For Gay Syrians, Jihadist Threat Adds New Fear


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I would imagine that all the Gays living in the Muslim world must look on with envy at the freedom which Gays have in the civilized West. Regardless of how people think about Gays, at least the Gays in the West know that they will not be murdered because of their sexual orientation.

For Gay Syrians, Jihadist Threat Adds New Fear
World | Agence France-Presse | Updated: December 23, 2014 10:22 IST


File Photo: Islamic State militants (Associated Press)

DAMASCUS: Since jihadists from the Islamic State group seized control of two north eastern Syrian provinces, Jad has lost all contact with friends there from the country's tight-knit gay community.

The 32-year-old gay man, part of a community that has long suffered from persecution in socially conservative Syria, fears the worst.

"I don't have any news from them, their Facebook pages have been closed down," Jad said, sharing drinks with friends at a traditional cafe in an old neighbourhood of Damascus.

"Are they still alive? Have they managed to flee?" he wondered. "I don't know, and that's frightening."

His concern has only grown as the jihadists have released images showing attacks on homosexuals, including photographs this month of a man being thrown off a building and stoned.

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