For all the pants shitting on here let's hear it. How has Trump personally affected you?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.


Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.



Aren't you against civil forfeiture? Why? It hasn't personally affected you.
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Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.



Aren't you against civil forfeiture? Why? It hasn't personally affected you.
If you're referring to eminent domain then yes I'm against it IN MOST CASES.

Now that we have that little diversion out of the way perhaps you could answer the question.
Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.



I sleep better just knowing I will never again have to tolerate Hillary's presidential ambitions.
he cured my socialism blues. :cool:

New York Times Hypocrisy On Corporate Taxes Reaches Record High
Jan 31, 2016 - I use economic insight to analyze issues and critique policy. ... The New York Times Co.offices in New York City. ... headquarters in a building built on land seized by the government under the power of eminent domain from ...

However, I do not need to lecture The New York Times on that topic because it knows that lesson well. After all, the newspaper of record has its headquarters in a building built on land seized by the government under the power of eminent domain from ten different owners, some of whom did not want to sell, implying that the government exercise of power saved the developer money. In addition to that benefit, The New York Times also received $26 million in tax breaks in exchange for keeping jobs in New York City.

i believe bruce ratzinger was the developer. and of course Kelo V New London.
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How has Trump affected me?

He made it possible for me to laugh at both republicans AND democrats
Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.


I grew my hair longer and joined the army..
I ENJOY watching the continued butt hurt of the left................

So he's made me laugh.................

Yes.......I'm ENJOYING the breakdown of the left, MSM, establishment, and the Never Trumpers.
Come on, out with it. Since so many of you are crying in your pillows it's time to spill the beans.

What specifically has the Trump administration done that has affected you to the point that it's had a personal impact on your life.


Firearm/ammo sales are much more consistent, it has leveled out nicely.. I am not selling out of ammo every time the president opens his mouth. Lol
I still have not heard any real butt hurt from anyone because Trump is president… Let's hear it... let it all out.
I'm good with Trump. He's made some Rookie Politician mistakes, but i expected that from someone who isn't a Professional Politician. He'll get it together. As long he keeps fighting for the things i supported him for, he'll always have my support.

And when y'all fellow Trump-supporters get down about all the negative Democrat Fake News attacks, just remember how catastrophic the Hitlery alternative would have been. That should perk ya right up. Go Trump! :)
The DC establishment is freaking out, the so called press is freaking out, GOP RINO's are freaking out, good job president Trump :eusa_clap:
Yes, so far Trumpet has done an excellent imitation of Mr. Bean


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