Flouride Linked to Cancer

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Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
mple], automotive parts, aluminum foil, and so on.
Sodium Fluoride is a bi-product of aluminum manufacturing, much of which enters our lakes rivers and streams through run off, (or from manufacturing plants actually dumping the toxic sludge) entering the environmental chain. A lot of this chemical substance is also used in and can be found in products such as toothpaste, rat poison, bottled water, and it is even injected into tap water supplies worldwide.
Oh, you don’t drink tap water you say?
Don’t worry, they now include fluoride in some bottled water (including bottled water for toddlers), but bottled water is not the only water you have to worry about.
What about the baths or showers you have been taking, where the fluoride has been absorbing into your skin and is being inhaled as a hot gaseous steam into the throat and lungs of your body?
This is the very substance used in rat poison.
The National Research Council has done studies and released literature on the fact that fluoride affects the thyroid gland and it’s functions in the human body.
The following is a quote from the NRC Panel Chair;
“The thyroid changes do worry me. There are some things there that need to be explored. What the committee found is that we’ve gone with the status quo regarding fluoride for many years—for too long, really—and now we need to take a fresh look. In the scientific community, people tend to think this is settled. I mean, when the U.S. surgeon general comes out and says this is one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th century, that’s a hard hurdle to get over. But when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant.”

Fluoride and Radiation Linked To Thyroid Cancer :
We've been hearing this for years...infact I remember it being a big deal for women not to buy/use deoderant that contained aluminum due to breast cancer risks. But... wouldn't do me any good anyway. I've been drinking the water out here for years. If I'm gonna get sick...it's probably too late to worry about it.
I'm old enough to remember when flouride in drinking water was a communist plot. This was back in the '50s.

Maybe they were right.

Those commies sure are a patient lot.
Good news for women...
Gene link to 70% of hard-to-treat breast cancers
14 July 2011 - Some breast cancers are much harder to treat
A gene has been linked to 70% of hard-to-treat breast cancers which are resistant to hormone therapies, in US research. The study published in Nature used a new technique which tested hundreds of genes at once, rather than one at a time. Scientists said there was "a lot of potential for significant impact" if drugs could be developed. Cancer Research UK said it would be interesting to see where the study led. Hormones can force tumour growth, so drugs which interfere with that process, such tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors, are used as treatments. Up to a third of breast cancers, however, are not hormone driven, so these drugs do not work and there are fewer treatments available for these patients.

Turn off

The researchers at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Massachusetts, used small, disruptive, snippets of genetic material which can turn off genes. They injected cancerous cells with the snippets to investigate which genes were necessary for tumour formation and growth. hey found that the gene - PHGDH -was highly active, far more than usual, in 70% of tumours which did not respond to hormone therapies. Over expression of the gene results in the chemistry of a cancerous cell changing and is involved in the production of an amino acid - serine.

The hope is that by identifying the gene which leads to some breast cancers, a drug can be developed which interferes with its activity. Dr Richard Possemato told the BBC: "There is a lot of potential for a significant impact if a therapy targeting the serine pathway were found to be effective. "However, as we do not treat any patients in our study, or develop any chemical inhibitors of the pathway, it would be very premature to predict the response in the general population."

The technique used allowed researchers to analyse large numbers of genes, they said "the technological advance is one of scale". Cancer Research UK's Henry Scowcroft said: "The more scientists delve into cancer's inner secrets, the more clues to future treatments they discover. "This early work has identified a possible new avenue for future research into a hard-to-treat form of breast cancer, and it will be interesting to see where it leads."

BBC News - Gene link to 70% of hard-to-treat breast cancers
Your masters LOVE fluoride. It's a byproduct of one of their owners, Alcoa. They couldn't figure out what to do with the byproduct of aluminum processing so they sold it to you morons. It's illegal in many nations.
It's also used in the manufacturing of rat poison.
You happy yet ? :lol::lol::lol:
Gawd blass murka !
Height a factor too...
Tall people 'more likely to develop cancer'
20 July 2011 - Height is linked to cancers, but the reason why is unknown.
Being tall has been linked to a greater risk of 10 common cancers by University of Oxford researchers. For every four inches (10cm) above five feet a person was, the researchers said they had a 16% increased cancer risk. The study of more than one million women, published in The Lancet Oncology, suggested chemicals that control growth might also affect tumours.

Cancer Research UK said tall people should not be alarmed by the findings. The study followed 1.3 million middle-aged women in the UK between 1996 and 2001. It linked 10 cancers to height - colon, rectal, malignant melanoma, breast, endometrial (uterus), ovarian, kidney, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukaemia.

Those in the tallest group, over 5ft 9in, were 37% more likely to have developed a tumour than those in the shortest group, under 5ft. Although the study looked only at women, the researchers said the height link was also present in men. They combined 10 other research studies which showed a similar link in men.

Reason unknown

Dr Jane Green, lead researcher and from the University of Oxford, told the BBC: "Obviously height itself cannot affect cancer, but it may be a marker for something else." Scientists believe that as there is a link across many cancers there "may be a basic common mechanism". They think, but have not proved, that growth hormones - such as insulin-like growth factors - may be the explanation.

More BBC News - Tall people 'more likely to develop cancer'
We've been hearing this for years...infact I remember it being a big deal for women not to buy/use deoderant that contained aluminum due to breast cancer risks. But... wouldn't do me any good anyway. I've been drinking the water out here for years. If I'm gonna get sick...it's probably too late to worry about it.

It's antipersperant that contains the aluminum ingredient, not deoderant.

And the reason I switched to deoderant is because there is a possible link between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease, not breast cancer. The brains of people who die with Alzheimer's seem to have a lot of aluminum in them.

The article I read several years ago said that the correlation had not been proven, although there was evidence to indicate it was true. Do you want to be the guinea pig? the article asked. I switched to deoderant the week I read that. Because, no, I don't want to be the guinea pig.
At the rate researchers are finding links to cancer, in 20 years there will be so few things that aren't links to cancer, researchers will be writing papers about them.
Would putting water IN A MICROWAVE and boiling it for a few minutes destroy the flouride in it? (Toothpaste,etc)

All this is quite worrying..... EVERYTHING THEY GIVE PPL SEEMS TO BE BAD!!!!! -- Its really getting hard to find safe things!!
There is nothing even close to conclusive evidence that flouride/flouridated water etc causes cancer.
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