Food safety issues. Do we have a choice?


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
How safe is the food chain?

I wonder how many dairies are using "rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)".
wiki said:
Portions of a wiki article on Monsanto, "It is a hormone that is injected into cows to increase milk production, causing a number of problems with the milk,raising levels of pus, antibiotic residues, and a cancer accelerating hormone called IGF-1. IGF-1 is a hormone stimulated by rBGH in the cow's blood stream, which is directly responsible for the increase in milk production. IGF-1 is a natural hormone found in the milk of both humans and cows causing the quick growth of infants. Though this hormone is naturally found in mothers to be fed to their infants it produces adverse effects in non-infants. IGF-1 behaves as a cancer accelerator in adults and non-infants; this biologically active hormone is associated with breast, prostate, and colon cancers...

Do you know of any other issues that we may not be well informed of?
How safe is the food chain?

I wonder how many dairies are using "rBGH (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone)". NNDB MAPPER MONSANTO, HUGH GRANT

Do you know of any other issues that we may not be well informed of?

yea i wonder myself,the people who inspect the cattle only do 1% of the herds,even though there was something like 5-6 cows infected with mad cow in a 2-3 yrs.period.....i buy 90% of any meat i get from a market called Whole Foods....they buy from select herds who dont use hormones and they do their own testing for costs a little more,but i think its worth it.....

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