tactics can only last so long. They realize demographics are working against them.

So they are packing the courts with young conservatives so they can rule any Democratic legislation unconstitutional
Until you campaign against affirmative action you can shut up about majority rule.
Beached and Unbleached

Can we mention the Affirmative Action suffrage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act granted against the will of the majority and therefore undemocratic? Or do we continue to let powerful Whiteys Hating Whitey dictatorially dilute the majority with incompatible elements until their pawns, pets, and pit bulls actually form a new majority through blending and by bleeding the White out?

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