Flush the TPP


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
The next step in consolidating private control over public resources is masquerading as another "Free Trade" agreement, and it's not subject to debate in congress or the "free" press.

The Transpacific Partnership is uniting Republicans and Obama; does that sound like Hope or Change?

"The TPP negotiations have been held in secret. Most people know what little they do because WikiLeaks, the document disclosure and whistle-blower website, released several chapters more than a year ago. Members of Congress also have been given limited access to briefings on the negotiations, but under strict secrecy rules that, in at least one instance recently, include the threat of imprisonment if details leak."

Amy Goodman Flush the TPP -Truthdig
"No official timeframe is set on completion of the TPP, but a final agreement could come as early as July, according to Shuaihua Cheng, founder and managing director for the China arm of the nonprofit International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.

"Five to seven sticking points remain, but most issues have been settled at the negotiating table, an Obama administration official who was not authorized to speak for attribution told CNBC.

"'There are some important things [left in the negotiations], but nothing that could not or should not be solvable by ministers being locked up in a room for three days,' the official told CNBC. 'We think we are in the end game—we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.'"

Another "fast track" free trade swindle is the last thing the US economy needs today. Between now and Labor Day every member of congress will have to cast a vote either in favor of "fast track" or in opposition. Republicans AND Democrats alike seem to be leaning toward the former.

TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact in final stages China set to join later
"No official timeframe is set on completion of the TPP, but a final agreement could come as early as July, according to Shuaihua Cheng, founder and managing director for the China arm of the nonprofit International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development.

"Five to seven sticking points remain, but most issues have been settled at the negotiating table, an Obama administration official who was not authorized to speak for attribution told CNBC.

"'There are some important things [left in the negotiations], but nothing that could not or should not be solvable by ministers being locked up in a room for three days,' the official told CNBC. 'We think we are in the end game—we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.'"

Another "fast track" free trade swindle is the last thing the US economy needs today. Between now and Labor Day every member of congress will have to cast a vote either in favor of "fast track" or in opposition. Republicans AND Democrats alike seem to be leaning toward the former.

TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact in final stages China set to join later

tpp is free trade. If you cant trade you have to make everything yourself and you get poorer and poorer. Its a no brainer but liberals have no brain.
tpp is free trade. If you cant trade you have to make everything yourself and you get poorer and poorer. Its a no brainer but liberals have no brain
Was NAFTA free trade?
How many middle class jobs did that corporate lie cost? Maybe you're smart enough to know why only five of the TPP's twenty-nine chapters deals with traditional trade issues?
Trans-Pacific Partnership
Was NAFTA free trade?
How many middle class jobs did that corporate lie cost?
dear, what was the lie exactly??

Ask Bill.(or Hill)
Why do you love corporations so much?

they provide us with the products that got us from the stone age to here and the incomes with which to those products. They make life possible.

See why we think a liberal will be 100% stupid?? What other conclusion is possible?? Perhaps it is the Girl Scouts who provide our jobs an products??
yes dear human labor organized by Republican capitalism into corporations.
Republicans are great capitalists
"The Republican victory with Herbert C. Hoover in 1928 marked the first time since the end of Reconstruction that the party had carried states of the old Confederacy; this came about chiefly because the Democratic candidate, Alfred E. Smith, was a Roman Catholic and an opponent of prohibition."

Read more: Republican party: Depression and World War II http://www.infoplease.com/encyclope...ty-depression-world-war-ii.html#ixzz3VREOkMP9
yes dear human labor organized by Republican capitalism into corporations.
Republicans are great capitalists
"The Republican victory with Herbert C. Hoover in 1928 marked the first time since the end of Reconstruction that the party had carried states of the old Confederacy; this came about chiefly because the Democratic candidate, Alfred E. Smith, was a Roman Catholic and an opponent of prohibition."

Read more: Republican party: Depression and World War II http://www.infoplease.com/encyclope...ty-depression-world-war-ii.html#ixzz3VREOkMP9

"Hoover and the Republicans were blamed for the disastrous economic depression that soon enveloped the country, and the Democrats, under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, were swept into office in 1932. The frustrated Republicans were never able to break the remarkable hold of Roosevelt and the New Deal on the electorate and regularly went down to defeat every four years, with Alfred M. Landon (1936), WendellWillkie (1940), and Thomas E. Dewey (1944).

Read more: Republican party: Depression and World War II http://www.infoplease.com/encyclope...ty-depression-world-war-ii.html#ixzz3VRNTzTwC
so what?? Hoover was a liberal. Ever heard of the Hoover Dam stimulus project??
"Hoover went on to be a vocal critic of the New Deal, viewing it as one step removed from fascism, putting him in the camp of the most conservative Republicans."
"Hoover was a liberal:ack-1:
Revisiting Herbert Hoover Publius the Geek

dear, the king of England was a critic of the King of France and went to war many times but that does not mean they were not both kings. Does the little boy understand now?

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